The frontier town of Deadwood is built on the ruins of a much older settlement (Phandalin). Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving Human town whose people were firmly allied with the Dwarves and Gnomes of the Phandelver’s Pact. However, the same Orc horde that sacked the mines at Wave Echo Cave laid waste to the settlement, and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries.

In the last three or four years, hardy settlers from the cities of Neverwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin and renaming it Deadwood. Deadwood now a bustling frontier settlement has grown up on the site of the old town, and is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders, and prospectors drawn by stories of Gold and Platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains. Unfortunately, more than a few bandits and brigands have settled in Deadwood as well, taking advantage of the fact that the area has no local Lord or Authority to chase them off. A gang known as the Redbrands has controlled Deadwood for the past 2 months, extorting and bullying everyone in town.

The gang is led by a mysterious figure known to the townsfolk as Glasstaff.

Deadwood Map - Neverwinter Woods (PC)
Map – Neverwinter Woods (PC)


The characters are in the city of Waterdeep when their Dwarf patron and friend, Gundren Rockseeker, asks them to collect a Puzzle Box from Korbus Brightjewel and also hires them to escort a wagon to Deadwood. Gundren has gone ahead with his Warrior friend, Sildar Hallwinter, to attend to business in the town while the characters follow with the supplies. The characters will be paid 10 gp each by the owner of Bartholomew’s Provisionsin Deadwood when they deliver the wagon safely to that trading post.

Gundren Rockseeker and Sildar Hallwinter separate from the characters, a few days before they reach Neverwinter, and ride off Eastwards. The Dwarf, Gundren Rockseeker, on his Liver Chestnut Pony and Sildar Hallwinter ridding his Gray Thoroughbred.

The characters arrive at Neverwinter, visit the Driftwood Tavern and try unsuccessfully to inspect the rooms looking for Korbus Brightjewel. They then visit the Lady Seahorse Ship and inquire about the ships travel and original port. Then the characters finally book rooms in the Beached Leviathan.

The characters find that Korbus Brightjewel does not show to the meeting, as arranged at the Driftwood Tavern. The Tavern was being watched by a single Male Human (Redbrand?) who ran away when the characters leave the Driftwood Tavern.

The characters then made their way back to the Ship, the Lady Seahorse, and asked about Korbus Brightjewel and they were told he hung out in the Moonstone Mask Festhall.

The characters then head to the Moonstone Mask Festhall, Lofty and Astrid together and Galdor following up separately.  Once inside they ask a Dwarven Female employee for Korbus Brightjewel. Galdor notices a Human in a Turban (Paid Local?) watching the 2 Halflings via a polished tankard. The Halflings then spot the Dwarven Female employee leaving the building surreptitiously. The characters follow and a chase across Neverwinter ensues.

Astrid loses sight of the Dwarven Female employee while Lofty is able to keep-up until the last minute, when he also loses the Dwarven Female employee. Lofty persuades a civilian to say if they spotted anyone running and the civilian tells Lofty that he saw the Moonstone Mask Dwarven Female employee run into the Fallen Tower Tavern.

Lofty enters the Fallen Tower Tavern and goes to the rooms on the first floor and waits for the Dwarven Female to show herself. Lofty sees that the Dwarven Female exits a room and leaves the Fallen Tower Tavern. Lofty then attempts to enter the room by using his Thieves Tools to try and pick the Lock. Not only was he in full site of the other Patrons but he alerted Korbus Brightjewel to his presence in the attempt. Lofty eventually persuades Korbus Brightjewel that he has been sent by Gundren Rockseeker to take possession of the Puzzle Box. Korbus Brightjewel is a trader from Daggerford that deals in Treasures and Items of Magic.

Who was the Single Male Human outside of the Driftwood Tavern?

Who was the Single Male Turbaned Human inside of the Moonstone Mask Festhall?

What is the Puzzle Box for and what is inside it?

What awaits the Adventurers in Deadwood?


The adventures set off early the next morning and make their way to Deadwood on the cart carrying the provisions for Bart Stonehill.

15 miles from Deadwood the heroes find the remains of 2 dead horses that belonged to Gundren and Sildar and as they approached, they are ambushed by some hidden Goblins. The Goblins are all dispatched and the party find tracks of Goblins and follow them back from the ambush location.

Deadwood Map - Cragmaw Hideout - (Player)
Cragmaw Hideout – (Player)

The party then come across a cave entrance flanked by dense briar thickets and what they believe to be a hidden guarded area. Astrid and Lofty swim up the steam, which runs into the cave, underwater using a straw to breath and surprise the 2 Goblins on guard and killing them instantly.

The party then move into the cave and realise that it is in complete darkness. Galan moves in first and in the first cave off the main tunnel to the right he hears the noise of several Wolves and on closer investigations sees that they are all chained to the walls and that the cave narrowed to a steep fissure at the far end. Galan retreats and the party decide to move down the tunnel.

Light is used by the party so that the 2 Halflings can see.

They come across another tunnel heading off to the left and which was choked with rubble and has steep escarpments going up to another level. Continuing down the tunnel the party then made out a rickety bridge of wood and rope crossing over the passage above them.

The party continue and then hear the sound of rushing water and they all attempt to avoid the oncoming wave, set-off by the Goblins who had been alerted to the party by the Goblin Guard on the bridge as he had spotted the light. Astrid and Galan climb up the wall to the righthand side of the rickety bridge and Lofty runs back and around to the main entrance, avoiding the wave.

While waitting Lofty feels a little light headed.

2 Goblins then attack from the righthand side of the bridge, where Astrid and Galan had climb to, and they are killed by the 2 heroes. As Lofty rushes back, Astrid and Galan move off to a large cavern where they fight with 3 more Goblins. In this chamber they see the origins of the noise, a roaring waterfall making it hard to hear clearly, 2 large pools of water, both dammed and ready used as a weapon to flush unwelcome visitors out the front door.

Beyond the cavern, to the bottom right, are a set of stairs leading up to another cavern entrance. The adventures are unsure if they should advance any further and elect to head back to the bridge.

The party cross the bridge, to the left of the main tunnel, and Astrid sneaks up the tunnel alone. Beyond Astrid finds a tunnel head off and down to the main tunnel, possibly to the choked with rubble area as it also has steep escarpments, and down to another large cavern.

The cavern is split into 2 areas, the first is lower and looks like the living area for the 7 Goblins and to the South, a 12’ foot higher level that had a Goblin and a chained Sildar Hallwinter.

The party sabotage the bridge and Astrid runs back and taunts the Goblins out in order to have then fall from the bridge. This is successful and 2 Goblins hang as they fall in between the bridge slats. 2 other Goblins are also killed.

The party then go back and finish off the remaining Goblins, but not before Sildar is killed by Yeemik who fails to persuade Astrid into killing the Bugbear leader Klarg for Sildar’s life and Yeemik kills the old soldier.

Sildar is revived and he tells the party the following.

  • The three Rockseeker brothers (Gundren, Tharden, and Nundro) recently located an entrance to the long-lost Wave Echo Cave, site of the mines of the Phandelver’s Pact. (See background of the place)
  • Klarg, the Bugbear who leads this Goblin band, had orders to waylay Gundren. Sildar heard from the Goblins that the Black Spider sent word that the Dwarf was to be brought to him. Sildar doesn’t know who or what the Black Spider is.
  • Gundren had a map showing the secret location of Wave Echo Cave, but the Goblins took it when they captured him. Sildar believes that Klarg sent the Map and the Dwarf to the chief of the Cragmaws at a place called Cragmaw Castle. Sildar doesn’t know where that might be, but he suggests someone in Deadwood might know.
  • Sildar’s contact in Deadwood is a human Wizard named Iarno Albrek. The Wizard travelled to the town 2 months ago to establish order there. After the Lords’ Alliance received no word from Iarno, Sildar decided to investigate.

Sildar is badly wounded but follows the party and tries to help as much help as he can, giving the party his hidden ‘Potion of Healing.

The party decide to head back to the fist cave and Galdor moves in and attempts to calm the 3 Wolves inside. He doses such a good job that the animals eat from his hands and then follow the Cleric through the Cargmaw Hideout.

The party decide to split-up, with Galan, his Wolves and Sildar heading back to the Pool area to provide Arrow Cover and or a distraction for the siblings to be able to execute their plan. Astrid and Lofty would climb-up the fissure, at the back of the Wolf Kennel, sneak and ambush the Bugbear and his allies.

Astrid and Lofty find that there are 3 Goblins, a Large Wolf and a Bugbear (Klarg) all waiting for someone to walk in through the main entrance to the cavern.

Klarg is tall and hulking humanoid distantly related to, but larger and stronger than, Goblins and Hobgoblins. Orange fur and despite their intimidating builds, Bugbears move with surprising stealth. They are fond of setting ambushes and flee when outmatched.

Astrid and Lofty struggle to kill Klarg, Lofty is trapped by his large frame as Astrid moves away. Galan and Sildar confront the 3 Goblin, hidden behind creates and the Glador’s 3 Wolves attack Klarg’s Wolf called Ripper. Astrid aids in attacking the Goblins next. while the Wolves make easy work of dispatching Ripper.

Lofty attempts to flee back down the fissure, landing acrobatically, but is closely followed by the now enraged Klarg. The Goblins are all dispatched and help arrives in time to aid Lucky Lofty.

Captured stores which were return to the Lionshield Coster in Deadwood. A reward of 50 gp and the friendship of Linene and her trading post company. In addition to the stolen provisions, Klarg has a treasure chest that contains 600 cp, 110 sp, 2 Potions of healing, and a Jade Statuette of a Frog with Tiny Golden Orbs for eyes (40 gp). The frog statuette is small enough to fit in a pocket or pouch.

The party take everything of value and take the carte onto Deadwood.

Sildar tells the party of the History of Wave Echo Cave:

More than five hundred years ago, clans of Dwarves and Gnomes made an agreement known as the Phandelver’s Pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wondrous cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained great Magical Power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the Dwarves and Gnomes to channel and bind that energy into a great forge (called the Forge of Spells), where Magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Deadwood) prospered as well. But then disaster struck when orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path.

A powerful force of Orcs reinforced by Evil Mercenary Wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human Wizards fought alongside their Dwarf and Gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost.

For centuries, rumours of buried riches have attracted treasure seekers and opportunists to the area around Deadwood, but no one has ever succeeded in locating the lost mine. In recent years, people have resettled the area. Deadwood is now a rough-and-tumble frontier town. More important, the Rockseeker brothers, a trio of Dwarves (Tharden Rockseeker, Nundro Rockseeker and Gundren Rockseeker), have discovered the entrance to Wave Echo Cave, and they intend to reopen the mines.


STONEHILL INN (Elsa Fairfoot – Bartholomew Stonehill):

The proprietor is Bartholomew Stonehill but the Inn is run by Elsa Fairfoot, a Halfling female that originated from Waterdeep.

BARTHOLOMEW’S PROVISIONS (Bartholomew Stonehill):

The proprietor is Bartholomew Stonehill, a lean and balding human male shopkeeper of fifty years with a kindly manner. He employs a couple young clerks (Ander and Thistle) who help load and unload wagons, and who wait on customers when Bart isn’t around.

LIONSHIELD COSTER (Linene Graywind):

The master of the Deadwood post is a sharp-tongued human woman of thirty-five named Linene Graywind. She knows that bandits have raided Lionshield caravans, but she doesn’t know who is responsible.


The Guildmaster is an ambitious and calculating human woman named Halia Thornton. In her attempts to establish the Miner’s Exchange as the closest thing the town has to a governing authority, she acts as more than a simple merchant.

She is also an agent of the Zhentarim, a powerful organization that seeks to exert secret control over the North through wealth and influence. Halia Thornton is working slowly to bring Deadwood under her control, and can become a valuable patron to the characters if they don’t cross her.

SHRINE OF LUCK (Sister Garaele):

The shrine is in the care of a scholarly acolyte named Sister Garaele, a zealous young elf who despairs of ever ridding Phandalin of the Redbrands.

Sister Garaele is a member of the Harpers, a scattered network of adventurers and spies who advocate equality and covertly oppose the abuse of power.


This rundown tap house is a dirty, dangerous watering hole at the end of Deadwood’s main street. It is frequented by Redbrand thugs and operated by a surly female dwarf named Grista.

TOWNMASTER’S HALL (Harbin Wester):

The current Townmaster is a male human banker named Harbin Wester, a fat, pompous old fool. Completely intimidated by the Redbrands, he claims that they’re “just a mercenary guild, and not all that much trouble, really”.

TRESENDAR MANOR (Redbrand Ruffians):


The victors make it safely back to Deadwood with the provisions that they have to deliver to Bart Stonehill and those found belonging to Lionshield Coster company.

Deadwood Map - Deadwood (DM)
Map – Deadwood (DM)

The party meet Bart, a very nice and charming man, who pays for the work carried out and insists that they stay in his place called the Stonehill Inn for free. Bart is a good friend of Gundren. The adventures tell how Gundren has been taken.

Bart explains how the Sheriff retired a while ago and the only Law, in Deadwood, now was taken over by his men who now called themselves the Redbrands. After a while they became more trouble than they were worth and bully everyone now that this Glasstaff has taken over them. Bart also mentions that 2 more Rockseeker brothers, Nundro and Tharden, are camped somewhere outside town. Bart hasn’t seen them in a tenday (1 week) and expects the brothers to return “any day now” to resupply in Deadwood.

Sildar bids everyone good day and goes off to try and find his comrade Iarno Albrek and to check-in with the authorities at the Deadwood Townmaster’s Hall.

Lofty discovers that the barmaid, at the Stonehill Inn, is his first and true love, Elsa Fairfoot.

Galdor finds a small temple to his deity, Tymora Goddess of Good Luck, called the Shrine of Luck.

Astrid and Lofty return the goods found in the Cargmaw Hideout, to the Lionshield Coster Company of Deadwood and they meet Linene Graywind and she thanks the adventures, pays them 50 gp for the returns of her goods and offers her Weapons and Armour service to the party if they ever need to use it.

The next day the party have a quick look around town and Galdor insists that they visit the Shrine of Luck in Deadwood. Here the party meet Sister Garaele, a scholarly acolyte of Tymora the goddess of luck and good fortune.

As they walk into her small dwelling, they are meet with a strange scene. Sister Garaele is laying hands on a dead body and attempting to commune with it. She appears frustrated and pained that it does not work.

Sister Garaele believes that her power to Speak with the dead has been blocked by Magic and she knows that a Banshee, named Agatha, is to blame. Her poor soul must be set free in order for her to be able to pass over and for Sister Garaele to regain her power of communion with her Deity. The team just need to have Agatha answer a question regarding a spellbook. Sister Garaele had sought out Agatha in her lair, but the poor creature did not appear for her.

Sister Garaele desires the party to bring Agatha a suitable gift, a Jewelled Silver Comb, and persuade the Banshee to tell what she knows about the location of a spellbook belonging to a Legendary Mage named Bowgentle. For this they would have her thanks and she would provide 2 Potions of Darkvision and 1 Potion of Greater Healing.


Sildar visits the party the following morning and suggests that Astrid accompany him back to the ambush area to see if they can find clues as to where Cargmaw Castle maybe or even find more Goblin’s that may tell them where Cargmaw Castle was or follow back there. Sildar tells the adventurers that Harbin Wester, the current Townmaster is a fat, pompous old fool. He is completely intimidated by the Redbrands and he claims that they’re “just a mercenary guild, and not all that much trouble, really”. Unless Sildar has grounds in intervene, Harbin Wester is the Law in this one-horse town.  Sildar and Astrid both do not trust the man but the Law is the Law.

Sildar and Astrid visit the Townmaster’s Hall and commandeer Harbin Wester’s horse and then Bart

Sildar and Astrid commandeer Harbin Wester’s horse from the Townmaster’s Hall and one from Bart, who was kind enough to offer his, and then ride out to the ambush spot. They wait and see nothing until it gets dark and that’s when Astrid hears, as she cannot see in the dark, movement in the area of the dead horses.

The noise moves away in the direction of the Cargmaw Hideout and Astrid gets to see the creatures in the moonlight. It had dark orange or red-orange skin, and hair ranging from dark red-brown to dark Gray. Yellow or dark brown eyes peered out beneath their beetling brows, and their wide mouths sport sharp and yellowed teeth. It was a male Hobgoblin which might have a large blue or red nose, which symbolizes virility and power among Goblinkin.

Sildar and Astrid follow the tracks, which eventually head back to the Cragmaw Hideout and the Hobgoblins appear to be tracking and they were carrying only equipment. Sildar and Astrid wait for the Hobgoblin Trackers to exit the cave and kill them. The Hobgoblins must have come from a nearby camp or fixed encampment. Astrid finds a Wanted poster for the 2 Halflings but not Galdor.

Sildar and Astrid then wait for daybreak and follow the tracks of the Hobgoblins, from the ambush spot, back to their origins at Cragmaw Castle, some 20′ miles from the ambush spot and 30′ miles from Deadwood.

Astrid stalks around the Cragmaw Castle and discovers the following:


Cragmaw Castle is not a Goblin construction, nor is that the structure’s original name. The stronghold consists of seven overlapping towers; however, its upper levels have long since collapsed to heaps of crumbling masonry. Only the ground floor is still sound enough to be habitable.

General Features: The centuries have not been kind to Cragmaw Castle. The Goblins have shored up the weakest areas beneath its falling towers with crude timbers, but it’s only a matter of time before the structure collapses completely.

