Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans (png files)
These Castle Ravenloft Floor Plans png files have been created by Lolailo.Inc. The village of Barovia cowers in the shadow of Castle Ravenloft, Strahd’s home and fortress. The castle stands atop a great spire of rock, invincible and ever watchful. Every night, thousands of bats fly out of the castle to feed. It is said that Strahd sometimes flies with them. Barovia will never be safe until the evil in his castle is destroyed. Enjoy the Castle Ravenloft Plans png.
A gust of air like the foul-smelling breath of some horrible monster greets the adventurers as they climb the steps of a tower in the Castle. Such is the nature of gothic horror: fear bred by anticipation and the dark realization that all will be truly and horribly revealed in time.
After winding through the forest and craggy mountain peaks, the road takes a sudden turn to the east, and the startling, awesome presence of Castle Ravenloft towers before you. The carriage comes to a dead stop before twin turrets of stone, broken from years of ex·posure. Beyond these guard towers is the precipice of a fifty·foot-wide, fog-filled chasm that disappears into unknown depths.
A lowered drawbridge of old, shored-up wooden beams stretches across the chasm, between you and the archway to the courtyard . The chains of the drawbridge creak in the wind, their rust-eaten iron straining under the weight. From atop the high walls, stone gargoyles stare at you out of their hollow eye sockets and grin hideously. A rotting wooden portcullis, green with growth, hangs above the entry tunnel. Beyond this location, the main doors of Ravenloft stand open . A rich, warm light spills from within , flooding the courtyard . Torches flutter sadly in sconces on both sides ofthe open doors.
Below are the Castle Ravenloft Floor Plans png files.
Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K04. Carriage House:

K05. Chapel Garden A:

K05. Chapel Garden B:

K06. Overlook and Roofs:

K06. Overlook:

Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K08. Great Entry:

K10. Dining Hall:

K13a. Turret Post Access Hall:

K14. Hall of Faith:

K15. Chapel of Ravenloft – LEFT:

K15. Chapel of Ravenloft – RIGHT:

Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K19. Grand Landing:

K20a. Tower Hall of Honor:

K20a. Tower Hall of Honor:

K20b. Tower Hall of Honor Heart:

K20a. Tower Hall of Honor:

K20b. Tower Hall of Honor:

K20d. Tower Hall of Honor:

K20e. Tower Hall of Honor:

K20f. Tower Hall of Honor:

K20g. Tower Hall of Honor:

Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K25. Audience Hall:

K27. Hall of Grace:

K28. King’s Worship Place:

K30. Office of the King’s Accountant:

Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K36. Dining Hall of the Count:

K37. Study Fireplace:

K37. Study:

K42. Bedchamber:

K45. Hall of Heroes:

KK47. The Landing – K48. Offstair – K49. Lounge – K50. Guestroom – K51. Closet A:

K47. The Landing – K48. Offstair – K49. Lounge – K50. Guestroom – K51. Closet B:

K52. Roof 1:

K52. Smokestack:

K54. Familiar Room – K55. Element Room – K56. Caldron A:

K54. Familiar Room – K55. Element Room – K56. Caldron B:

K57 – K58. Parapet Pentagram:

K57. Parapet Pentagram Tower Stairs:

K57 – K58. Parapet Pentagram B:

K57 – K58. Parapet Pentagram A:

K57 – K58. Parapet Pentagram:

K60a. Northtower Rooftop:

K60b. Northtower Peak:

Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K62. Servants’ Hall:

K63. Wine Cellar:

K67. Guards’ Hall – Hall of Bones:

K69. Guards’ Quarters:

K70. Kingsman Hall:

Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K74. North Dungeon:

K75. South Dungeon:

K76. Torture Room:

K78. Brazier Room:

Castle Ravenloft – Floor Plans
K84. The Catacombs – Crypt 14:

K84. The Catacombs – Crypt 14:

K84. The Catacombs – Crypts A:

K84. The Catacombs – Crypts B:

K85. Tomb of Sergei Von Zarovich 1:

K85. Tomb of Sergei Von Zarovich 2:

K86. Tomb of Strahd Von Zarovich:

K88. Tomb of Barov and Ravenovia: