The Adventurers, on their way to Wyvern Tor to kill the Orcs there, stop at an abandoned estate and are attacked by Ghouls.

Lofty feels sorry for the poor creatures.

The party then decide to eliminate the Orc threat at Wyvern Tor. The adventures travel some 30 miles, from Deadwood, along the Triboar Trail and 30 miles across country to Wyvern Tor. Once the party had reached the area of Wyvern Tor, the crag being a prominent landmark in the rugged hills Northeast of the Sword Mountains and is easily visible from twenty miles away, they spent the best part of the day looking for the Orc encampment and they eventually find it in the late afternoon after Astrid had spotted light smoke.

The party eventually find a walled building and tower complex which is guards by patrolling Orcs (x2), Orcs on the tower (x3) and the sound of others within the complex too.

Lofty is tasked with taking the ’Potion of Invisibility’, stalking and studying the defences of the complex and its layout.

Lofty checks half of the area around the complex before climbing the walls and finds 3 hidden, but poorly disguised Pit Traps. Lofty also notes the time taken for the patrol to compete a circle of the complex.

Within the complex Lofty can see that there is one small boarded-up building holding a large chained humanoid creature that the Rogue could not get a clear view of.

A large, fairly empty, 2 story building used for sleeping and eating by the Orcs. Lofty enters via the roof windows and finds more Orcs (x2) eating and preparing food. Back on the roof of the large building Lofty can see that in front of the 4-storey tower are 2 Large Orc guards.

Lofty then makes his way down to the courtyard and proceeded to climb the tower hoping to be able to see and enter through one of the windows. The ground floor is well kept and hold Orc Guards (x2) who looked like the others and so the 2 Larger Orc Guards appeared to be from another clan?

The first floor is a reception room furnished with rugs and a seating area.

The second floor was a war room and has maps, a large table, plunder and 2 formidable Orcs talking to each other in a language unknow to the Halfling Rogue.

The third floor is the personal chamber of the Orc leader with a plush bed and all the trappings. Banditry is very profitable they stand to earn more from their treaty with the Black Spider.

The fourth floor was a guard room containing cots, weapons, crates and boxes.

The roof was occupied by more Orcs (x3) all with Longbows.

Lofty then goes back to Galdor and Astrid to tell them of her findings. The party want to know more about the area and these other Orcs, so Lofty returns to the tower to spy on the Orc leader and his Large Orc Visitor. The party consider setting fire in the roof of the Orc build to distract the Orcs.

Orcs, Firehammer Hold

Orc, Firehammer Hold

Lofty finds a third hidden Pit Trap on his way over the wall and suspects that they will be found close to vulnerable areas of the perimeter. Then the Rogue makes his way along the wall and spots the food being taken to the tower, for the guest the Rogue suspects. Lofty deftly climbs the tower wall once more using the windows as points of accent and to glance inside.

Unfortunately, Lofty is unable to understand the Orc conversation but does pick-up the odd common word or two. (Bloodgate Keep – Daggerford – Red Wizards of Thay – Duergar – Runedardath) Lofty’s keen eyes are also able to pick out a mark on the fine new weaponry carried by the Large Orc. The Rogue also see how the guest hands the Orc leader a box which he opens to reveal a pair of Metal, Engraved Gauntlets.

Item - Firehammer Hold
Deadwood – Firehammer Hold

Lofty returns to the party and they decide to wait for the Large Orc and his 2 guards to leave the complex and then they could deal with them separately. Unfortunately, as it was dark and the Orcs are use to running, the party lost the trail of the Large Orcs who head out to the South-East.

What Do We Do Next???

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