Light: A small amount of natural light filters through the arrow slits around the Castle. During the day, this provides Dim Light in most areas. At night, all areas will be Dark.

Walls: Exterior walls and load-bearing interior walls are 5’ feet thick, with 3’ feet of mortared fill sandwiched between 1’ foot thick courses of hard stone blocks.

Arrow slits: In the castle walls are 10’ feet above the outside ground level, 4’ feet above the interior floor level, 8’’ inches wide, and 4’ feet high. A creature on one side of an arrow slit gains Three-Quarters Cover against attacks from the other side (see “Cover” in the rulebook).Castle Entrance: The Castle consists of seven crumbling towers of different sizes and heights, but the upper stories are all in varying states of collapse. A short flight of stone steps leads up to a terrace which are in front of the main entryway of Cragmaw Castle. Past the wreckage of a pair of sundered doors lies a shadowed hall. Round towers loom over the entranceway, with dark arrow slits looking down on the terrace.

Deadwood Map - Cragmaw Castle
Cragmaw Castle – Near Deadwood


While Astrid and Sildar head-off looking for Cargmaw Castle, the location of Gundren and the Map to the Wave Echo Cave, Lofty and Galdor decide to find Agatha and ride out of Deadwood together.

Lofty and Galdor go to the Townmaster’s Hall and spot a notice outside:

“REWARD—Orcs near Wyvern Tor! Those of a mind to face the orc menace should inquire within.”

Lofty enters and enquire about the Orcs.

The Deadwood Townmaster’s assistant is very rude and does not think much of the Rogue or his capacity to complete the Orc bounty.


Deadwood lies in a part of the North known as “the Triboar Trail,” “the Triboar Cut-off,” or “the Cony Gap.” This stretch of foothills and roiling, sparsely wooded plains extends between the Sword Mountains to the south and Neverwinter Wood to the north.

The area gains its name from an old trail that runs from the distant town of Triboar to the east, winding westward about one hundred miles through the abandoned village of Conyberry, then running north of Deadwood on its way to the High Road along the coast.

Lofty and Galdor head North out of Deadwood and at night hear noises in the dark which turn out to be an Undead Dwarf. Lofty and Galdor follow the creature and end-up at the Old Owl Well, which appears to be a ruined Watchtower.

Here there are many Zombies all either working on repairing the walls and Tower or removing items from within the Tower itself. Lofty and Galdor head down to investigate and they see a figure commanding the creatures to do his bidding.

Kost is a stout, red-robed figure with sallow skin, a shaved scalp, and a black tattoo on his forehead.

One of the Zombies is a Dwarf and on closer inspection turns out to be Tharden, one of Gundren’s brothers. Why was he killed and Who killed him?

The Red Wizard, Kost, explains he is looking for trinkets and a Spellbook and if Lofty and Galdor help he would reward them for their efforts. Coincidently, it was also the location of Bowgentle’s Spellbook.

Lofty and Galdor head off to deal with Agatha and eventually find her home made of a dome of woven branches. After much parlay, Lofty figures that Agatha has lost her mind and if it wasn’t for his charms and the Jewelled Silver Comb, thing would have gone every badly for the 2 Heroes.

Agatha tells them that she traded the book to a Necromancer named Tsernoth from the city of Iriaebor more than a hundred years ago. She does not know what became of the book afterward. She is at peace now and leaves this mortal world.

Lofty and Galdor ride back to the Old Owl Well and claim their prize from the Red Wizard Kost. Lofty is given a Ring of Protection for his help. Lofty and Galdor take Tharden’s body back to Deadwood so that Sister Garaele can talk to the dead.

As the 2 lone adventurers are leaving the Old Owl Wellin the late evening, Lofty notices an extremely well-hidden figure shrouded in black in the trees some distance from the two of them. The figure appears to sense that they had been spotted and they disappear among the trees. Lofty attempts to track the mysterious spy, successfully tracks the assailant, and finds the tracks are of a slight man or a woman and very light of foot. They eventually mount a horse and depart in the direction of Deadwood.

Lofty chooses not to eat that evening, as his stomach was upset and he had a slight head pain.


Lofty and Galdor ride back to Deadwood to take the body of Tharden to Sister Garaele. They discover that Astrid had returned and that she had left the Stonehill Inn and went to check on The Sleeping Giant tap house, the hangout for the Redbrands.

Lofty and Galdor follow after Astrid accross Deadwood.

Meanwhile, Astrid had walked, cross-country, to the rear of the Sleeping Giant Tap House, know hangout for the Redbrands, to see if she could spot anything of interest. After a short while, having seen a few Redbrands enter the premisses passed the 2 Redbrands on the door, 3 Redbrands bring out a civilian to the rear of the Inn and begin roughing them up. Astrid, unable to see a anyone get away with bullying, decides to jump-in.

After the initial scuffle, more Redbrands come out of the Inn after they hear a cry from the third Redbrand and Astrid found herself surrounded and outnumbered. It was at that time that a lone figure, swathed in black threw 2 Darts at the Redbrands from a nearby rooftop and the 2 of the Redbrands fall. Astrid deals with another of Redbrand as the last one runs away.

Lofty and Galdor catch the end of the fight and see the appearance of the black clad figure.

She introduces herself as Astraea and Astrid thanks her for her help. Astraea appears to know of Astrid, her Brother Lofty and their companion Galdor. She says that she can help find their friend Gundren and all she asks for is the Puzzle Box which one of them has on their possession. The party declines her offer and she leaves disappearing into the darkness.

The full team head back to the Stonehill Inn and rest, everyone that is apart from Lofty who has a late-night encounter with his old love, Elsa Fairfoot. The next day the party visit Sister Garaele as she communes with the dead body of Tharden. The party have 3 questions:

  1. Can you see who killed you?
    1. Yes, it was a Giant Spider and it bit me
  2. Is the Black Spider there?
    1. Yes, there is a tall black hooded figure, pale skinned and whom they call the Black Spider.
  3. Was it the Black Spider that commanded your death?
    1. No, I was looking at his face and he did not command the dark creature

Sister Garaele notices after preparing the body of Tharden that his boot radiate Magic. The Boots of Striding and Springing are given to the party, until Gundren and Nundro decide what to do with them, and they are worn by Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry.

While you wear these boots, your walking speed becomes 30′ feet, unless your walking speed is higher, and your speed isn’t reduced if you are encumbered or wearing heavy armor. In addition, you can jump three times the normal distance, though you can’t jump farther than your remaining movement would allow.

The party walk over to the Townmaster’s Hall and eventually head back to the Stonehill Inn. There Lofty notices that Elsa Fairfoot is not working and that is when her finds out that she is to be married in the next few days but that she had not been in so far today. Alarm bells ring and the party head off to Elsa Fairfoot’s house. There they find signs of a struggle and track leading off towards the rear of the Sleeping Giant and towards Tresendar Manor.

I knew it said Astrid.

The party head directly to the ruins of Tresendar Manor.

Deadwood Map - Redbrand Hideout (Player)
Redbrand Hideout (Player)

The party find the Manor in a ruined state but manage to find a door, behind which are stairs leading down. Fresh tracks can be seen all around this area. The party heads down quietly and discover a used basement with a cistern of rain water.

In the first chamber there are 2 doors leading off the room West and North as well as barrels and creates. The adventurers decide to head off Northwards. In the adjacent corridor Lofty, using his catlike Dexterity, manages to avoid falling down a hidden Pit Trap making a deafening noise as it falls.

At the end of the corridor are 2 large copper plated doors and as the party enter the room, having listened for foes within, to find a large chamber containing 3 Large Stone Sarcophagi and 2 other closed doors to the North and East. The party, discovering that the door was locked, wait for Lofty to pick the well-maintained lock and the Rogue is successful.

Opening the door Astrid can see a short corridor with a thick Oak Door banded with Iron. Once again Lofty uses his Thieves Tools and picks the door and discovers an Armoury behind it. The Armoury contained many new weapons and Redbrand cloaks. Astrid is convinced that there must be a secret door in this corridor and so the party check but all fail to successfully find anything, not even tracks.

The party then head back to the Tresendar Crypt and realise that they had overlooked the door to the East. Astrid heads over to the door and when she reaches it all 3 Sarcophagi lids are pushed open and 3 Skeletons emerge. A fight begins and the party manage to defeat the 3 Skeletons while only taking minimal damage. The party do not check the sarcophagi and listen at the eastern door.

Behind the door they hear the noises of whimpering and movement. Astrid attempts to open the door and a warning is called out from the room. Redbrands were in the chamber and they had Elsa Fairfoot and another 2 women and a girl. Astrid attempts to strike a deal with the Redbrands and they kill one of the hostages to show they mean business.

The party strike up a plan to have Lofty getup on Astrid’s shoulders, place one of the new Redbrand cloaks on, Lofty to cast ‘Disguise Self’, try and persuade the Redbrand guards to open the door and then they would storm the room.

Having persuaded the Redbrand Jailers to open the door the 2 Halflings enter to they find that the room beyond were 2 Cells and found 2 Redbrands, one dead woman, Elsa Fairfoot and a woman with her child (Mirna Dendrar and eighteen-year-old Nilsa). One of the Guards is killed whilst the second makes a break for it and falls down the pit trap.

Elsa Fairfoot, who looks to have been beaten, explains how they took her as Lofty and his friends were sticking their nose where it shouldn’t be. While Mirna Dendrar explains how her husband had disappeared soon after criticising the Redbrands and she and her daughter were taken that night. Also, in the holding area in between the cells a heap of discarded clothing is piled carelessly against the far wall. The party believe this could be the remains of other townsfolk that were sold, or killed for sacrifice Astrid offers.

The party decide to head back to town and check the basement before they escort the prisoners out. Back in the Cellar with the cistern the torch above the door out had gone out, or put out, and the party were suspicious.

Another ambush as several Redbrands had moved the barrels and crates, to make barriers, and they started firing arrows at the party. 2 Redbrands to the North-West of the basement and in front of the second door, not investigated by the party, are killed. To the South-West 2 more Redbrands fight and whilst one is killed the seconds escapes through a secret door in the South-West corner. Astrid follows behind and discovers a dark large natural cavern, a Crevasse too dark for her Halfling eyes and so she returns to the party.

The Adventures, and the prisoners, all exit and return to the Deadwood Stonehill Inn were they meet with Sildar to discuss their findings.

Elsa Fairfoot gives Lofty back his half of a, heart shaped, love locket. It later turns out that it was Magical Healing Amulet and, if worn next to the skin, it would revive a dead person (0 hit points) and they would recoup 10 hit points.


The adventurers return to the Stone Hill Inn, wake Sildar Hallwinter and then they return to the Townmaster’s Hall to quiz Harbin Wester.

They are accompanied by Sildar Hallwinter, a battered and bruised Elsa and Mirna Dendrar and her eighteen-year-old Nilsa. Elsa told Lofty that A few days ago, the Redbrands murdered Mirna’s husband, Thel, for defying them.

The Adventurers demand to see Harbin Wester and the clerk wakes the Townmaster.  Harbin Wester denies any wrong doing or involvement with deaths or other non-white collar crimes. Astrid locks Harbin Wester in the cells below the Townmaster’s Hall.

Galdor had called for Sister Garaele and she tended to the patients and stayed with Sildar Hallwinter. Before the adventurers leave Sister Garaele suggested that they go and speak with Halia Thornton, owner of the Miner’s Exchange, as she had no love for the Redbrands and could help with knowledge of other possible ways into the Redbrand Hideout.

The Adventurers are confronted by well-armed guards at the Miner’s Exchange and Lofty persuades then to wake Halia Thornton. Halia Thornton meets with the party and explains they might wish to visit the woods under the cliff upon which Tresendar Manor was built.

The Adventurers make their way to the woods followed by 2 of Halia Thornton’s guards, who then go back once they had entered the wood.

Lofty and Astrid each take their ‘Potion of Darkvision’.

Astrid is able to pick-up the sign of tracks which leads to a hidden tunnel entrance at the base of the hill.

Astrid: “I can see that there are various tracks of large booted humanoids and many barefooted humans. But no barefoot tracks head towards the tunnel entrance.”

The adventurers move down a tunnel 5’ feet by 100’ feet long and eventually emerge under Tresendar Manor. The Manor seems to have suffered damage from a sinkhole of crack in the earth and a 20’ foot deep crevasse runs north to south.

Lofty moves in first, stealthily moving into the Manors basement. With his ‘Darkvision’, Lofty can see various tunnels heading off East and west, an old makeshift bridge over the crevasse and a large stalagmite.

Lofty then hears a voice in his head of a slightly crazed individual who seems to know of his darkest secret. The creature offers to help Lofty if they enter into an agreement and payments made. Lofty ignores the voice and goes back to inform Astrid and Galdor.


Astrid is also probed and services are once again offered in return for being fed. Astrid wants no part in the bargain. The Monk also notices that the south-eastern corridor leads to the Secret Door and onto the Cellar room with the cistern.

Galdor cast a Spell to boost the adventurer’s resistance, they jump over the bridge and they head to the Secret Door. Here Astrid’s keen senses smell out a Bugbear and could also hear the sound of others behind the Secret Door and so Galdor casts his ‘Silence’ spell and that allows Astrid to spike the Secret Door shut without being heard.

The party then head back and choose to head north. As they move onwards, they pass another bridge crossing the crevasse and spot a room filled with barrels and crates.

Astrid: “Lofty check that corner for a Secret Door.”

Astrid and Galdor keep guard, whilst Lofty begins to look for and finds a Secret Door. The Rogue listens at the door but can hear nothing beyond.

Lofty: “The coast is clear.”

Lofty quietly opens the door and realises that he is in the corridor by the Armory and Slave Pens.

The team head South, crossing the Crevasse, and move stealthily West down a 5’ foot corridor. Galdor still carrying the arrow with ‘Silence’ cast upon it and behind Astrid and Lofty. The party then head West over the second bridge and find stairs leading down. Astrid moves ahead without being stealthy and at the bottom of the stairs she find a Redbrand guard staring up at her. Luckily, the arrow with ‘Silence’ means the fight is not initially heard but the Redbrand guard opens the door to his South and not the door to his North.

Another battle begins with 2 Bugbears coming from the Southern room, 1 stands by the doors, 2 rush to fight the heroes and 2, drunk, Redbrands also exit the room. The Bugbear is dispatched quickly by Astrid and Galan, who had to fire his arrow with ‘Silence’ as it was loaded on the bow. Astrid looks into the Southern room beyond and finds it empty and looks to be a guard’s common room. Astrid remembers these men from the fight behind the Sleeping Giant.

Astrid then checks the door and room to the North and finds what appears to be a Wizard’s Workshop. Under one of the many tables is a Rat looking up at the Monk. Astrid immediately throws a Dart at the Rat and it is killed instantly but not as a normal Rat as it disappears, leaving behind no physical form.

Astrid believes she had killed the Wizard Glasstaff and so does not check the room or the door on the East wall of this Wizard’s workshop.

Meanwhile, Lofty is attacked by the Nothic which had been hiding under the bridge and the Rogue is hit by its Rotting Gaze. More Redbrands can be heard coming from the Common Room up from the South.

The feeling of the Rotting Gaze is not so unpleasant Lofty thinks before he is shcked back into reality.

Astrid rushes to aid her brother and catches, out of the corner of her eye, a Bugbear moving into the Northern room closing the door behind itself.

The Nothic is killed by the party and they turn South to deal with the remain Redbrands. Before the party engage with them the sound of a door closing is heard from the South-East area, had Obadiah Hakeswill escaped again?

The Redbrands are confronted by Astrid and Galdor whilst Lofty moves back North into the storage area, spots a secret door on the Western wall as it had been left slightly open and here Lofty attempts to hide but is spotted by the hidden Bugbear that attack the Rogue. Lofty uses his Rogue skills and manages to run away after being hit by a Javelin. The party come to the aid of Lofty and the final Bugbear is killed.

The party search the area and find the following:

Armoury = 12 Spears, 6 Shortswords, 4 Longswords, 6 Light Crossbows, 8 Quivers holding 20 Crossbow Bolts each and 12 Red Cloaks

Storeroom = 30 Beaver Pelts (2 gp each)

Common Room = The wealth in the room is all on the table, having been bet in the game. (Knocking over the table or mixing up all the enemies’ loot is a great way to distract them for a short time.) The total amounts to 75 cp, 55 sp, 22 ep, 15 gp, and a Gold Earring Set with a Tiny Ruby (30 gp).

One of the coins found by Astrid stands out, as it has a pie on one side, and after Galdor cast ‘Detect Magic’ on the coin it was found to be a ‘Medal of the Meat Pie’.

You gain 2d4 + 2 temporary hit points when you use an action to press this medal to your mouth. Once this property has been used, it can’t be used again, and the medal becomes non-magical.
While magical, this medal is slightly warm to the touch (as if it’s fresh from the oven) and smells faintly of baked pie crust.

The party head to the South of the Common Room and find a closed door to the South which Astrid opens. Behind the door is a Goblin and her sudden appearance causes the Goblin to faint. Astrid kills the fainted Goblin and gone is any information the Droop may have given the party.

Guard Barracks = Mosk the Bugbear leader killed by Galan has a Belt Pouch containing 33 sp and wears an Eye Patch made of black leather set with Semiprecious Stones (50 gp).

