Lofty Bilberry deduces that if the Black Spider was reluctant to enter the Mushroom room, Fungi Cavern, then it must be a dangerous place to enter and Mormesk The Wraith is just one. But then again, it would mean that they had an advantage and would enter a part of Wave Echo Cave that had been left un-investigated by the Black Spider and his minions.

Having remembered the basic working of Fungi, Lofty suspects that there will be some for of attack or defensive mechanism that would be triggered if someone, or something, entered the Fungi Cavern.

The Rogues comes up with the following plan. As the Rogue had the ‘Boots of Striding & Springing’, was able to move the furthest and also could use his Halfling Stout Resilience to battle the effect of the Fungi or at least escape the possible creatures inside.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “It may be a good idea to also tie a rope around my waist so as to be able to pull me back if my luck runs out.”

Astrid: “A very good idea brother.”

The Rogue then pauses and looks to Galdor, who had the look of someone that had had a great idea.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I think I will employ my ‘Mage Hand’ fist to check the ground covering and a Fungi or two, that way we can see if we will trigger something unpleasant.”

 Galdor: ”I was thinking the very same thing.”

The Arcane Trickster casts his ‘Mage Hand’ and moves it through the Fungi Cavern withs its fingers brushing along the ground. Then the intension was to touch one of the large Fungi but  before that could happen the carpet of Fungi released their spores filling the whole craven and making it lightly obscure the area.

Lofty was very pleased that they had taken the time to explore the Fungi Cavern before he had entered. The adventurers wait for the spores to settle and that take about a minute to do so.

Galdor casts ‘Resistance’ on Lofty.

The Rogue then makes a little prayer and leaps into the eerie green phosphorescence of the Fungi Cavern. As soon as the Rogue hits the ground he begins to dash towards the Northern exit to the cavern. The most important fact was that the Rogue was not assailed by any creatures which was a stroke of luck.

Nearing the exit, and thinking that he was in the clear, the Rogue is suddenly engulfed in Fungi Spores. His makeshift face covering prevented most of the Spores from effecting the Halfling, as did his Stout Resilience. However, as he leaped for the exit his exposed skin started to sting and itch due to the irritants of the spores but the Rogue managed to avoid its true effect.

Once again, the Fungi Cavern is filled with spores, making visibility hard and so the Arcane Trickster cast his Spell, ‘Message’, and informs Astrid for what had happened. Next the Rogue listens out for any enemies to the North and hears none.

The Arcane Trickster sends another ‘Message’ to Astrid and invites her to cross the Fungi Chamber guided but the rope which was attached to the Rogue.

Galdor casts ‘Resistance’ on Astrid.

The Monk then dashes out and across the Spore filled cavern and her Stout Resilience and Galdor’s blessing allows the Monk to cross the cavern without any ill effects.

Galdor finally casts ‘Resistance’ on himself.

Galdor, without the aid of a rope, then make his way across the Fungi Cavern and is also able to avoid any ill effects due to the spores.

The Rogues spends his time listen out to the North, into the un-explored cavern, to see if there are signs of more enemies in front of the adventurers. The Rogue hears nothing that alarms him and waits for his comrades to join him.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “This chamber beyond feels seams.”

Galdor: “Young Lofty, use your ‘Dancing Lights’ Spell to illuminate the ceiling if you think we are safe. I think I see something on the Caverns ceiling.”

The Arcane Trickster cast ‘Dancing Lights’ and Galdor uses his Spell ‘Thaumaturgy” to dim the lights and then bring them up to full dim light.

The Arcane Trickster looks at the celling and his Magical Intuitiveness senses that there is a subtle aura of Magic in this vast cavern.

Galdor: “Young Wizard, I think you might want to look at the ‘Light’ Spell instead as it is an all-round better Spell that has greater variety and is not Dim light, which gives everyone disadvantage to sight based skills.”

As the heroes look about the illuminated cavern, they see the following:


Glittering minerals in the ceiling of this large cavern catch the light and send it back to create the impression of a starry night sky. Dozens of skeletons—many crushed under fallen debris—are scattered across the floor.

The cave is large enough that it contains two freestanding structures. Each of these stone buildings is proportioned for human use, as opposed to the dwarf-sized doorways and furnishings you’ve seen elsewhere in the mines. Both structures have battered and blackened masonry walls, their double doors cracked and scorched. The cavern is divided by an escarpment, into which a flight of stairs has been cut.

Passages lead out of this area to the north, south, and west.

The adventures all take the time to look about the Starry Cavern and they feel that they are safe, for now. Lofty feels that the structural damage and the skeletal remains in this area are evidence of the destructive Spell battle fought here centuries ago when the Orcs and their Mercenary Human Wizards stormed the mines.

Galdor: “The Western side of the Starry Cavern seams empty to me.”

Astrid Bilberry: “I canny see nothing dangerous this side either.”

The Arcane Trickster moves towards the Human sized building and attempts to see what lays inside. However, the doors leading into this area are cracked, their iron hinges partially melted. From the little he can see inside the Rogue can make out that this appears to be a dwelling of some sort, with  a bed and other furniture, but it all looks burnt.

The Rogue takes out the wooden pipe adorned with platinum filigree and holds it out in front of the doors and attempts to command the doors open, but nothing happens.

Once again calls upon his ‘Mage Hand’ Spell, this time using it to probe and attempt to open the doors to the closet building on the Eastern wall.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “No good, its too much for my Mage Hand alone. Galdor, Astrid come and provide me with cover while I try to open one of the doors.”

The 2 adventurers join the Rogue by the doors and look around.

Lofty manages to move the stone-cut door enough for him to be able to enter the room.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “All done.”

Astrid Bilberry: “What can you see brother.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Not much more and what I can see has also been blasted by Magic Spells or possibly just fire damage.”

The Rogue then asks politely if Astrid would enter the Wizard’s Quarters whist, he would cover her with his bow and Galdor should stand guard by the doorway. Astrid enters the room.


Dust, ash, walls blackened by fire, and heaps of debris beneath the sagging ceiling show that this room was damaged by a destructive blast. The furnishings—tables, chairs, bookshelves, beds—are charred or splintered, but otherwise well preserved. A scorched iron chest stands near the foot of one of the beds.

Astrid lets the Rogue know of her findings and he and the Cleric enter the chamber. not knowing that Mormesk The Wraith waits for them inside.

Astrid Bilberry: “I will listen at the Southern door first and then you can do what you do best brother.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “A very good plan sister.”

Galdor enters the chamber and stands guard by the door scanning the Wizard’s Chamber for potential danger.

Astrid can hear no noise from behind the stone door and so the Rogue attempts to pick the lock of the scorched Iron Chest. The Rogue is unsuccessful and so they turn their attention to the door. It turns out that the door is unlocked and with the adventures find more bookshelves but this time they appear to have been saved from the fire and appear undamaged.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Look here, A dozen or so are magically preserved tomes that remain on the shelves. Most are just histories, but this one has something sewn into its cover.”

The Rogue deftly takes out his shaving Razor and cut out a parchment.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “It’s a Map of some sort. Look that’s the Forlorn Hills if I’m not mistaken. And these are plans of rooms and corridors. It’s a Treasure Map for sure. Look it has a place marked here called Bloodgate  

The adventurers then return to the scorched Iron Chest, blonging to Mormesk The Wraith, and again tries to open it with his Thieves’ Tools and this time the Rogue is successful.

Inside Mormesk The Wraith unlocked scorched chest is 1,100 cp, 360 sp, 150 ep, 3 Diamonds (100 gp each), and a small leather case.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “There appears to be a small trinket under all the coin, I just can’t get to it…”

As the Rogue turns around, he can now see why there was no response from Galdor or Astrid. Floating directly behind him was a huge incorporeal remnant of a particularly hateful being, Mormesk The Wraith .

Galdor: “It’s a Wraith young Lofty, don’t let it touch you.”

The Cleric cry’s out as he brings forth his Holy Symbol once again. The Undead creature does not even flinch at the Cleric’s attempt to banish it.

Mormesk the Wraith: “I am Mormesk the Wraith and your presence is offensive to me, your life forfeit. My treasures are mine alone, not yours to plunder!”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Wait, we are not your enemies and wish you no harm.”

Mormesk the Wraith: “You have come here to rob me of my treasures and that I cannot allow.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I was not taking anything but replacing that which was stolen from you….look.”

Lofty takes out the wooden pipe adorned with platinum filigree and holds it up towards Mormesk the Wraith as he also bows his head slightly.

Mormesk the Wraith: “My Pipe, but how, where, when?”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Take this gift from me and forgive our trespass oh venerable Mormesk.”

Mormesk, who had now shrunk down to his form size, reaches out and takes the wooden pipe adorned with platinum filigree and it turns from corporeal to non- corporeal.

Mormesk the Wraith: “Take of that which you want, I need nothing more than this. But know that you must deal with the custodian of the Forge of Spells.”

The Wraith points North and vanishes into the ground.

The Rogue takes the 3 Dimond’s and the Map.

The adventurers leave the Wizard’s Quarters and find themselves in the Starry Cavern once again.

Galdor: “The Western side of the Starry Cavern seams empty to me.”

Astrid Bilberry: “I canny see nothing dangerous to the South side either.”

Lofty, as he turns to talk to his crew, is able to spot movement up on the escarpment, the sign of someone or something moving, crouched and heading towards the stairs that lead down to the adventurers.

The Rouge lifts his Shortbow and alerts his fellow Waterdhavian that they are no longer alone in this Starry Cavern. The adventures all take the time again to look about the Starry Cavern and they feel that they are safe, for now.

Caught off-guard 3 Ghouls manage to reach the party before any of them can react, apart from the Rogue that is as he dashes into the Wizard’s Quarters after having fired upon one of the filthy creatures.

The battle begins.

Galdor takes out his Coin of Tymora, Holy Symbol, and calls forth the power of his God. However, these creatures are far too hungry to fear another’s God and so only one of the Ghouls flees in terror. Then more misfortune befalls the adventurers as another 3 Ghouls surge from behind the great stone pillar in the Starry Cavern and straight towards the Monk Halfling.

Most of the Ghouls head for the Halfling Monk and just the one tries to attack Galdor and the heroes fight for their lives once again.

Galdor draws his Longsword and attack the single Ghoul in front of him, with a little help from The Rogue who take up a position inside the Wizard’s Quarters, yet able to fire at the Ghouls attacking Galdor. The Cleric also casts his Spell ‘Shield of Faith’ on Astrid and she is instantly surrounded by a Holy shimmering field.

All the attacks on Astrid are delivered by the Ghouls with their Claws and the one attack Galdor tried to bite the Elf. All the attacks on Astrid failed, Galdor was not so luck but he was still protected by his ‘Aid’ Spell and took no real damage.

The Ghoul fighting with Galdor is dispatched and the Rogue moves out towards the doors in order to join the battle and provide Shortbow cover. Galdor Joins Astrid and is able to draw one of the Undead to him.

The adventurers manage to kill all but one of the Ghouls who stops fighting and dashes off towards the Southern tunnel, leading to the Fungi Cavern, and screams out as did the previous Ghoul that was turned by Galdor during their first encounter.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the cavern.

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