Crevasse = A chest with 160 sp, 120 gp, 5 Malachite Gems (15 gp each), 2 Potions of Greater Healing, and a Scroll of Augury.

+1 Shortsword in a Silver-Chased Scabbard. The sword is inscribed with the name “Talon,” and its hilt is worked in the shape of a bird of prey with outspread wings. It once belonged to a great knight named Aldith Tresendar, known as the Black Hawk.

The party finally head back to the Wizard’s Workshop after realising that the noise of the door closing earlier was Obadiah Hakeswill leaving via the secret door to the Cellar. The party deduce that the Rat was Iarno Glasstaff’s Familiar and the Wizard could see through its eyes.

Wizard’s Workshop = Tome written in Dwarvish. The journal of an adventurer named Urmon, describes the History of the Lost Mine of Phandelver and the Forge of Spells. In addition, Urmon records that a magic mace named Lightbringer was commissioned by priests of Lathander.

3 Small Bottles hold rare reagents: Mercury, Dragon Bile, And Powdered Nightshade. These are worth at least 25 gp each to an Apothecary or Alchemist.

The party go through the door to the East and enter Glasstaff’s Quarters. Various papers and notes are stacked neatly on the desk, mostly consisting of Iarno’s written orders to apothecaries and alchemists in nearby settlements for more materials for his workshop. The party also find a letter signed with the Black Spider’s symbol.

Also among the Wizards papers are a note with the flowing written in Glasstaff’s handwriting:

  • The Redbrands are going to get dominion over Deadwood.
  • The Bandits (Orcs) of Wyvern Tor will get money and riches from the mines.
  • The Cragmaw Goblins have been assured sovereignty, in that region, and that their castle will be repaired.
  • The Black Spider will own the Forge of Spell in the Wave Echo Cave.

Glasstaff’s Quarters = An Unlocked Wooden Chest holding the best pickings of the Redbrands’ loot over the last two months. It contains 180 sp, 130 gp, and a silk pouch containing 5 carnelians (10 gp each), 2 peridots (15 gp each), and 1 pearl (100 gp). It also contains 1 Scroll of Charm Person.

In Glasstaff’s Quarters there is also a secret door which was slightly ajar and lead to stairs going up and to the Secret Door which the Bugbear, which threw a Javelin at Lofty, was hiding behind.


Astrid decides to go out through and down the tunnel that they initially entered and back to the main way down to the Cellar looking for Glasstaff. Whilst Lofty and Galdor followed the way taken by Glasstaff.

Astrid makes her way out of the tunnel, climbed up the Deadwood hill and made her way to the door down all whist looking intensely for Glasstaff. Astrid finds nothing and goes to the door to listen and hears the sound of battle behind it.

The fighting was Lofty and Galdor who were being attacked by Redbrands and Obadiah Hakeswill. Astrid opens the door and rushes in to aid her brother and brother-in-arms. This is when the ‘Invisible’ Glasstaff took the opportunity to ‘Fireball’ everything in the Cellar. All die except for Lofty and Obadiah Hakeswill.

Obadiah Hakeswill take his leave, while still on fire, via the Secret Door to the Cavern and out. Lofty had the hard choice of saving his sister and Galdor or following Obadiah Hakeswill. Obadiah Hakeswill would have to wait for another day.

Lofty rushes over to Galdor and pours a ‘Potion of Greater Healing’ down his throat. Galdor then is able to cast a ‘Cure Wounds’ on Astrid. Astrid then goes to attack Glasstaff aided by Galdor and Lofty. Seeing that he is out matched, and having been given a thorough bashing, Glasstaff surrenders and insists he is taken to Sildar for a proper trial.

The adventurers find the wet footprints of someone who had been searching the cistern and it turned out that it was Glasstaff retriving his go bag which contained a ‘Potion of Healing’ and ‘Invisiblity’, 50 gp and a used Scroll which had ‘Fireball’.

Glasstaff to locked-up in the Deadwood Townmaster’s Hall, in the small but serviceable jail in the cellar. Harbin Wester is also jailed for his part too.

Glasstaff = ’Magic Staff’ and a ‘Potion of Invisibility’.


The Adventurers stop at an abandoned estate and are attacked by Ghouls.

Lofty feels sorry for the poor creatures.

The party then decide to eliminate the Orc threat at Wyvern Tor. The adventures travel some 30 miles, from Deadwood, along the Triboar Trail and 30 miles across country to Wyvern Tor. Once the party had reached the area of Wyvern Tor, the crag being a prominent landmark in the rugged hills Northeast of the Sword Mountains and is easily visible from twenty miles away, they spent the best part of the day looking for the Orc encampment and they eventually find it in the late afternoon after Astrid had spotted light smoke.

The party eventually find a walled building and tower complex which is guards by patrolling Orcs (x2), Orcs on the tower (x3) and the sound of others within the complex too.

Lofty is tasked with taking the ’Potion of Invisibility’, stalking and studying the defences of the complex and its layout.

Lofty checks half of the area around the complex before climbing the walls and finds 3 hidden, but poorly disguised Pit Traps. Lofty also notes the time taken for the patrol to compete a circle of the complex.

Within the complex Lofty can see that there is one small boarded-up building holding a large chained humanoid creature that the Rogue could not get a clear view of.

A large, fairly empty, 2 story building used for sleeping and eating by the Orcs. Lofty enters via the roof windows and finds more Orcs (x2) eating and preparing food. Back on the roof of the large building Lofty can see that in front of the 4-storey tower are 2 Large Orc guards.

Lofty then makes his way down to the courtyard and proceeded to climb the tower hoping to be able to see and enter through one of the windows. The ground floor is well kept and hold Orc Guards (x2) who looked like the others and so the 2 Larger Orc Guards appeared to be from another clan?

The first floor is a reception room furnished with rugs and a seating area.

The second floor was a war room and has maps, a large table, plunder and 2 formidable Orcs talking to each other in a language unknow to the Halfling Rogue.

The third floor is the personal chamber of the Orc leader with a plush bed and all the trappings. Banditry is very profitable they stand to earn more from their treaty with the Black Spider.

The fourth floor was a guard room containing cots, weapons, crates and boxes.

The roof was occupied by more Orcs (x3) all with Longbows.

Lofty then goes back to Galdor and Astrid to tell them of her findings. The party want to know more about the area and these other Orcs, so Lofty returns to the tower to spy on the Orc leader and his Large Orc Visitor. The party consider setting fire in the roof of the Orc build to distract the Orcs.

Lofty finds a third hidden Pit Trap on his way over the wall and suspects that they will be found close to vulnerable areas of the perimeter. Then the Rogue makes his way along the wall and spots the food being taken to the tower, for the guest the Rogue suspects. Lofty deftly climbs the tower wall once more using the windows as points of accent and to glance inside.

Unfortunately, Lofty is unable to understand the Orc conversation but does pick-up the odd common word or two. (Bloodgate Keep – Daggerford – Red Wizards of Thay – Duergar – Runedardath) Lofty’s keen eyes are also able to pick out a mark on the fine new weaponry carried by the Large Orc. The Rogue also see how the guest hands the Orc leader a box which he opens to reveal a pair of Metal, Engraved Gauntlets.

Item - Firehammer Hold
Deadwood – Firehammer Hold

Lofty returns to the party and they decide to wait for the Large Orc and his 2 guards to leave the complex and then they could deal with them separately. Unfortunately, as it was dark and the Orcs are use to running, the party lost the trail of the Large Orcs who head out to the South-East.

What Do We Do Next???


The party elect to return to Wyvern Tor to deal with the band of Orcs. Once back at Wyvern Tor Lofty came up with a plan to have himself infiltrate the Tower, recover any important information or items of interest, have Astrid and Galdor eliminate the 2 patrolling Orcs, then have the 2 join Lofty in the complex to deal with the 10 Orcs and the Cleric of the Orc band.

Lofty stealthily moves towards the Orc complex, waiting for the 2 patrolling Orcs to pass him by, and climbs the front face of the Tower. Lofty finds that the front facing windows are all bared but provide cover from any Orcs within the courtyard. Staying close to the corner, Lofty is able to ‘Invisibly’ and stealthily climb up pass the windows of each floor and also had a sight of the inner courtyard. Lofty can see that there are 2 Orcs by the main gate, one appears to be sleeping and the second was nursing a wine skin.

Lofty is unable to see into the ‘Entry Hall’, as it was below the wall line, but looks into the First-Floor and sees that the ‘Reception Room’ is in the same state as when he looked inside previously and so Lofty continues to climb. Looking through the Second-Floor window Lofty is unable to peer past the darkness of the room. From his memory this was the ‘War Room’ which had a big table with Papers, Maps, Etc.

With finding the Orc Cleric Leader a priority Loft continues to climb up to the next floor.

Meanwhile, the 2 patrolling Orcs continue their circuit of the complex, followed by Astrid and Galdor Stealthily creeping-up behind them as a safe distance.

Lofty reaches the Third-Floor and finds the Orc Cleric, out for the count on his cot and snoring away. Lofty looking inside the chamber and has a clearer view as there is a brazier with a few hot coals burning next to the Orc Cleric cot. There is no one else in the room and the Rogue can make out several Chests, a table with papers and scrolls on it and that the 2 trap doors are both closed but not bared.

Lofty, wanting to take full advantage of his ‘Invisibility’ Potion, decides to continue to the Forth-Floor to investigate the other Orc guards posted on the Towers top. In the chamber at the top of the Tower, the courageous Halfling realises that all 3 Orc guards are asleep in their cots. Light from the moonlight above allows Lofty to see in and deduce that they have left the trapdoor to the roof slightly open.

Lofty then hatches a plan to carry out the following:

  1. Lock or block the trapdoor to the roof, and so preventing ariel cover and as a delay tactic.
  2. Enter the Orc Cleric’s chamber and lock the trapdoors to both the Second-Floor and up to the Forth-Floor and as a delay tactic for reinforcements.
  3. Search the chamber.
  4. Use his 1,000 ball bearings to make the floor of the Orc Cleric’s room hard to walk on.
  5. Use the Cantrip ‘Message’ to communicate with Astrid and co-ordinate their attacks.
  6. Finally, sit in the window, furthest from the Orc Cleric, Surprise him, Fire His Bow, cast ‘Magic Missile’ on him and hope he falls and lands Prone from the 1,000 ball bearings.

Galdor casts ‘Silence’ on one of his arrows and Astrid tossed a Gold Coin near to their hiding place in order to distract the 2 patrolling Orcs. Lofty and Galdor successfully Surprise the 2 Orcs, Astrid manages to dispatch her Orc in under 6 seconds, while Galdor has makes more work of it even using his Longsword twohanded. The ‘Silence’ on the 2 Heroes covers the screams of their victims.

Lofty, who is now visible having cast ‘Message’ casts it again to tell Astrid and Galdor to approach the complex wall but to avoid the Pit Traps and the building with the large humanoid creature. The Astrid and Galdor make it to the wall and wait for Lofty to cause havoc within the Tower.

Lofty bars the Trapdoor on the roof.

Lofty climbs around to the courtyard side of the Tower and enters the Orc Cleric’s chamber. Inside Lofty finds the flowing while he deftly moves about:

  • The Dwarven Belt, worn by the Orc Cleric and given to him by the Visiting Orc Fighter. An exquisitely well-made thick leather belt with three straps across and a square runic carving on the sides and the face of a Dwarf as the buckle.
  • A Holy Symbol of an Orc Eye of Gruumsh. Lofty believes it is from Gruumsh, the mightiest of the orc deities and their creator, and he has it in his backpack now.
  • 3, possibly, Magical Scrolls which he found on the Orc Cleric’s desk.
  • 3 Chests, one with Coins and Gems, taken by Lofty, and the Other 2 with valuable non-treasure items.
  • Various old valuable books, none of importance, that also appear to be bounty from their Bandit Raids.
  • The Orc Cleric’s Ring Mail Armour and Spear, which Lofty leaves.

Lofty bars the trapdoor to the Forth-Floor and Second-Floor and then uses the Orc Cleric of Gruumsh garments to gently spread-out the 1,000 ball bearings. Lofty make a sound, by dropping a single ball bearing, but the Orc Cleric of Gruumsh is too intoxicated to notice.

Lofty then begins his first assassination. First the Rogue fires his Shortbow and strikes the Orc Cleric of Gruumsh straight in the neck, having Surprise the Orc Cleric of Gruumsh the Rogue calmly casts ‘Magic Missile’ at him too. The following action is that of the Cleric of Gruumsh who first grabs for his Holy Symbol, which is in the possession of Lofty, and when finding it not around his neck rushes for the Rogue perched on the windowsill and fails to stay on his feet and land prone. Lofty while hearing the sound of banging on the trapdoor above him, fires his Shortbow and kills the Orc.

At the sound of the commotion from the Tower, Galdor and Astrid climb the wall of the complex and approach the 2 sleeping guards at the main gate and as Galdor is carrying the ‘Silence’ arrow, they are both unable to callout for aid and the 3 Orc’s inside the Large building also hear nothing.

Lofty casts ‘Sleep’ on the 2 guards and put one of the two to sleep.

Astrid and Galdor kill their respective Orc Guards, Astrid’s Orc was under the effect of Lofty’s ‘Sleep’ Spell. 


Lofty felt that sick, gut-churning sensation once more, an ever-present reminder of how high up he stood on the Tower’s edge. The feeling gnawed at him as if he hadn’t eaten for days, or weeks even. It had all started soon after leaving Neverwinter. Steeling himself, Lofty glanced below, where the battle raged on.

Galdor, the Elven cleric, was locked in fierce combat with an orc, his blade flashing under the grim sky. Astrid, the nimble monk, took advantage of her temporary freedom from battle and darted towards the building used by the orcs as living quarters. Lofty, ever vigilant, maintained his watch atop the Tower, his keen eyes scanning the scene below.

The noise of orcish voices reached his ears as they smashed through the trap door to the chamber of Grimish, the fearsome cleric of the Eye of Gruumsh. The orcs’ guttural cries filled the air, and Lofty readied his flask of oil with a rag wick, prepared to rain fire upon them if needed.

Galdor quickly dispatched his orc adversary, drawing his longbow with practiced ease. Astrid, peeking into the orc quarters, spied three orcs gathered around a table, listening intently to a larger, more commanding figure. Lofty’s ears caught the sound of chopping as one of the orcs within the Tower began to smash the trap door leading to the roof.

Near the southwest corner of the courtyard, Galdor kept his distance, an arrow imbued with the spell of Silence nocked and ready, careful not to interfere with Astrid’s reconnaissance. The door to the Tower burst open, and an armoured orc, wielding javelins and a Greataxe, charged at Galdor. The elf met the onslaught with his longsword, and the song of steel rang out once more.

Astrid crouched behind crates and barrels, a shadow among shadows. Two orcs, armed and armoured, emerged from the quarters and made their way into the Tower, oblivious to the halfling monk. Hot on their heels was Brughor Axe-Biter, the commander of the orc band of Wyvern Tor.

Lofty waited for Glador’s signal, then loosed an arrow from his shortbow, striking an orc with precision. Glador’s blade found its mark, felling another orc, though not before one managed to land a blow on the elf cleric’s forearm.

Astrid sprang from her hiding spot, aiming to take Brughor by surprise. The orc commander, however, was not so easily fooled. They clashed, weapons biting into flesh. Astrid, calling upon her training, unleashed a flurry of blows, her strikes swift and sure. Brughor staggered under the assault, but still, he fought on.

Above, the trap door gave way, and Lofty hurled his flaming flask into the lower floor. Flames whooshed up, and the panicked cries of orcs filled the air. Lofty quickly hid himself among the Tower’s crenelations as the orcs rushed to the roof. Failing to spot the hidden halfling, they peered over the edge, oblivious to his presence.

Galdor, his last orc opponent defeated, sprinted to Astrid’s aid. The monk’s relentless attacks finally overcame Brughor’s defences. The orc commander fell beneath her furious blows.

Lofty, hearing the trap door splinter, descended swiftly, slipping through an unbarred window into Grimish’s chamber on the third floor. The orcs above had little time before the roof would be fully aflame. He called out to Astrid in Halfling, urgently requesting her aid on the first floor.

As Lofty turned, an orc hurled a javelin at him. The projectile missed, and Lofty, with a mocking bow, scampered down the stairs. One of the orcs from the quarters dashed out of the Tower, a large sack over his shoulder, and fled into the night.

From his perch, Lofty spotted the fleeing orc and called down to Galdor to give chase. Astrid intercepted the orcs on the stairs, her rapid strikes keeping them at bay. Lofty, his shortbow ready, felled the two orcs with precision, their earlier burns weakening them.

Galdor pursued the fleeing orc, who attempted to hide among the bushes. The elf’s longbow sang, and the orc fell, wounded but alive. Galdor, disliking unnecessary death, knocked the orc out cold.

The adventurers gathered the orc bodies, searched them, and built a pyre to burn the foul creatures. They inventoried their spoils: coins, perfumes, cleric scrolls, and Grimish’s treasures. Galdor cast Detect Magic, ensuring nothing of value was overlooked.

Galdor even finds that the Topaz Gem, which he took from one of the Bugbears in the Redbrands hideout in Deadwood, had Magical properties.

Lofty attunes with the Belt of Dwarvenkind after discovering its powers whilest dreaming of Deadwood.

  • Belt of Dwarvenkind – Darkvision 60’ – Speak-Read-Write Dwarvish – Advantage Vs Poison Saving Throws & Resistance to Poison.
  • Treasure chest – 750 cp, 280 sp, 92 ep, 130 gp, and 3 vials of perfume (25 gp each).
  • Grimish Cleric Scrolls x3 – Cure Wounds 1st – Sanctuary 1st – Enhance Ability 2nd
  • Grimish’s Items – Coral Necklace x3 (30gp) – Gold Signet Ring x4 (10gp)
  • Topaz Gem – Spell Gem – DC of 17 and an attack bonus of +10 – Contain any 1 Spell – If higher level then DC equals 10 + the spell’s level

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows over the rugged terrain, Galdor moved with purpose, guiding their borrowed horses to the makeshift camp. The steeds, hardy and resilient, had seen many battles, and tonight they would rest as their riders prepared for the trials yet to come.

In the gathering dusk, Astrid and Lofty busied themselves with scavenging what meagre provisions they could find. Lofty, ever the stalwart warrior, tried to swallow a mouthful of the coarse bread they had procured. His stomach rebelled against the unpalatable fare, and he discreetly spat it out, determined to keep his discomfort from his sister. “She will only worry”. he mused silently, “and surely it is merely the poor quality of the food, nothing more sinister than that”.

Galdor’s return brought a wave of relief. The elven healer moved with a serene grace, his presence a balm to their weary spirits. With a touch of his hand and a murmur of ancient incantations, he invoked the power of Cure Wounds, mending their injuries with a warm, golden light. The adventurers settled into a brief but rejuvenating respite, the soft glow of their campfire warding off the encroaching darkness.

Lofty, now feeling the restorative effects of Galdor’s magic, joined his companions for a hearty meal. The warmth of camaraderie and the shared relief of survival lent flavor to their simple fare, and they ate with the gusto of those who had stared death in the face and lived to tell the tale.

As the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, casting a pale glow on their determined faces, the party mounted their horses. With renewed vigor, they set out towards Deadwood, the ominous forest looming in the distance. Laden with hard-won treasure, crucial information, and their orc captive, they were ready to face whatever challenges awaited them. Each step brought them closer to their destiny, and the air hummed with the promise of adventure and the whisper of dangers yet to be revealed.


The Adventurers, having clean-up Wyvern Tor of the Bandit Orcs, return to Deadwood. On arriving to Deadwood, they are met with grateful townsfolk who thank them for dealing with the Redbrands and now the Bandits of Wyvern Tor.

The party ride to the Stonehill Inn where they are met by Sildar Hall Winter and Sister Garaele. Sildar thanks the Adventurers and promise that they will be paid, in full, for their work at Wyvern Tor and that they now had the freedom of Deadwood too.

Lofty begins to tell Sildar of their finds but is cut short by the old fighter and told to join him inside the Stonehill Inn for a drink and a rest. Inside Inn the patrons give the Adventurers a big cheer as Sildar leads them to a room that had been set aside for the Heroes and there they ate, drank and retold their recent mission.

Sildar openly wrote down all that he thought important and that he intended to send onto Waterdeep, while Sister Garaele also paid close attention but was much more subtle about it. Galdor notes that Sildar is now wearing Chainmail and that he is also carting a Longsword. His equipment was taken by the same Goblins that took Gundren and his Map of Wave Echo Cave.

Lofty insists that they now needed to concentrate on rescuing Gundren Rockseeker, and possibly his last remaining brother Nundro too. We must go to Cragmaw Castle and make sure he is at least alive. Sildar assures the young Halfling that they must need Gundren, if not just for information regarding the Puzzle Box, but possibly to be used as a bargaining chip against the Adventurers.

Lofty ‘Messages’ Sister Garaele and asks if she would help him as he does not feel well. Sister Garaele invites Lofty to her home, later on that night, and says that she would be more than happy to help in any way she could.

That night Lofty visits Sister Garaele and explains the illness to her and his symptoms. Sister Garaele at first finds nothing wrong with the Halfling and so begins to question him regarding his recent history and it was then that he mentioned the Puzzle Box. Sister Garaele cast ‘Detect Good or Evil’ on the box and found that it was not Good but not wholly Evil. Sister Garaele suspects that this is the cause of Lofty’s current illness and that it is alleviated if Galdor casts his ‘Healing’ Spell upon the Rogue. But this is by no means a cure and you need to return the Item within the Puzzle Box sooner rather than later.

Finally, Sister Garaele having grown fond of the Halfling or maybe she had an ulterior motive, elected to cast a ‘Divination’ Spell to see if Tymora could help with their quest. Sister Garaele goes into a trance and her voice changes to that of a musical and cheerful woman’s voice. What one single question, Rogue, do you have for me concerning a specific goal, event, or activity to occur within 7 days.

Lofty: “What single thing can Galdor and myself do to rescue Gundren Rockseeker from Cragmaw Castle with the best chance of succeeding?”

Tymora: “Take out the King first and you both may stand a chance of surviving you quest.”

Sister Garaele then tells the Lofty that she was able to finish off one of Iarno “Glasstaff” Albrek’s potions which he had started and it was a ‘Potion of Invisibility’, just like the one he had on him when they captured him. Lofty Spots the alembics, retorts, distillation coils, and other alchemical devices from Glasstaff’s Workshop.

The Adventurers make purchases in Deadwood, arrows, food, etc, and then they ride off to Cargmaw Castle accompanied by Sildar Hallwinter. It takes the Adventurers some 11 hours to reach the forest where Cargmaw Castle stands and they make their wat to within a mile of the Castle.

The Adventurers then walk the next half mile until Galdor, Lofty having failed to find anything suitable, finds a perfect shelter for the horses. Here Galdor insists that Lofty practises his animal husbandry and look after the horse’s food and accommodation.

The party head quietly, at dusk as planned, to Cargmaw Castle making sure that Astrid and Sildar hide some 100’ – 110’ feet West of the Castle by the Main Gates. Here Lofty casts ‘Invisibility’ on himself, while Galdor Cast ‘Guidance’ and then drinks the ‘Potion of Invisibility’.

Lofty and Galdor setoff, both ‘Invisible’, both moving as silently as a stalking Rune and aiming to walk around the full perimeter of Cargmaw Castle to make sure they both have an idea of the best way in and to look for current defences. Lofty leads holding a 10’ foot long piece of fishing line, while Galdor follows holding onto the other end of the line. The two had previously decided on a few simple commands. One tug STOP, two tugs CONTINE, etc.

The time is around 10:30 at night and the Sun had just dropped down under the horizon.
Lofty and Galdor head first to the Cragmaw Castle entrance, which has a large path leading to it, to check the area and then they head clockwise around the ruined monument. Lofty stops to see if he can see or hear anything as they both move to the bottom of the stairs.

Cragmaw Castle
Cragmaw Castle


The castle consists of seven crumbling towers of different sizes and heights, but the upper stories are all in varying states of collapse. A short flight of steps leads up to a terrace in front of the main entryway. Past the wreckage of a pair of sundered doors lies a shadowed hall. Round towers loom over the entranceway, with dark arrow slits looking down on the terrace.

The pair then pass the first of the 7 Towers and it is one of the 2 that are some 40’ feet wide.
Arrow slits in the castle walls are 10’ feet above the outside ground level, 4’ feet above the interior floor level, 8’’ inches wide, and 4’ feet high. A creature on one side of an arrow slit gains three-quarters cover against attacks from the other side.

Lofty checks the area in front of the steps for traps and finds none.

Lofty chooses not to stop and listen for any noise coming from within the Castle and the pair reach the Northern side of the Cargmaw Castle. Here there is another path heading to the third northern Tower, which had mainly collapsed. Galdor stops and Lofty moves back towards him.

Galdor: “Look yonder Lofty. Do you see there, at the base of the tower, it is a large grey canvas hiding a possible way into the tower. Also, look here on the ground this path is well travelled.”

Lofty Bilberry: “This is fortunate indeed. Let us continue and then re-join Sildar and Astrid.”

Galdor: “”Sometimes the Lady smiles, sometimes she laughs out loud.”

The 2 Adventurers continue on around the East side of Cragmaw Castle and find nothing more of interest. Upon reaching the Southern side of the Castle, Lofty is interest to check the locked side door into Cragmaw Castle, but is weary of the arrow slits overlooking the Southern path. The little Rogue move below the arrow slits and listen out for any sounds from within.

The Rogue can here the sound of various Goblinoids talking, jeering and laughing. Lofty, tugging on the fishing wire, gestures Galdor to join him and proceeds to climb up onto his shoulders and then climbs up to the arrow slit. Within Lofty can now see what is making the noise.


The western portion of this large hall ends in a wall of rubble, but the remainder is still intact. This must once have been the Castle’s banquet hall, with a soaring ceiling 25’ high. Two large wooden tables with plain benches stand in the middle of the room, and a brass brazier full of glowing coals is tucked into one corner. Dirty dishes, half-full stewpots, mouldy heels of bread, and gnawed bones cover the tables.
This hall holds several miserable Goblins and their leader? a fat, cantankerous Goblin enjoying himself at the cost of the others.

Lofty also spots a closed door in the bottom east of the hall. This is near to the side door and apparently not guarded.

Lofty climbs back down and moves off with Galdor towards the side door.


On the south side of the old castle, an overgrown path leads to a passage that climbs up into the wall. A large iron door stands here, sheltered from direct outside attack. Arrow slits ten feet above the ground overlook the path. A postern is a secondary door or gate in a fortification such as a city wall or castle curtain wall. Posterns were often located in a concealed location.

Lofty checks the area in front of the steps for traps and finds none.

Lofty notes the door itself is very well reenforced and would take a great blow to damage it. However, always look for the weakest spot, the lock. The Rogue believes he can pick this lock, but it would be a hard task to do.

Lofty and Galdor return Astrid and Sildar and explain what they have uncovered.

Sildar Hallwinter: “If you intend to enter by the side door, then I suggest that Astrid and myself move over to the Northern hidden entrance and use that to enter Cargmaw Castle. Do you investigate any further inside past the canvas?”

Lofty Bilberry: “I’m afraid not Sildar.”

Lofty and Galdor return to the Side door and Lofty easily manages to pick the lock, open the door and all in complete silence. The 2 lone heroes were now within Cargmaw Castle and Lofty quietly closes, but does not lock, the side door.

Galdor is comfortable in the darkness and now so is Lofty, having attuned with his newfound Belt of Dwarvenkind, as he also can see in the dark.

The two heroes can see that the ceilings, unlike the Banquet Hall, are 15’ feet high. The Interior doors are made of wood reinforced with iron bands. They have neither locks nor keyholes.

The floors are cracked and uneven flagstones and conceal a dirt floor underneath.

The light source come from a small amount of natural light that filters through the arrow slits around the castle. During the day, this provides dim light in most areas. At night, all areas are dark.

Finally, the exterior walls and load-bearing interior walls are 5’ feet thick, with 3’ feet of mortared fill sandwiched between 1’ foot thick courses of hard stone blocks. Interior walls are 1’ foot thick worked stone.

To the west the Rogue can see the door that leads to the Banqueting Hall, to the sides the corridor is whole and then ends at the northern section full of rubble, with a path leading to a large heavy curtain stretching across the corridor.

Lofty approaches the curtain as silently as he can and peers around the Lefthand side of it. Beyond Lofty can see that the area behind it is an upside-down T-junction, with a door to the east, a door to the west and another large heavy curtain stretching across the corridor to the north.

Dragging Galdor along by the fishing line, Lofty first goes to listen at the western door and, possibly due to his heart pumping so hard, can only hear the sound of it and nothing else behind it. The pair move over the western door and Lofty once again puts his ear to the door and listens for any noise. Again, the Halfling ears hear nothing beyond the door.

Lofty and Galdor then move up to the large heavy curtain stretching across the corridor to the north. Once more to the dismay of the Rogue he hears nothing behind the curtain. The Rogue moves close and this time peers around the righthand side, as there is more rubble piled to the left.


This tower has almost completely collapsed, although the ground floor still has a little open space. Rotting crates and ancient barrels show that provisions were once stored here. A heavy curtain blocks a crumbling area to the south, and an intact door leads east. To the north, a short passage through the rubble ends before a screen of canvas.

As the Rogue and Cleric head towards the western door, Galdor notices something of interest on the creates and tugs Lofty off.


The Chain Mail and Longsword belong to Sildar Hallwinter.

Galdor decides that he will use these items and changes into the chainmail and leave his Leather Armour hidden behind one of the barrels.

Galdor: “I am sure that Sildar is grateful if at least his longsword is returned to him. But for now, it will be used within Cragmaw Castle by me.”


The two heroes decide that their next move should be to investigate the eastern door in the Ruined Tower, where they currently were, as they still wanted to follow the advice from the Deity Tymora, assisted by Sister Garaele’s ‘Divination’ Spell, and take out King Grol first.

Lofty listens at the door and again is unable to compose himself enough to focus on the task at hand. The fear of finally being in a real adventure has unsettled the Halfling Rogue. Fairly convinced that the coast was clear, Lofty oiled the hinges of the door and proceeded to quietly open the wood reinforced with iron bands door.

Beyond the door, as Lofty quickly pulls Galdor through with him and closes the door behind them, the Rogue and the Cleric find themselves in a L-shaped corridor with another door to the east and another heavy curtain to the south. Lofty elects to first listen at the eastern door and then the southern curtain.

Lofty fails to hear clearly again at the eastern door, but makes out several beings speaking in common.

At the southern curtain Lofty can make out the sound of marching or pacing and also the sound of creaking leather.

Lofty tries the eastern door again and can hear the voices of King Grol, Jingles the Goblin Jester, a wolf called Snarl and a male Drow. King Grol is refusing to handover Gundren’s Map unless he is paid. King Grol appears to want now to sell the Map instead of surrendering it. and he and the Drow are negotiating a price. Vyerith first wants to question Gundren to find out if anyone else knows the location of the mine.

Lofty then bravely, or foolhardily choose to take a peek behind the heavy curtain to the south to make sure they knew what to expect to appear from that area. Lofty attempted to listen again beyond the heavy curtain but was unable to decern any further information.

The Rogue, quite as a mouse, moves the curtain to one side as he heard the guard moving away from it.


A stone brazier full of coals glows in the middle of this small barracks. Four straw pallets are lined up along the east wall. The wall to the south has collapsed, but a barred wooden door in that direction is still clear. A curtain hangs in an archway to the north.

Lofty can now clearly see that one of the Hobgoblin’s was watching out of one of the arrows slit and the other marching from the curtain, to the western door, to the southern door and then back to the northern curtain. The Rogue eases back the curtain and silently returns to Galdor’s side.

Lofty then had the bright idea to deploy his 1,000 ball bearings in the area in front of the southern curtain, behind which he suspected were some guards. Next, the plan was to open the eastern door and attempt to surprise the enemy beyond it. Galdor was to open the door, assess what was beyond and enter to engage with King Grol. Lofty would hang back and use his Roguish Skills to inflict the most damage possible from his shortbow arrows.

Galdor opens the door and catches all those within the King’s Quarters, apart from the Drow, by Surprise.


This chamber has been set up as a crude living space, with thick furs thrown on the floor to serve as carpets, old trophies hanging on the walls, a large bed to the north, and a brazier of coals burning brightly. A round table with several chairs stands to the south near the door. Near the table, on the floor, is an unconscious Dwarf who looks badly beaten.

Galdor rushes in and attacks King Grol while he was still ‘Invisible’ and he can also see those within.

The creatures’ descriptions.

Galdor successfully hit King Grol with his Longsword and a follow-up attack by Lofty also strikes true and King Grol is bleeding but by no means fazed, the old warrior must be still alive for a reason. King Grol, Jingles the Goblin Jester and Snarl the Wolf are all too surprised by the ‘Invisible’ attacks and fail to act while they all take-in what had just happened.

Galdor attacks again as does Lofty. Meanwhile, the Drow, or Black Spider as we now know him to be was out of Lofty’s line of sight behind the door and to Galdor’s back, had move back into the room to the north-west of the King’s Quarter’s.

Lofty, knowing that the Hobgoblin guards would exit the Guards Barracks soon, open the door to the Ruined Tower and back off towards the western side of the chamber.

Out of the southern curtained room, The Guard Barracks, then appear two Hobgoblin’s. They are dressed in the same livery, tabards with the crossed hand-axes of King Grol, while the first Hobgoblin was carrying a Longbow the second had a Longsword drawn. Both Hobgoblin Guards avoid slipping over the 1,000 ball bearings and one moves off to aid King Grol whilst the second stands in the corridor.

King Grol: “Stand back loyal guard, this minor inconvenience is mine to deal with.”

The Hobgoblin stows away his Longbow, steps back and draws his Longsword.

King Grol: “Jingles, Snarl go after that little morsal for me would you.”

At that command the Goblin Jester jumps on the back of the Wolf and they head out westwards after the Halfling Rogue.

King Grol: “As for you young Cleric, I MARK you and you will fight me as I have fought all those who have challenged me over the years. Be forewarned, I killed them all.”

King Grol draws his mighty Flail and swings it right at Galdor’s head. The Cleric was able to avoid the worst of the blow but he was caught and it did hurt greatly.

The second Hobgoblin looks to Lofty and then dashes off southwards back towards the Guards Barracks.

Jingles and Snarl slowly move out of the King’s Quarter’s, due to all the furniture having been upended throughout the chamber, and ends up in the Ruined Tower just a few feet from the unsettled Rogue.

Galdor and King Grol continue to fight with Galdor striking the King for more damage and then calling upon Tymora for her ‘Healing’ favour. King Grol strikes again and Galdor realises that he may have bitten off more than me could chew.

King Grol rises to his full height and flexes his muscles at Galdor, showing the many scars that covered his body.

King Grol: “You will not last much longer as my blows are too much for you to take and I offer no quarter Elf.”

Galdor is overawed by the Old Bugbear King and his intimidations was too much for the Elf as he saw himself slowly backing away from his foe.

Lofty feels he has no choice but to run out, via the hidden canvas entrance, and seek the aid of Astrid and Sildar who were still hiding to the north of Cragmaw Castle.

Lofty Bilberry: “Astrid, Sildar the time has come for you to aid us. I will meet up by the entrance as I’m being chased by a Jester riding a Wolf.”

Sildar Hallwinter: “What did he say, I don’t understand Halfling.”

Astrid: “You won’t believe me if I told you Sildar, just be ready.”

Lofty rushes out of Cragmaw Castle via the hidden entrance and sees Astrid dashing up the path towards him, with Sildar totting up behind him. The 3 Heroes wait for the enemies to exit the Castle and the Rogue begins by casting ‘Sleep’ on the creatures that rush out. First out was the Goblin Jester, riding the Wolf, followed by a single Hobgoblin Guard. The Goblin Jester and Wolf succumb to Lofty’s Spell and they both drop to the ground.

Astrid then takes over the task of clearing the way into Cragmaw Castle and lays into the Hobgoblin with her Flurry of Blows which leaves the Hobgoblin dead without having swung his Longsword.

Lofty sprints back into Cragmaw Castle, being the only one of the 3 heroes that had been within, as he is desperate to help Galdor whom he had left alone inside fighting with King Grol.

A scream rings out and can be heard coming from within the Cragmaw Castle, but thankfully it is too guttural to have been Galdor and Lofty believes it could be one of the Hobgoblin Guards. But what could have attack him, did he not flee southwards?

An owlbear’s screech echoes through the darkness and benighted castle, piercing the quiet night to announce the death of its prey.

Back inside the Ruined Tower the trio of heroes look through to the King’s Quarters and can see Galdor, in a more defensive stance, looking around nervously as he fought King Grol. King Grol, on the other hand, was laughing and enthusiastically wielding his Giant Flail at the Cleric.

Lofty places an arrow on his Shortbow with the intent of firing at the King. However, at that very moment the heroes hear a blood chilling sound, it sounded like the growl of a huge creature mixed with the chattering of some form of bird?

Astrid waits to aid Galdor, to allow Lofty to release his arrow, while Sildar stands in front of the Halfling Rogue just like a Knight would protect his King. Lofty’s aim was true and deal significant damage to King Grol.

Meanwhile, Galdor was still intimidated by the dominance of King Grol and choose to cast another Spell upon himself, ‘Shield of Faith’. A shimmering field appears and surrounds Galdor providing him with Tymora’s protection. Then the Elven Cleric gains a little courage from knowing his family had come to help him. This is because Galdor, like the 2 orphans Astrid and lofty, had no other known family. Galdor strikes the Bugbear King, who is forced to take a ‘Potion’, the potion’s red liquid glimmers when agitated by the drinking of it.

Galdor is struck again by King Grol, even with the extra Holy protection and the battle hangs by a tread. Galdor calls to his comrades in Halfling.

Galdor: “Gundren is here on the floor, he is in a bad way.”

Out of the room to the west Galdor spots a creature emerge and fly over to King Grol’s large bed.

King Grol: “Stay away from my royal bed chamber; it is not for the likes of you or your master the Black Spider. There is nothing of value to be found there creature.”

Galdor takes a quick glance behind and spots the creature and know what it is, a Kobold. Kobolds are craven reptilian humanoids that worship evil dragons as demigods and serve them as minions and toadies. But this one had wings. The creature immediately turns and begins to pull the bed apart.

Astrid was about to sprint forward to the Clerics aid but she was stopped in her tracks by what happened next. From the L-Shaped corridor, the one the second Hobgoblin had fled down, a huge creature appears after having run into the room and had slipped due to the 1,000 Ball Barings. The creature had feathers covering its thick, shaggy coat of its bearlike body, and the limpid pupils of its great round eyes stared furiously from its owlish head.

All those confronted by the Owlbear brace for the imminent fight that they expect to have.  Lofty and Sildar move back and away from the creature hoping to gain his Roguish advantage, whilst leaving the close-quarter work to his sister. Astrid plants her feet and assumes the crane position.

The Owlbear chooses freedom over captivity and burst out of Cragmaw Castle at a speed greater than that of any of the adventurers and none volunteer to follow the freed creature.

Back with Galdor and King Grol, the fight continues and the Cleric of Tymora swings with all his strength but misses the Old, but still agile King Grol.

Galdor is too busy to stop the Winged Kobold, who he saw had found a leather sack hidden under Grol’s bed mattress, from flying past him and King Grol. The Winged Kobold had discarded the coins and bottles within and take a map.

Is this the map to Wave Echo Cave?

King Grol: “Your technique is flawed and I have you now.”

Galdor: “Not while I have one last toss of the coin, Tymora bring me luck”.

Galdor prays for godly favour and luckily is able to bring back around his Longsword, which he is wielding two-handed, in an arch and strikes the surprise King Grol. The large Bugbear fall dead and so ends the rein of the Cragmaws.

Lofty can see into the room and he spots a nude creature fly across the King’s Quarters, heading towards the south-eastern arrow slit.

Lofty Bilberry: “Did I just see a Winged Kobold fly past with a Map or Scroll in its clawed hands?”. For the next few seconds Castle Cragmaw is silent.


All the adventurers move into the King’s Quarters.

Lofty moves into the room by the door. Here the Rogue looks around and can clearly make out that the room was once a splendid bathroom which had fallen into disrepair. However, the Goblin’s again have tried to improve the room and its facilities as best they could for King Grol to use.

On the floor Lofty sees a pile of discarded cloths and the Rogue considers checking them.

Astrid closes the door, leaving a gap to be able to listen through and listens out for more enemies.

Sildar crouches behind an upturned table, loads his Heavy Cross-bow and aims at the door.

Finally, Galdor is attending to Gundren Rockseeker who is unconscious but still alive.

Lofty realises that the Black Spider was not in the bathroom and that the cloths must belong to him. But also, what was a naked Winged Kobold doing in the King’s Quarters and where had it gone, out of one of the arrow slits?

Lofty moves out of the bathroom and spots that King Grol’s bed had been upended and the Rogue could see an open a stitched leather sack containing 220 sp, 100 gp, 160 ep and 3 potions all containing a red liquid that glimmers when agitated.

Lofty Bilberry: “Gundren’s map to Wave Echo Cave, that dammed Kobold must have taken it.”

Astrid hears no sounds from behind the door and informs the party.

Galdor tell the adventurers that Gundren Rockseeker needs to be healed before he can be moved and that’s when Lofty holds up the Potions of Healing.

Astrid Bilberry: “I’ll take one of those if the Cleric is saving his heavenly powers.”

Lofty hands over one of the Potions to his sister, then moves over to Galdor and does the same with the second Potion. Galdor administers the Potion of Healing and Gundren Rockseeker wakes, battered and bruised but in good spirts now that he was with his favourite orphans.

Lofty and Galdor both hug Gundren Rockseeker and the Dwarf tells his adopted kin that he doesn’t know much apart form having met the Black Spider and he was wanting his Map. King Grol wanted to exploit that and demanded more for its return.

Lofty then had to tell Gundren Rockseeker of his brother’s Nundro death. Tharden may still live but we believe that the Black Spider knows the location of Wave Echo Cave and all they needed was the Map.

Lofty Bilberry: “That is not all remember.”

Lofty says sheepishly and reminds everyone of the Puzzle Box.

Gundren Rockseeker did not know what was inside the Puzzle Box and had expected to have found out once it was given to him. He also did not know what its purpose was but he was told he need this to appease those guarding Wave Echo Cave.

Lofty was unsure how this was connected to what Sister Garaele had told him.

Sister Garaele: “The box was not wholly Evil but I sense you have been exposed to Shadowfell Magic, but its presence was certainly troubling. I suspect it is the cause of your illness and I suggest that Galdor’s healing spells have provided temporary relief. However, you need to return the item within the Puzzle Box soon to be fully cured”.

Lofty Bilberry: “What is Shadowfell?”

Sister Garaele: “So the Shadowfell is a parallel plane to the material plane (like the Feywild) made from the Plane of Shadow and part of the Negative Energy Plane. During this time, until the Second Sundering, the parallel plane (Shadowfell) became the place from which Necrotic energies and Shadow magic stemmed. Or Undead Land to you young Rogue.”

Astrid moves over to Gundren and in an unusual show of affection, also hugs Gundren for a long while.

Lofty decides that he should attempt to check the Cragmaw Castle from the outside and explains that he will climb out of the arrow slit and down to the floor. He will then stealthily check the outside of Castle to find the best way to escape. With the help of ‘Guidance’ from Galdor, a rope and a helping hand climbing down the tower Lofty had no difficulty in doing so and quietly too.

As the Halfling Rogue made his way clockwise around Castle Cargmaw, he notices something on the ground some 60’-70’ feet away half hidden by a bush. Lofty believes it to be the Winged Kobold, that he now knows did fly out of the arrow slit, and as he drew closer Lofty could see that the Map was by the body.

As lofty Cautiously moves closer and stands over the naked creature he is shocked but not surprised. This allowed the cleaver Rogue to make a successful grab for the Map and run off back to the rope hanging from the arrow slit. The Rogue looks behind him and sees the Winged Kobold fly up into the air.

Lofty reached the Tower first and knew he only had the advantage of moving first and hoped that he had the speed and stamina to climb the rope and into the arrow slit before the Winged Kobold tried to prevent him.

Lofty makes it to the arrow slit and is just about to dash inside when he feels the rush of air generated by the diving Kobold and them squirms his way out of the clasping claws of the creature. Lofty was safe and he sees the Winged Kobold fly up and out of his line of sight.

Lofty Bilberry: “I think we need to make a move, don’t you? Oh, and look what I found.”

Lofty holds up Gundren’s Map.

Wave Echo Cave - Drawn Map
Wave Echo Cave – Drawn Map

Gundren Rockseeker: “I don’t think I am the person to take that now, do you Lofty?”

Lofty Bilberry: “I think it is ours now to hold and use, yes indeed Gundren.”

Lofty moves back over to the door and the party begin to organise themselves to exit the Cargmaw Castle via the Canvas exit in the Ruined Tower. The Rogue takes the opportunity to listen at the door while away from the others and he hears the pattering of Goblin feet attempting not to make any noise.

Quietly the Rogue informs the adventurers and they prepare for combat. Sildar with his Heavy Cross-bow hides crouching behind the table, Lofty elects to prepare his Shortbow to fire down the corridor, as does Galdor with his Longbow. Gundren waits, hidden behind a piece of furniture as he is a lover not a fighter and finally, Astrid is ready, with Short Sword in hand, to open the door; allow the archers to fire and she would use her Darts. This way the whole party could stay protected within the King’s Quarters.

Astrid opens the door and Sildar let fly his bolt, which hits one of the skulking Goblins carrying a Shield and Scimitar. Sildar ducks down and re-loads his Cross-bow.

Galdor steps out next and finishes the first Goblin. The Elf Cleric steps back out of the line of sight of the other Goblin’s, and their leader Yegg, who were waiting further back with Shortbow’s drawn and Aimed at the King’s Quarters. His intension was to protect Gundren at all costs.

Then it was the turn of the Rogue who fired his trusty Shortbow and the second Goblin and he was hit. Then Lofty scurries off and Hides behind the bathtub.

Finally, Astrid steps from around the door and lobs her Dart at the Goblin, killing the second Goblin. Knowing that they had lost the Surprise, the Monk closes the door behind herself.

The attack does not happen and so they decide to perform the same trick again. Astrid opens the door but the Goblin’s had moved away.

Jingles, the Goblin Jester and Snarl, King Grol’s personal Wolf also appeared and they were both dispatched off very quickly.

Astrid Bilberry: “They didn’t fancy their odds. Mayhap they have gone for reinforcements?”

Lofty Bilberry: “I think they have headed south, possible back to the Banquet Hall, or through the closed door to the west, in between the hanging curtains. We didn’t check there but I heard nothing when I had a listen.”

Galdor: “Where to next then Lofty?”


Sildar Hallwinter offer to stay with Gundren if the adventurers find a good place to defend until the others return.

Lofty suggests that the Owlbear tower who be a good place to hide with the first floor providing a good place for Sildar to shoot his cross-bow from.

The adventurers all look to Lofty and he realises that he had been chosen to scout the route ahead that is his job after all.

Lofty stealthily moves out of the King’s Quarters and move south to the Guards Barracks. At the heavy curtain the Rogue stops to listen for any noises beyond it. He hears nothing.

The Rogue finds that the Barracks are empty and the door to the west is left open. Lofty once again creeps over to the western door and listens out for any sound of their foes, nothing.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “It’s all too quiet for my likening; the sooner we leave the happier my nerves will be.”

The Rogue continues south and into the Owlbear Tower which he also finds empty.


The upper floors of this tower have collapsed to create a hollow silo at least thirty feet high, and the upper reaches of the room are lost in shadows. Dust, rubble, and broken glass cover the floor, and old worktables and bookshelves lie strewn to the south. In the middle of the room is a hulking beast that looks like a mangy bear with an owl’s head. It rears up and roars when it sees you.

Lofty thinks it best to check the whole area and climbs up to the upper floor. All that remains of the tower’s second floor is a jagged ledge, upon which sits a battered wooden chest. The chest is hard to see from the floor and the Rogue smiles to himself and this adventure had netting him more money than he had ever seen in one place.

The chest is checked for traps and one is found. However, the Rogue is not able to disarm the trap and the poison on the blade is lost. Once unlocked by the Rogue, he finds inside contains 90 ep, 120 gp, a Potion of Healing, a Scroll of Silence, a Scroll of Revivify and a Broch with a Red Ruby.

Lofty quietly returns to the party and Lofty, Astrid, Galdor, Gundren and Sildar all head back down to the Owlbear Tower.

Lofty then persuade the team to follow him as he believes that they should check the side door, then the Banquet Hall and finally check the south-west corner area of Cragmaw Castle.

The Rogue leads his sister and Galdor back to the Guards Barracks, out west then south through the heavy curtains and to the Postern Gate. This he checks to see if it still remained unlocked, which it was.

 Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Now we can check the Banquet Hall, look the door is wide open and the room is in a mess as if they all ran out.”

The Banquet Hall was empty and there was no sign of the Goblins or their leader, Yegg. Lofty, again take the lead and moves westwards to the Ruined Barracks.


The southwest tower of the castle is little more than a heap of rubble. Several ragged bedrolls are scattered across the remaining floor space, and a small, twisting passage leads east through the ruins

Not wanting to waste any more time than he had, the Rogue noiselessly move to the northern door, puts his ear to it and listens. However, he is unable to discern any noise beyond due to his rapidly beating heart.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Nothing here let us return to the western door between the two heavy curtains, I believe that is where everyone has run off to.”

Once the adventurers reach the door the Rogue presses his hear to the door, one more time, but now he hears the sound of bear feet moving across the stone floor and then the sound of a door being closed but not shut closed.

Lofty having some time to prepare, casts ‘Message’ and informs Galdor that they will attempt to Silently enter the chamber beyond, Astrid leading the wat with cover being provided by Galdor and Lofty and the very back. Astrid opens the door and finds the following in the Dark Hall behind:


This high, narrow hall looks as if it might have been part of a chapel or shrine at one time. Angelic figures are sculpted along the room’s upper reaches, looking down on the floor below. To the north, heavy curtains block a matching pair of archways. Between the archways is a cracked but ornately carved stone brazier. Next to that on the floor is a very large bowl with the word ‘Fluffy’ scratched into it.

Astrid moves into the 30’ foot high chamber followed by Galdor and Lofty who leaves the door open behind him.

Astrid Bilberry: “Who are all these statues meant to be?”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “You must have been training when they taught Deities of Faerûn in your monastery sister.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “They are Oghma (god of knowledge), Mystra (goddess of magic), Lathander (god of dawn), and Tymora (goddess of luck). This is an obvious sign that the builders of the castle were human.”

Astrid Bilberry: “Smart short-arse.”

Lofty chooses to check the western door first while Galdor waits with his Longbow draw and Astrid stands on the balls of her feet and with her Magical Shortsword in hand. Lofty can see that the door is slight ajar and listens out for noise, this was fortunate for him for at that moment, from among the angelic figures drops a Goblin dressed in religious garments and riding an adult Grick.

A fight commences with Astrid taking damage initially and then the adventures all hit and kill the Grick in a matter of seconds. Surprisingly the Orc is dextrous enough to jump and land safely from the falling Grick and he in turn attacks Astrid. This time the bows of Galdor and Lofty finish-off Lhupo the priest.

Seconds after the fall of Lhupo, 4 Goblins with Shortbows in hand emerge from behind the curtains and are shocked to see both Lhupo and Fluffy the Grick laying dead on the clod stone floor.3 of the 4 Goblins turn and run for their lives while only one of the soldiers stands and fires. He does not last long in the wolrd and is quickly dispatched by the adventurers.

The adventurers elect not to exit via the western door as the way feels fowl and so it is north past the two hanging heavy curtains.

Lofty, Galdor and Astrid move as silently as they can towards the western of the two curtains and not all of the members are successful in this task. Lofty Listens at the heavy curtain and unnerved by the noise coming from the party is distracted and is convinced that the coast is clear. Beyond the curtain Lofty find another 30’ foot high chamber.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “This appears to be some form of Goblin Shrine, just in case you were unsure sister.”

Astrid Bilberry: “Enough with the joking brother as I still possess some KI that I am willing to use on you,”


This chamber occupies the northern tower of the castle. A stone altar stands in the middle of the room, covered with bloodstained black cloth. Golden ritual implements—a chalice, a knife, and a censer—are carefully arranged on top of the altar. Two archways to the south are covered with heavy curtains.

Lofty tiptoes over to the Eastern door, which has been left open by the fleeing Goblins, and listens. Galdor and Astrid follow close behind and stand ready in the middle of the Goblin Shrine. Then surprisingly from behind the stone Alter 2 more Goblins emerge and surprise our 2 warriors.

Lofty is left to attack the 2 Goblins as they fire at the Cleric of Tymora and the Monk of Urogalan. Both Goblins miss and are easily dealt with after a fantastic strike by the Rogue. Lofty, having listened again, hears nothing and the 3 adventurers enter the next chamber.


Old casks of salted meat and sacks of grain fill this storage area. The food appears to be of better quality than that found in the Ruined Tower.

Lofty first see that some of the casks and sacks had been spilled across the floor or left uncovered as if someone had grabbed surplices quickly. Lofty then moves to the southern door in this room and can clearly see it has been opened and that is another door to the west which appears to lead into the western most tower. Next the Rogue listens at the closed door, in the Storeroom, and he can clearly hear the sound of Goblinoids talking and moving around. Lofty believes that they are Hobgoblins and that they should attempt to surprise those within.

Lofty gestures to Galdor to enter the room via the other door, while the Rogue and Monk would enter via the door in the Storeroom.

Galdor opens his door and finds that he is not where the Rogue expected him to be.


This small room is clean and tidy. The arrow slit opposite the door offers a fine field of fire over the terrace in front of the castle gates.

The Cleric finds that the room is occupied by 2 Goblin Archer, wearing King Grol’s livery, both looking out of the arrow slits whilst guarding the Castle Entrance.

Stez, Goblin 1#: “Now there goes Wrung, Vaard and Big Nagnok and they’re carrying weapons and sacks. I tell you there’s something wrong”

Plix, Goblin #2: “Don’t get involved as I bet its Yegg messing with them again. Chain of command we do as told, guard the Castle Entrance and keep an eye out for them.”

Galdor chooses to let these poor creatures live and in his most Intimidating voice offers the 2 Goblins a way out.

Galdor: “You have the chance to leave of your own free will, or to fight me the Elf Lord who had already killed Yegg, Lhupo and Fluffy.”

Stez and Plix both look at each other, bow to Galdor and scamper out of the northern Archers Post and out of the Castle Entrance.

Meanwhile, Astrid is ready to open the door to the Hobgoblin Barracks, surprise those inside, rush in to attack whilst allowing space for Lofty to fire at those inside too.


Four plain straw pallets and bedrolls are lined up on the floor of this barracks. Brackets on the walls hold a number of weapons—spears, swords, morningstars, and more. The north wall shows signs of damage, but the floor is swept clean of rubble.

Inside there are 4 Hobgoblins, 2 sitting on the straw pallets playing a game of Bones and 2 others cleaning and polishing their equipment. All of the Hobgoblins are occupied and caught completely by surprise and Bloody Murder ensues.

For some unknown reason, maybe the fact that Lofty had miscalculated the rooms and he and his sister had to fight alone, the Rogue mad every shot from his Shortbow count and his arrows were deadly. Between Astrid using her last Flurry of Blows and Lofty’s expert archery the 4 Hobgoblins manage just 2 attacks before joining all the other soldiers of the Black Spider.

Galdor rushes back north and joins the siblings.

Galdor: “Clear, that is the last of them me thinks.”

Lofty spots that the Hobgoblins Barracks was filled with weapons. Mounted to the walls are 5 Spears, 4 Longswords, 3 Morningstars, 2 Greatswords, and a fine Quarterstaff. The quarterstaff is engraved with stylized feathers, is surprisingly light (1 lb.), and worth 10 gp in Lofty’s opinion.


The adventurers return to collect Sildar Hallwinter and Gundren Rockseeker and they are both impressed and shocked that these 3 young adults were capable of such efficient slaughter.

Lofty insist that they make rest in the Kings Quarters. There they can leave Sildar and Gundren in the care of Astrid while they take a short rest, meditate and regain KI. That would allow Lofty to search Cragmaw Castle for food, enemies, treasure and any other useful information.

Galdor offers his services and spends some time preparing his Spell of ‘Detect Magic’. First Galdor checks all the item that the adventurers had.

Glador’s Sword glows and he remembers to return it to Sildar along with his Chainmail armour. Sildar gives his recently purchased suit to Galdor. Apart from that the only other new item to glow was the Red Gem Broch that Lofty found in the Owlbear Tower. The Quarterstaff in not Magic.

Lofty and Galdor set off and head south to the Guards Barracks, down South to the Owlbear Tower back out west past the Postern Gate, which remained unlocked, to the Banquette Hall and finally into the southern Ruined Barracks.


The southwest tower of the castle is little more than a heap of rubble. Several ragged bedrolls are scattered across the remaining floor space, and a small, twisting passage leads east through the ruins.

Both Lofty and Galdor find nothing of interest. They continue north out of the Ruined Barracks and Lofty spots that the southern Archers Post door has been left opened.


This small room is littered with debris and smells like a bog on a hot summer’s day. The arrow slit opposite the door offers a fine field of fire over the terrace in front of the castle gates.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “The Gobos must have run away too.”

Galdor: “Don’t call them that, that’s not a very nice.”

Next Lofty and Galdor head north and check The Archers Post north, the Hobgoblin’s Barracks and then the Storeroom. Inside Lofty spots 1 Small Cask with Dwarven runes. It is filled with an exceptional Dwarven brandy, which the goblins overlooked because of its size. The cask contains the equivalent of twenty glasses. A character who imbibes a glass of brandy regains 1 hit point.

Next Galdor and Lofty check the Dark Hall and find that Lhupo, the Goblin Priest, had a small key on a chain around his neck which did radiate Magic. Lofty removes the key from around Lhupo’s neck and inspects it closely. The Rogue can see that there are a number of religious symbols around the Bow, or loop, of the key.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Look at this, the symbols match the statues of the deities. We need to check the alter.”

Galdor uses his ‘Detect Magic’ Spell but does not find any sign of Magic in this room.

Galdor: “if there is anything in the alter, that much stone would block my Spell. All the item on the alter are non-magical.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Non-magical but the chalice, knife, and censer are human-made art objects worth 150 gp, 60 gp, and 120 gp, respectively.”

Lofty spends some time looking for a keyhole on the alter and eventually find that by sliding a small section to one side, he could use the key to open a compartment in the alter. Lofty uses the key and opens the door to the hidden compartment.

A Gold Statuette of a Sun Elf (100 gp) wrapped in Crimson Cloth.

Galdor’s ‘Detect Magic’ spell reveals that the statuette is imbued with Divination Magic. Lofty tell Galdor to take it as it best suited his line of work.

The last place checked was the Ruined Tower which was also empty.

After much discussion, eating and drinking the adventurers decide to stay in Cargmaw Castle for the night and attempt to ride through all the way to Deadwood the following day. They knew that they would arrive late and in the dark but that may help mask their arrival.

Gundren is eager to head to Wave Echo Cave to find his brother Nundro and will go to at least the tunnel entrance or the camp that Tharden and Nundro had made inside the first cavern that they found. Lofty takes out the Map and Gundren show him on the Map, the south-west corner.

After having something to eat and drink the adventurers’ set watches, Lofty focuses on the Broach with the Red Ruby while Galdor focuses on the Gold Statuette of a Sun Elf.

The Gold Statuette of the Sun Elf:

Any non-evil creature grasping the statue can ask it a question and receive a telepathic response, as though it had cast Augury. Once a creature has asked its question and received a response, it can never activate the statuette again.

Fabulist Gem:

This glittering Red Ruby Gem is commonly found embedded in a Ring or Brooch. While wearing the gem, you gain the following benefits:

Counterfeit Coins:

You can use your action to magically create a pile of coins, worth no more than 100 gp total, in an unoccupied space within 10 feet of yourself. The pile must appear on a surface that can support it. After 1 hour, the coins vanish, regardless of where they are. Once this action is used, it can’t be used again until the next dawn.

Illusory Fashion:

As a bonus action, you can magically change the appearance of your clothing and armour. You can change the style, colour, and apparent quality of what you’re wearing, or you can make it appear as if you were wearing different garments entirely. In either case, the changes wrought by this magic fail to pass physical inspection.

Galdor keeps hold of the Gold Statuette of a Sun Elf and Lofty put on the Red Ruby Broach.

Lofty also takes all the papers and books off the table used by King Grol. Galdor collects the horses and the adventurers set-off at about 09:00 am which means that they would reach Deadwood at about 23:00 pm.

The adventurers, Sildar and Gundren make their way out of Neverwinter Wood with no incidents. Once they reach Triboar Trail travelling is much easier but they loose time due to the lack of horses causing the adventurers to swap and walk at times.

Finally, as it was getting dark, the adventurer, Sildar and Gundren turn south off the Triboar Trail and make their way to Deadwood. As they reach the same area where Gundren and Sildar were captured, Lofty became more and more uneasy. He was convinced that something bad was about to happen and so he began to stop and listen out.

To his horror, at the very edge of his hearing range the Rogue could make out the chilling sound of Jingling Bells far off in the distance. Lofty informed the rest of the party and said that he would go ahead and investigate.

Lofty turns ‘Invisible’ using his Shadow Touched ability and his guts churn and a small amount of bile fills his mouth.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I will send a Magic ‘Message’ to you if you wait here and let you know what I find. Stay alert.”

Lofty moves off quietly, stalking along the edge of the hillocks and thanking his Gods Yondalla and Urogalan for the ‘Belt of Dwarvenkind’. Lofty moves out and hears nothing so continues to move until he is at the limit of his ‘Message’ Spell and then hears the Jingle of the Bells once more. The Rogue continues to move and can now clearly see the Goblin Jester Suit hanging from a tree and hidden from the road by a thicketed area.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I knew something was off. The Black Spider doppelganger, the Goblins and the Wolves must be around here somewhere.”

Lofty moves closer to the hanging Jester suit and further away from his team. Lofty can see hidden some 30’ feet away Jingles the Goblin ridding Snarl the Wolf and with them both 2 other Wolves.

Once the Rogue is some 10’-15’ feet from the Jester Suit he decides to climb a tree for a better view. He knew that there should be more foes around and takes another look around.

That is when Lofty spots Jingles sitting on Snarl the Wolf and accompanied by 2 other Large Wolves, Salt & Pepper, with one being white and the other grey. Lofty then, still being ‘Invisible’ and hidden decides to attempt to send a Magic ‘Message’ to the party but the Arcane Trickster realises that he had stray too far and his companions where too far back from his position.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Maybe if I fire at Jingles, it will be enough to scare them off or alert the others.”

Lofty is able to Surprise Jingles and his pack of Wolves and hits the Goblin Jester. The Rogue casts ‘Sleep’ on Jingles, Snarl, and the 2 newer wolves, Salt and Pepper. Only Jingles and Snarl fall asleep, being the weakest of the pack. Salt and Pepper being to yawl calling out to their pack.

However, as a result of the Rogue breaking cover, this alerted the main force that was also hiding nearby. Lofty can see that 4 Hobgoblins, none of which were wearing the Crossed Hand-Axes of King Grol, were running to stand by the tree he was in all with their Longbows Drawn and aim at him. Luckily the tree did afford some protection.

Lofty casts his ‘Magic Missile’ at the group on the top of the hillock.

Beyond the 3 Hobgoblins the Rogue also could see that there were 2 more larger Hobgoblins standing either side of the biggest Hobgoblin Lofty had ever seen. The biggest Hobgoblin was calling out orders and Lofty hear then address him as Targor Bloodsword. That is also when Lofty spots the Dog or Dogs by one of the Hobgoblins, not just the one but it has two heads. Lofty thinks back to a book he once read whilst casing a joint and remembers what this creature was, a Death Dog from the Underdark.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Now I remember, a Death Dog is an ugly two-headed hound that roams plains, deserts, and the Underdark. Hate burns in a Death Dog’s heart, and a taste for humanoid flesh drives it to attack travellers and explorers. Death Dog saliva carries a foul disease that causes a victim’s flesh to slowly rot off the bone.”

The Rogue in the tree attempts to attract the Hobgoblins attention away from himself and he casts ‘Dancing Lights’ and creating a humanoid figure. The Hobgoblins on the ridge fire at Lofty’s creation.

Eventually Galdor and Astrid hear the commotion and dash over to aid their sister in arms. Galdor uses his Longbow from distance and Astrid uses her abilities to cast ‘Darkvision’ on herself so she can be at the same advantage as her enemies.

Sildar and Gundren arrive on horseback and Sildar is able to fire off one of hit Cross-Bow Bolts at the Hobgoblins but he misses due to the darkness of the evening and his poor eyesight.

The Death Dog rushes to the horse ridden by Sildar and Gundren and kills the poor creature outright. Astrid engages with the Death Dog and has to deal with the creatures feted saliva which would normally pass its deadly disease. Astrid was Lucky. Galdor aid in the slaughter of the Underdark beast.

Galdor and Astrid then fight with the Hobgoblins whist Lofty continues to fire at those close to his comrades. All are eventually killed and, having searched the dead, Lofty finds that 3 of the Hobgoblins carry bloody sacks, each containing a severed Elf head. The severed heads are trophies from the Hobgoblins’ recent victory over an Elf hunting party. Lofty opens the Puzzle Box and finds a pipe inside. The pipe is wooden and adorned with platinum filigree (150 gp).

There is no sign of Jingles, Snarl, and the 2 newer wolves, Salt and Pepper as they were eventually roused by the wolves or the time elapsed.


The adventurers return to Deadwood much later than expected and they head straight to the house of Sister Garaele. There she was happy to see them all back and everyone was introduced to those they did not know. Sister Garaele provides Hard Cheese, Black Bread, Hot Soup and Beer while the adventures retell their adventurers.

Lofty shows Sister Garaele the pipe which was in the puzzle box and she checks it and says that is not wholly Evil but it is not Good. Astrid is given a ‘Potion of Darkvision’ by Sister Garaele.

The adventurers all agree to travel to Wave Echo Cave together. Once they all have rested, the heroes set off and expect to reach Wave Echo Cave in the afternoon.

Once they are within 3 miles of where Gundren explained the entrance was, the Lofty, Astrid and Galdor begin to pay more attention and look out for any dangers. Then when they are several hundred feet from the hidden entrance Lofty, Astrid and Galdor begin to check again for enemies lying in wait. The 3 heroes see and hear nothing alarming.

Lofty, Astrid and Galdor all make their way to the entrance as quietly as possible and once they are happy that there are no guards, they approach the entrance. Lofty checks the entrance first for Traps and then Galdor check the area for Tracks. Lofty finds nothing to worry him but the Cleric is unable to astrain any recent traffic.

Sister Garaele, Sildar and Gundren stay hidden 100’ feet or so by the tunnel entrance, while the horses have been tethered further away by Galdor and his calming nature helps settles the horses.

Astrid takes the lead after consuming her ‘Potion of Healing’ and having had Sister Garaele cast ‘Aid’ on Lofty, Astrid and Galdor.

Galdor used the ‘Augury’ Spell from the Gold Statuette of the Sun Elf, Corellon Larethian.

After Astrid comes Galdor and lastly Lofty. This having the advantage that the Cleric can fire either way and not be impeded by the 2 Halflings. The party head North-West along the tunnel which turns out not to have been that long, 60’-70’ feet of darkness which then opened up into a larger cavern.


The entrance tunnel leads into a large cavern supported by a natural pillar of rock and containing three stalagmites. In the western part of the cave, behind the column of rock, are three bedrolls and a heap of ordinary supplies—sacks of flour, bags of salt, casks of salted meat, lanterns, flasks of lamp oil, pickaxes, shovels, and other gear. Amid the supplies you see a Dwarf miner, behind a large fire seated and looking towards the entrance.

The North-Eastern section of the cavern has collapsed, forming a ten-foot-wide, twenty-foot-deep pit. A sturdy hemp rope is tied off around a nearby stalagmite and dangles down the side of the pit some 20’ feet, at the bottom of which is a rough-hewn tunnel heading northwest and east.

Astrid steps back as she is unsure if the Dwarf was in fact Nundro. Lofty steps up and is also unsure, because of the glare of the fire but believes it could be.

Lofty moves silently out of the corridor again and peers into the cavern directly at the Dwarf and he just looks through the Rogue as if he was not there.

Astrid Bilberry: “I think the time has come for you to make yourself Invisible so that you can take a closer look at this obvious trap.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I have a better idea Sister, I will cast ‘Message’ and see if it is an Illusion, trap or Nundro himself.”

Lofty communicates with the Dwarf and it is in fact Nundro and not an Illusion, Disguise or Doppelganger. Nundro explains that there are 2 Bugbears in the cavern somewhere and also a Giant Spider is lurking about the place. Unfortunately, Astrid was not as quite as the others and the Giant Spider was alerted to the intruders and was watching very closely from the ceiling of the cavern hidden among the stalactites.

Lofty attempts to look for the Bugbears first by checking behind one of the stalagmites and then moving for a better view. That’s when he saw the hidden Bugbear but was attacked by the Giant Spider. The Giant Spider shot its Web at the Rogue but he was fleet of foot enough to avoid the Web, but this then left a 20’ x 20’ area of sticky Web on the floor which made movement that much harder.

Astrid throws a Dart and hits.

Galdor fires his Longbow and also hits the creature and then Lofty finishes off the Giant Spider with his Magic Missile.

The Bugbear draws is Javelin and the second Bugbear appears from behind another of the stalagmites.

Astrid rushes to his sister’s support and with her new founds Monk Skills is able to hit the Bugbear twice with her Magical Shortsword and twice with her Flurry of blows. Even though the Monk only connected with one of her strikes, she never the less killed the Bugbear.

Galdor engages the other with the aid of Lofty, whose Shortbow arrow ends up missing the Bugbear. Then between his hit and then the Rogue using his Cunning Action, the Bugbear did not take another breath.

Lofty escorts Nundro back to his brother and they spend sometime going over the events of recent weeks. They are resolute in their decision to stay and wait, in case they are needed if things go very bad. So, the Rogue returns to his comrades and they pick a tunnel to take in the collapsed cavern.

Galdor: “I believe that Tymora will show us the way and I can toss the coin.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I think the time has come for to choose and just by looking at the Map I think we should go along the North-West route.”

Astrid Bilberry: “The sounds positive, I agree that..”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “No wait, the sound of the Wave is coming from the North-East, then we need to go East and then North.”

Astrid Bilberry: “Fine, lets just go or I will need a short rest soon.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “No wait.”

Astrid Bilberry: “No more waiting, choose brother or we let the coin decide.”


This area consists of numerous intersecting passages. The ceilings here are only six feet high, and several of the passages end in partially excavated rock faces.

The adventurers choose the Western tunnel and then they choose to head for the central area first. They move forward in a very tentative manner, trying not to alert the inhabitants of their presence within Wave Echo Cave. The adventurers move North and East and they discover that the tunnel have old tracks in some places and that some corridors are filled with rubble. The miners must have been looking for minerals and stopped digging when they found none in that direction.

After moving forward, with one adventurer covering the other as they progressed, in an Easterly direction the adventurers hear the sound of the wave again.

The rhythmic thunder of pounding waves echoes throughout the mine, loud enough to make the stone underfoot shiver. Waves come about two minutes apart, growing louder toward the northeast.

Wave Echo Cave - Drawn Map
Wave Echo Cave – Drawn Map

The Rogue points out that they need to travel East until they can find the longer tunnel heading in that direction. As they reach what looks like another dead end with rubble, Astrid, who is in the front of the heroes, spots a 10’ reses corridor that end at a door.

The door is 6’ feet tall, 4’ feet wide, and made of six-inch-thick cut slabs of stone fitted with iron handles and hinges. The doors are low and wide, perfect for Dwarves.

Astrid listens out for any noise but can not hear anything. Not satisfied of the Monks skill, the Cleric decides to listen himself and is glad that he did as he hears the sound of gnawing and crunching coming from behind the closed door. Lofty tries to verify the sound but is also unable to hear any noise.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Shhh Astrid, you’re making enough noise to wake the Undead and I can’t hear a thing.”

This may have been the sudden cause of the silence from within the room.

Astrid points South and the Rogue goes to see what is around the corner, but not before he casts ‘Invisibility’ on himself and hoping that it will hide him from the menace in the chamber. Lofty moves south and when he reaches the corner the Rogue stops and listens out for the creature. The Rogue concentrates very hard and is just able to hear the sound of a stone door being opened ever so quietly. Then moments later a foul smelling grey skinned humanoid shambles towards the Rogue.

Lofty thinks back to his school days and remembers the following:

In folklore, a ghoul (from Arabic ghūl) is a demon-like being or monstrous humanoid, often associated with graveyards and the consumption of human flesh. In the legends or tales in which they appear, a Ghoul is far more ill-mannered and fouler than the commonly mistaken Goblin or Gobbo. A cchaotic evil undead monsters with razor sharp teeth, jagged claws and a hunger for flesh.

Lofty is torn between hiding and moving and so decide the first option and when he realises that the Undead creature was heading straight in his direction, the Rogue moved off back to his fellow adventurers. The Rogue then chooses not to cast a Spell, unless he became visible or talk as his intension was to hide and gain its benefit. The Rogue moves silently between Astrid and Galdor and waits around the corner. As he turns the Rogue can now see that the door, which the crunching noises were heard from, opens and 2 more Ghouls exit and head toward The Monk and Cleric.

Missile weapons are used, a Dart form Astrid, to attack the Ghoul nearest her and Galdor intends to take out his Holy Symbol and Turn the Undead. However, the Dart was true but Galdor fumbled finding his Holy symbol and this allows the Ghouls to advance and strike.

Astrid is hit once by the Ghouls filthy Claws, while Galdor is also hit but is immune to the Ghouls powers of Paralysation. Astrid is not so lucky and is instantly affected by the Ghouls diseased claws.

Lofty fires first and hit one of the Ghouls that had been Turned and would have run away. The other is about to run North-West and the last stands ready to attack either Galdor, who is immune to its Claws, or the recently appeared Rogue.

Fate has made the choice for the Ghoul as from the ceiling of the corridor the soundless slurp of a creature releasing its grasp proceeds it falling on our unsuspected Rogue.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “What is that some form yellowish Jelly, that’s surprising.”


The Ochre Jelly attempts to burn the Rogue but he is to fleet of foot and the creature misses.

Astrid, using her Monkish discipline, is able to pull herself out of the effects of the Ghouls Paralysation and kills the creature in front of her.

The last Ghoul standing flees North while calling out in a chattering mewing tone. Could he be calling out to others or just warning of the intrusion by the mighty adventures?

The Rogue alerts his comrades to his actions and tells them both to move to the now empty room previously occupied by the Ghouls.

Galdor move quickly to the doorway and turns with his Holy Symbol in hand. Lofty has to stand firm and hope that the Ochre Jelly would have poor aim.

The Rogue, rather than trying to dash through the Ochre Jelly, uses his ‘Boots of Striding and Springing’ to be able to jump clear of the Jelly’s influence and joins Galdor at the doorway to the chamber.

Astrid is the last to move and heads into the chamber ready to battle anything inside.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “We should be fine. From what I remember in my natural history classes was these Jelly type creatures do not move very fast.”


Old stone bunks in orderly rows line the walls of this chamber, and a corroded iron brazier full of old coals stands near the middle of the room. The bones of a half dozen dwarves and orcs lie strewn about, clad in scraps of armour. This was where 3 Gray, hunched figures had squatted among the remains, pawing at the scraps and gnawing on the bones.

Astrid glances about the chamber and spots no danger but does make out a object under one of the stone bunks and calls in the Rogue to investigate further.

Lofty moves into the chamber and kneels down before the stone bunk. There he sees that the object is a Metal Lockbox with Dwarven Runes scratched upon the lid.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Looks like this box is not trapped but it is protected by a very sturdy, Dwarf made, lock. Curse it, let me try again… Got it”.

Inside the Rogue finds the remains of organic materials of long-ago items.  However, 2 items did survive the ages and the Rogue take a quick look at the item before he places them in his backpack.

One of the items is a Potion, wrapped and protected by Metal mesh in the form of a decorative pattern. Inside the Rogue can see the liquid inside is a cloudy green fluid, that smells of the sea and has a jellyfish-like bubble floating in it.

The second of the item is a wooden box with carved leaves running along the front and back. Inside the Rogue finds 15 Shortbow Arrows made of some form of light metal and exquisitely made.

Meanwhile, Astrid had closed the stone door to the West of the South Barracks and Galdor had made his way to the Southern door to listen out for any unwanted guests.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Poor some Oil by the door sister, in case the create attempts to enter or the Ghouls return. Have a light ready too.”

Just then the sound of Ochre Jelly pounding the door could be heard.

Galdor: “It is time to go little ones, the coast South appears clear. Do we go around East and then North or South and East to the cavern Rogue?”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “The second one.”

Astrid Bilberry: “What about the Southern entrance?”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I think that may just be collapsed tunnels like those which we found in the Mine Tunnels.”

Just as Lofty was closing his backpack and Galdor was looking South, the Ochre Jelly appeared oozing under the door.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Burn it sister and run.”

The Monk set fire to the Oil and the Ochre Jelly screamed out as it oozed back out, leaving only a brown burning piece of itself that smelt like burnt sugar.

The adventurers moved out and South. Lofty would take the lead and move first, stop and listen out and then use his Thief Skills to dash on again. This allowed everyone to move on at double time, but with the advantage of the Rouge listening out for danger.

Having heard nothing in front of the adventures the Rogue moves inaudibly South and along the unworked tunnel that led to another cavern, or so that is what it looked like on Gundren’s Map but, as the Rogue had already realised, it was not complete.

All 3 of the Heroes move to the cavern entrance and see the following scene.


Many tunnels intersect at this natural, thirty-foot-high cavern. The walls are carved with simple reliefs showing dwarf and gnome miners hard at work. Below them, nearly two dozen skeletons in rusted scraps of armour are scattered across the cavern floor. Some are dwarf skeletons, while others are orc remains. Half a dozen large brass lanterns stand in niches or on ledges around the cavern, but none are lit.

The Rogue feeling completely uneasy about everything in Wave Echo Cave spends time examining the Skeletons and other detritus on the floor. The Rogue discerns that this was the location of a large, if not the initial battle of Wave Echo Cave between the Clans of Dwarves and Gnomes versus a powerful force of Orcs reinforced by Evil Mercenary Wizards. attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize its riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their dwarf and gnome allies to defend the Forge of Spells.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “They all appear to be dead, but not dangerously dead. Can you not use your Holy Powers to check Galdor?”

Galdor: “It doesn’t work like that young Lofty.”

What Galdor actually meant was that he did not choose ‘Detect Evil and Good’ that morning, he chose ‘Protection from Evil and Good’, rookie mistake.

The adventures agree to have the Rogue move ahead first and that he should head East to the adjacent cavern and avoid the Southern worked stone corridor. The Rogue follows the edge of the cavern and moves off as silent as a thought and as he moved along the natural tunnel, he sees that there is fait eerie green phosphorescent light coming from the cavern ahead.

Meanwhile, following up behind Galdor is quite but the Monk inadvertently kick a piece of old armour and the sound alerts the danger within the cavern to their presence. Silently gliding down from the caverns ceiling, 10 Bat-like creatures descend silently to surprise our 2 adventurers.

Stirges, these horrid flying creatures looks like a cross between a large bat and an oversized mosquito. Its legs end in sharp pincers, and its long, needle-like proboscis slashes the air as it seeks its next meal.

2 of the creature attack Astrid while the other 3 fly around waiting their turn and the same happens to Galdor.

Astrid was bitten by one of the Stirges and it attached itself to her upper arm and the second missed her. Galdor was attacked but both Stirges were not able to penetrate the Clerics Chain Mail. It was then that Lofty realised that the others were in need of his help and the Rogue ran back to the Old Entrance cavern.

Loft fired at one of the Stirges that was attacking his sister and it was instantly killed. Then Astrid, who was now out of their initial stupor, slam one of the Stirges against the cavern wall and leaving a bloody streak mark of her and the creature’s blood.

More of the Stirges descend and attack the Monk. Galdor now free to act cast his ‘Sacred Flame’ at one of the and a Flame-like radiance descended on a creature burning it to death.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Shoot, I think its time to use another spell.”

The Rogue, believing that he could affect all of the creatures at once chose to cast ‘Sleep’ on them and indeed they all succumbed to his influence. All of the remain Stirges fell down asleep.

The adventurers once again begin to head off Eastward but they are stopped by the Rogue as he hers the sound of a stone door being slowly opened; the sound was coming from the South so that meant there were more areas not marked on the Map.

The Adventurers hide by the entrance to the cavern and after a short ‘Message’ conversation with Galdor, the party chose to hold their position and see what is making the sound.

Galdor: “It’s best not have more enemies behind us.”

After a short while a Dwarven creature shamble up the corridor towards the adventurers. It putrid smell and grey skin alerting them to the fact that it was another Undead and a Zombie this time. It moved slowly North stopping every now and then to stare about and sniff the air.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Something must have created these things or still be here in Wave Echo Cave commanding them.”

Galdor: “That is very insightful of you Lofty, I am glad you paid attention in catechism class.”

The party swiftly deal with the Zombie and then think it best to investigate the Main Entrance area. They head South and fins the Southern corridor, presumably to the Main Doors, is block and that the are 2 doors to the East and West. The Rogue moves ahead once more and finds a door, where the Zombie came from, which is slightly open. The opposite door to the West is closed and so the Rogue checks the Western door first.


Splintered stone benches and heaps of rubble from a partially collapsed ceiling fill this room. Amid ruined stone bunks and toppled weapon racks are the bones of several dwarves and orcs.

Seeing nothing of interest the Rogue moves away to the Eastern door, leaving the Western door open. The Rogue listens at the door and when he hears nothing open it to find another chamber.


This chamber was once an office or storeroom of some kind. A large stone counter bisects the room, set with three dusty balance scales made of iron. Cubbyholes carved into the north wall are stuffed with dusty paper scraps. Several long-dead corpses, Gnomes and Orcs by their look—are sprawled across the floor.

All the adventurers enter and look around. The Rogue finds another Locked Iron Strong Box, without writing this time, and opens it up with his Thieves’ tools. Inside the Rogue finds:

600 cp, 280 sp, 190 ep, 260 gp and 2 Potions. One potion takes the form of a sparkling, golden mist that moves and pours like water. The other liquid is a clear concoction with bits of salt and soot swirling in it.

After looking at the books and document written in Dwarvish, the Rogue discerns that:

The mine’s assayers worked here, weighing and assessing ore samples and paying the minors for their labour.

The adventures find nothing more of interest and head back to the Old Entrance Cavern, readying themselves for another fight with the Stirges but they had left. The party head East towards the eerie green phosphorescent cavern and once they reach it, they are all even more prehensive about the whole thing.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I will help check the Cavern from the entrance with the help of my sister.”

Galdor: “I will check the area for tracks in that case and the ground is quite moist and they should be easier to spot.”

Fungi Cavern:

Dense carpets of weird fungi cover large sections of the floor in this cavern. The growth includes puffballs a foot across, weird shelf fungus growing on stalagmites, and large stalks and caps a good five feet tall. Some of the puffball’s glow with an eerie green phosphorescence.

The Rogue spends sometime looking and listening but there is nothing that stands out to him.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Nothing obvious except for the sound of insects.”

Galdor: “I can see many tracks; they are hard to make out but they seem to have reached here and have gone no further. Look they go back to the previous cavern.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Now that’s not a good sign.”

Astrid Bilberry: “Not even the Bugbears and the Black Spider wished to go that this way.”

What is next for our adventurers?


Lofty Bilberry deduces that if the Black Spider was reluctant to enter the Mushroom room, Fungi Cavern, then it must be a dangerous place to enter. But then again, it would mean that they had an advantage and would enter a part of Wave Echo Cave that had been left un-investigated by the Black Spider and his minions.

Having remembered the basic working of Fungi, Lofty suspects that there will be some for of attack or defensive mechanism that would be triggered if someone, or something, entered the Fungi Cavern.

The Rogues comes up with the following plan. As the Rogue had the ‘Boots of Striding & Springing’, was able to move the furthest and also could use his Halfling Stout Resilience to battle the effect of the Fungi or at least escape the possible creatures inside.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “It may be a good idea to also tie a rope around my waist so as to be able to pull me back if my luck runs out.”

Astrid: “A very good idea brother.”

The Rogue then pauses and looks to Galdor, who had the look of someone that had had a great idea.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I think I will employ my ‘Mage Hand’ fist to check the ground covering and a Fungi or two, that way we can see if we will trigger something unpleasant.”

 Galdor: ”I was thinking the very same thing.”

The Arcane Trickster casts his ‘Mage Hand’ and moves it through the Fungi Cavern withs its fingers brushing along the ground. Then the intension was to touch one of the large Fungi but  before that could happen the carpet of Fungi released their spores filling the whole craven and making it lightly obscure the area.

Mushroom Room
Mushroom Room

Lofty was very pleased that they had taken the time to explore the Fungi Cavern before he had entered. The adventurers wait for the spores to settle and that take about a minute to do so.

Galdor casts ‘Resistance’ on Lofty.

The Rogue then makes a little prayer and leaps into the eerie green phosphorescence of the Fungi Cavern. As soon as the Rogue hits the ground he begins to dash towards the Northern exit to the cavern. The most important fact was that the Rogue was not assailed by any creatures which was a stroke of luck.

Nearing the exit, and thinking that he was in the clear, the Rogue is suddenly engulfed in Fungi Spores. His makeshift face covering prevented most of the Spores from effecting the Halfling, as did his Stout Resilience. However, as he leaped for the exit his exposed skin started to sting and itch due to the irritants of the spores but the Rogue managed to avoid its true effect.

Once again, the Fungi Cavern is filled with spores, making visibility hard and so the Arcane Trickster cast his Spell, ‘Message’, and informs Astrid for what had happened. Next the Rogue listens out for any enemies to the North and hears none.

The Arcane Trickster sends another ‘Message’ to Astrid and invites her to cross the Fungi Chamber guided but the rope which was attached to the Rogue.

Galdor casts ‘Resistance’ on Astrid.

The Monk then dashes out and across the Spore filled cavern and her Stout Resilience and Galdor’s blessing allows the Monk to cross the cavern without any ill effects.

Galdor finally casts ‘Resistance’ on himself.

Galdor, without the aid of a rope, then make his way across the Fungi Cavern and is also able to avoid any ill effects due to the spores.

The Rogues spends his time listen out to the North, into the un-explored cavern, to see if there are signs of more enemies in front of the adventurers. The Rogue hears nothing that alarms him and waits for his comrades to join him.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “This chamber beyond feels seams.”

Galdor: “Young Lofty, use your ‘Dancing Lights’ Spell to illuminate the ceiling if you think we are safe. I think I see something on the Caverns ceiling.”

The Arcane Trickster cast ‘Dancing Lights’ and Galdor uses his Spell ‘Thaumaturgy” to dim the lights and then bring them up to full dim light.

The Arcane Trickster looks at the celling and his Magical Intuitiveness senses that there is a subtle aura of Magic in this vast cavern.

Galdor: “Young Wizard, I think you might want to look at the ‘Light’ Spell instead as it is an all-round better Spell that has greater variety and is not Dim light, which gives everyone disadvantage to sight based skills.”

As the heroes look about the illuminated cavern, they see the following:

Starry Cavern
Starry Cavern


Glittering minerals in the ceiling of this large cavern catch the light and send it back to create the impression of a starry night sky. Dozens of skeletons—many crushed under fallen debris—are scattered across the floor.

The cave is large enough that it contains two freestanding structures. Each of these stone buildings is proportioned for human use, as opposed to the dwarf-sized doorways and furnishings you’ve seen elsewhere in the mines. Both structures have battered and blackened masonry walls, their double doors cracked and scorched. The cavern is divided by an escarpment, into which a flight of stairs has been cut.

Passages lead out of this area to the north, south, and west.

The adventures all take the time to look about the Starry Cavern and they feel that they are safe, for now. Lofty feels that the structural damage and the skeletal remains in this area are evidence of the destructive Spell battle fought here centuries ago when the Orcs and their Mercenary Human Wizards stormed the mines.

Galdor: “The Western side of the Starry Cavern seams empty to me.”

Astrid Bilberry: “I canny see nothing dangerous this side either.”

The Arcane Trickster moves towards the Human sized building and attempts to see what lays inside. However, the doors leading into this area are cracked, their iron hinges partially melted. From the little he can see inside the Rogue can make out that this appears to be a dwelling of some sort, with  a bed and other furniture, but it all looks burnt.

The Rogue takes out the wooden pipe adorned with platinum filigree and holds it out in front of the doors and attempts to command the doors open, but nothing happens.

Once again calls upon his ‘Mage Hand’ Spell, this time using it to probe and attempt to open the doors to the closet building on the Eastern wall.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “No good, its too much for my Mage Hand alone. Galdor, Astrid come and provide me with cover while I try to open one of the doors.”

The 2 adventurers join the Rogue by the doors and look around.

Lofty manages to move the stone-cut door enough for him to be able to enter the room.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “All done.”

Astrid Bilberry: “What can you see brother.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Not much more and what I can see has also been blasted by Magic Spells or possibly just fire damage.”

The Rogue then asks politely if Astrid would enter the Wizard’s Quarters whist, he would cover her with his bow and Galdor should stand guard by the doorway. Astrid enters the room.


Dust, ash, walls blackened by fire, and heaps of debris beneath the sagging ceiling show that this room was damaged by a destructive blast. The furnishings—tables, chairs, bookshelves, beds—are charred or splintered, but otherwise well preserved. A scorched iron chest stands near the foot of one of the beds.

Astrid lets the Rogue know of her findings and he and the Cleric enter the chamber.

Astrid Bilberry: “I will listen at the Southern door first and then you can do what you do best brother.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “A very good plan sister.”

Galdor enters the chamber and stands guard by the door scanning the Wizard’s Chamber for potential danger.

Astrid can hear no noise from behind the stone door and so the Rogue attempts to pick the lock of the scorched Iron Chest. The Rogue is unsuccessful and so they turn their attention to the door. It turns out that the door is unlocked and with the adventures find more bookshelves but this time they appear to have been saved from the fire and appear undamaged.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Look here, A dozen or so are magically preserved tomes that remain on the shelves. Most are just histories, but this one has something sewn into its cover.”

The Rogue deftly takes out his shaving Razor and cut out a parchment.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “It’s a Map of some sort. Look that’s the Forlorn Hills if I’m not mistaken. And these are plans of rooms and corridors. It’s a Treasure Map for sure. Look it has a place marked here called Bloodgate  

The adventurers then return to the scorched Iron Chest and again tries to open it with his Thieves’ Tools and this time the Rogue is successful.

Inside the unlocked scorched chest is 1,100 cp, 360 sp, 150 ep, 3 Diamonds (100 gp each), and a small leather case.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “There appears to be a small trinket under all the coin, I just can’t get to it…”

As the Rogue turns around, he can now see why there was no response from Galdor or Astrid. Floating directly behind him was a huge incorporeal remnant of a particularly hateful being.

Galdor: “It’s a Wraith young Lofty, don’t let it touch you.”

The Cleric cry’s out as he brings forth his Holy Symbol once again. The Undead creature does not even flinch at the Cleric’s attempt to banish it.

Mormesk The Wraith
Mormesk The Wraith

Mormesk the Wraith: “I am Mormesk the Wraith and your presence is offensive to me, your life forfeit. My treasures are mine alone, not yours to plunder!”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Wait, we are not your enemies and wish you no harm.”

Mormesk the Wraith: “You have come here to rob me of my treasures and that I cannot allow.”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I was not taking anything but replacing that which was stolen from you….look.”

Lofty takes out the wooden pipe adorned with platinum filigree and holds it up towards Mormesk the Wraith as he also bows his head slightly.

Mormesk the Wraith: “My Pipe, but how, where, when?”

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Take this gift from me and forgive our trespass oh venerable Mormesk.”

Mormesk, who had now shrunk down to his form size, reaches out and takes the wooden pipe adorned with platinum filigree and it turns from corporeal to non- corporeal.

Mormesk the Wraith: “Take of that which you want, I need nothing more than this. But know that you must deal with the custodian of the Forge of Spells.”

The Wraith points North and vanishes into the ground.

The Rogue takes the 3 Dimond’s and the Map.

The adventurers leave the Wizard’s Quarters and find themselves in the Starry Cavern once again.

Galdor: “The Western side of the Starry Cavern seams empty to me.”

Astrid Bilberry: “I canny see nothing dangerous to the South side either.”

Lofty, as he turns to talk to his crew, is able to spot movement up on the escarpment, the sign of someone or something moving, crouched and heading towards the stairs that lead down to the adventurers.

The Rouge lifts his Shortbow and alerts his fellow Waterdhavian that they are no longer alone in this Starry Cavern. The adventures all take the time again to look about the Starry Cavern and they feel that they are safe, for now.

Caught off-guard 3 Ghouls manage to reach the party before any of them can react, apart from the Rogue that is as he dashes into the Wizard’s Quarters after having fired upon one of the filthy creatures.

The battle begins.

Galdor takes out his Coin of Tymora, Holy Symbol, and calls forth the power of his God. However, these creatures are far too hungry to fear another’s God and so only one of the Ghouls flees in terror. Then more misfortune befalls the adventurers as another 3 Ghouls surge from behind the great stone pillar in the Starry Cavern and straight towards the Monk Halfling.

Most of the Ghouls head for the Halfling Monk and just the one tries to attack Galdor and the heroes fight for their lives once again.

Monster - Ghoul
Monster – Ghoul

Galdor draws his Longsword and attack the single Ghoul in front of him, with a little help from The Rogue who take up a position inside the Wizard’s Quarters, yet able to fire at the Ghouls attacking Galdor. The Cleric also casts his Spell ‘Shield of Faith’ on Astrid and she is instantly surrounded by a Holy shimmering field.

All the attacks on Astrid are delivered by the Ghouls with their Claws and the one attack Galdor tried to bite the Elf. All the attacks on Astrid failed, Galdor was not so luck but he was still protected by his ‘Aid’ Spell and took no real damage.

The Ghoul fighting with Galdor is dispatched and the Rogue moves out towards the doors in order to join the battle and provide Shortbow cover. Galdor Joins Astrid and is able to draw one of the Undead to him.

The adventurers manage to kill all but one of the Ghouls who stops fighting and dashes off towards the Southern tunnel, leading to the Fungi Cavern, and screams out as did the previous Ghoul that was turned by Galdor during their first encounter.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the cavern.


Little do the adventurers know that they are being gazed at by a Gazer and his friend, the other Gazer.

The Ghoul stands by the northern entrance to the Fungi Cavern and screeches out to its brood for assistance.

Lofty fire another Metal arrow at it and hits it but doesn’t kill it. The Rogue dashes back into the Wizard’s Quarters and hides.

3 more Ghouls burst forth from the Fungi Cavern, plus the screecher, and they all surround Astrid. All that is apart form one that confronts Galdor. Their tactics seam to be incapacitate the Halfling and then kill the Elf.

Astrid once again fails to save against to the Ghouls foul claws and is paralysed for a second time.

Galdor fight his Ghoul and is helped out by another Metal Arrow fired by the Rogue. Then engages 2 more Ghouls in order to protect Astrid, one of his two wards.

One of the Ghouls not fighting Galdor moves over to the Wizard’s Quarters and begins to look for the hidden Rogue, with no luck. This means that the Rogue has the drop on the Ghoul and he nails the Ghoul to the bookcase whilst also pining its tongue to its check, a perfect shot.

Galdor fights like a wild tiger and inflicts heavy damage on one of the Ghouls, while his sought Dwarvish made Chainmail protects him for the worst that the Ghouls can dish out.

Th Rouge then stealthily moves to the broken stone doors of the Wizard’s Quarters and take aim at the Ghoul holding Astrid. At the same time, even though the Monk was able to break free of the paralysation she found herself grappled, held tight and unable to escape the clutches of the Ghoul.

The Rogue helps with this by once again making a shot that Solonor Thelandira (SO-lo-nohr theh-LAN-dih-ruh)

 Himself would have been proud of and releases the Monk. This allowed her to race over to aid the Cleric.

Astrid moves to Glador’s side and does what Astrid does best killing 1 of the 2 Ghouls with her serpent fast Shortsword and then Headbutts the other.

Astrid Bilberry: “I shall not be touch by you filthy creatures anymore and you shall pay for your worship of death.”

The last Ghoul is finished off and the adventurers have a few seconds to take a breath and a mouthful of water. Booooom, again the sound of the rhythmic thunder of pounding waves echoes throughout the mine, loud enough to make the stone underfoot shiver. The waves are louder than at any point before.

The Rogue volunteers to move ahead stealthily and scout the escarpment, stairs and buildings to the north and he sets off so silently that the other 2 adventures do not even notice that he had set off.

The Rogue finds that all is quite and the mounds on the ground, both where he was and, on the escarpment, were the remains of the Dwarves and Gnomes that battled the Orcs in the great attack on the Mines of Phandelver. At the top of the stairs the Rogue stopped, as was his habit now, and listened out for danger knowing that his Cunning Action would give him an advantage if he needed to escape.

The Rogue then takes a closer look at the human sized build on the escarpment. The first thing he notices it that the cavern ceiling here also has glittering minerals in the ceiling that catches the light and send it back to create the impression of a starry night sky.

Also, the doors to the building were also cracked, their iron hinges partially melted. Finally, the Rogue make out that there is a circular area around the doors where there are no bodies of debris.

The Arcane Trickster is confident enough to cast ‘Message’ and call over his fellow team members.

 Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I can hear nothing in front. There appears to be a barrier which I will check with my Mage Hand and the doors are damaged like those below.”

The Arcane Trickster casts ‘Mage Hand’ and check the area in front of the doors. Nothing, maybe just effect of a Spell used during the battle.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “I think the barrier is no more and a result of the Human Wizard’s that defended the Forge of Spells.”

Astrid Bilberry: “We shall join you brother and do you truly think that you have found the Forge of Spells?”

Galdor sets off as quite as if he were in the Ardeep Forest hunting game and is followed by Astrid who is the complete opposite and if there was anyone, or anything, around they would have heard her.

Lofty takes out Gundren Rockseekers Map and reviews his current position.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Look guys I need to take a closer look at the building to the east and see if there is a way out to the north and west.”

Galdor: “Be careful young Lofty, there maybe more than just Ghouls and Stirges out in the darkness.”

The escarpment is full of stalagmites and stalactites and the Rogue is aware of that thing may be hiding and moves out as quietly and cautiously as he could.

Obadiah Hakeswill: “I did as much as any man could do and now, I am here to serve you. You will not regret having me here with you Lord.”

Lofty knows that voice coming from the west and he has nightmares of the day he first heard it, Obadiah Hakeswill, the man who killed his parents and the man who would die at the hands of Leif Bilberry.

Astraea: “Well we will need to find a way in and the quicker the better, they will be here soon and that will hinder the plans.”

Now Lofty thinks he also hears the voice of Astraea, the female Drow that they have encountered on many occasions now and he remembers her offers for the Puzzle Box. Lofty unconsciously takes out some beef jerky and starts to eat, the effect of the Undead Mormesk the Wraith’s Pipe now long gone.

Lofty is confused and begins to move back towards the other adventurers but then hear more voices coming from the north this time.

Fargus Ironhammer: “We must not allow those stinking green vermin to enter the Starry Cavern. We stand here and fight until there are no more of them or us, Kazzard.”

Luckily, Lofty is able to understand the word of the Dwarf due to his ‘Belt of Dwarvenkind’ and yet what are Dwarves doing in Wave Echo Cave?

Lofty continues to move back when he hear another voice but this one, he does not understand, but knows Goblinoid spoken by an Orc now all too well.

Orc: “Aka’Magosh, Dabu. Kagh! Lok’tar Ogar!

Now there are Orcs too coming from the north from were Lofty believe is the source of the Wave Echo that is heard every 2 minutes. I need to get back to the other Lofty says and as he turns to go, he hears yet another distant voice from the west this time.

Black Spider: “No excuse, we need to pass here as this is where it has been Divined that the Forge of Spells resides and we must move any obstacles that stand in the way. Come, let us continue to search.”

Lofty reaches the top of the stair, where Astrid and Galdor and down behind the escarpments edge, and the Rogue doesn’t even have time to tell them what happened as he is suddenly attacked by a small Beholder?

The small creature, it resembles the Beholder who dreamed it into existence, but its body is only 8’’ inches wide and it has only four eyestalks, is hovering by one of the stalagmites some 20’ feet in the air. The creature quivers and one of its eyestalk’s shots out a Fear Ray at the Rogue, and after some initial drama, a bad roll, panic and then realisation, it turns out the Stout Halfling was Brave. This meant that he was able to stand firm and not be affected by the creatures Ray.

Thinking he was safe Lofty smiles and then realises that another of the eyestalks was quivering and this time the Halfling was hit by a Telekinetic Ray. Lofty could feel an invisible force attempt to shove him back and over the edge of the escarpment. The Stout Halfling is able to dig his heels in and stand fast.

Galdor attempts to fire but misses the flying Baby Beholder.

This allows Astrid to throw one of her darts at the hovering baby Beholder and just like her brother makes a fantastic shot nearly killing the thing outright. However, it is able to attack once more and it targets the one who caused it most pain, the Monk.

The Baby Beholder shudders one of his eyestalks and hit the Monk with a Frost Ray and this is able to penetrate her defences dealing 3 separate ice shard attacks. Then the Baby Beholder fire a Dazing Ray at the Monk and she is not able to resist its effects.

Astrid Bilberry: “Hold brother and Galdor do not harm it, it is a friend and means us no harm. It thought we were a treat and we should stop attacking it.”

Lofty is confident enough and once more moves forward only to find that there is another Baby Beholder to the north and it moves towards its comrade and unleashes more rays at Astrid and Galdor.

Lofty now really knows that he should move as fast as he can and taking a final look into the western building, which he will regret for long time, he spots what he thinks is one of the most dangerous creatures to exist on this plain, a Beholder that is peering directly into his eyes. Appropriately, the creature had four eyestalks, two on each side of the wide eye at the centre of its 4’ foot diameter body.

Lofty runs and dashes away very quickly.

At the top of the stairs Lofty is once again hit by the Baby Beholder with a Fear Ray and it is resisted by the Stout Halfling. However, this time the rogue is not so lucky with the second, a Telekinetic Ray which shoves poor Lofty some 30’ feet back and 10’ feet down to the cold hard stone floor of the cavern.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Ouch, that hurt.”

Lofty could now feel, sense or was it dream a communication sent directly to his mind.

Voice in Lofty’s Head: ”Yes, go for you are not allowed here and punished you will be if you think to return. I will know, now flee.”

Astrid and Galdor rush to Lofty’s aid and pick the poor Rogue up off the ground.

Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “Did you hear that?”

Astrid Bilberry & Galdor: “Hear What?”Leif ‘Lofty’ Bilberry: “What is even your surname Galdor?”

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