The Fixer From Boston – Chapter Five
Wednesday 1st April 1925 – Sable Island:
20:00pm – On The Shore Of Sable Island
MacNifey’s Reverie:
Just. Don’t. Add. Up. Whichever way you figure it, this business stinks. It stinks of fish. In particular, a seven foot tall fish with arms, legs, barracuda teeth and cold, dead shark eyes. The kinda eyes that you look in to and all you see is your own lonely reflection looking back at you. Hail Mary, mother of Jesus. I’ve seen some pretty fucked up stuff. Hell, I’ve done some really fucked up shit. It goes with the badge. And then when you ain’t got the badge no more, well – shit just gets a whole lot more fucked up. Sicut in caelo, et in terra. On Earth as it is in heaven. But this thing! It weren’t from Earth, and it weren’t from heaven. It was from some kind of hell, and those dead shark eyes… Well, ever since I looked into them, it’s like I started falling. And I ain’t stopped. You see, that thing. That fucking fish man, or Deep One, or whatever the fuck you want to call it. It don’t just exist. It comes from somewhere. And there are more of its kind in that place. Where it comes from. And what really gets me. What I just don’t get and what don’t fucking add up is one simple question:
Why don’t we know about this?
We got a crazy world with all kindsa fucked up stuff going on. But it all fits in with what we know and what we’ve been told. But when you see something like this? You realize there is suddenly a lot of stuff that we just really don’t know. And that starts to play on your mind. All the rules you had, all the things you were dead sure about – suddenly they don’t mean nothing no more. That’s right. Suddenly you got new rules. And they don’t make no sense.
You know what? When we ambushed that ship, sure, I was thinking, Hey maybe today’s the day I get shot. Maybe I make a wrong move and end up dead just like one of the other suckers I’ve sent to the other side down the years. Hell, what are the chances of me dying peacefully in my sleep? With my resumé? The best I can hope for is a bullet in the back of the skull: Nice and quick and don’t know nothing about it. But now this is all different. Now I know there are worse things than that. There’s a whole bunch of eight foot tall fish men and who knows what they want from us? That dumb broad, Amelia Ickerson? Well, maybe she ain’t so dumb: She almost got me added up, and I’m the fucking accountant here. Subtracting what she says from what she don’t say equals a whole lot of horseshit. And hidden in that steaming pile there are a few diamonds to be found. Crystal clear and shining like the truth. And she just about admitted as much. She knows these fish men and her eyes betrayed it. It’s like she’s seen where she’s going and she ain’t coming back. Berkeley saw it in her too. I watched the way he threw spoonfuls of our chum Tony Daytona to the sharks. That Gaston sucker had his hands all over Ickerson but he bit off much more than he could chew with that frail and his reward was a nice cozy smooch with our man Ed. He’s all heart. And axe. And the whole time he was spooning Tony to the ocean, he had his eyes fixed on the frail. And whaddya fucking know? She didn’t blink. Not once. Those eyes? Cold and dead like Mr. Fucking Fishface himself. Just with lipstick and rouge.
And what about those dumb fucks that hijacked Jacob Pruett’s boat? Well, most of them are now contemplating an eternity in purgatory, except for Mort. But he’s seen it already. He knows what’s waiting for him. Jesus, what I wouldn’t give for a hot cup of Joe right now. We’ve been sitting in this shack on Sable Island all night and that storm outside ain’t letting up. Any second I expect to see the face of one of those fishy fucks appear out of the dark. I’m hugging my Thompson like I’m gonna marry it. But so goddam tired. The journey, the fight, cleaning up. And now here. And it don’t stop. And the storm don’t stop. Rain lashing against the windows and the walls and the wind sounds like a turkey coop at Thanksgiving.
And talking of things that don’t add up, the boss has clearly gone soft or he knows something I don’t. Why let that freak go? If it was one of Lomabardi’s or Gastin’s boys he’d a put a fucking hole in it’s head and no one would have said another word about it. And what does he do? He lets the freak go! I’ve seen the way some of those guys that got back from France started acting all crazy. But this was the kind of crazy that don’t make no sense. And then he drags Mort out into the storm. That slimy fuck is crying and begging for mercy and making all those promises he can’t keep or make. So Ed puts his lights out with a sap and we carry him down to the water. And the wind is howling and the rain is driving in and we dump that fuck down on the beach and head back to the shack. On the way back I stop and take a shot from the hip flask – I need a cup of Joe but hooch will just have to do – and a big fucking wave crashes in. And then I saw something that I won’t tell nobody. I saw a fucking hand reach out of the wave and grab Mort. It was one of those fish men’s hands. Webbed and grey. I took another slug and hurried back to catch up with Ed and the boss. By the time we got back to the shack the storm was calming outside. But in me, the storm was just beginning.
20:00 hours – Magee’s Recollections: On the shore of Sable Island:
Still on Sable Island, we join Vincenzo “The Cherry” Morello and Berkeley, up top on the Falmouth’s deck; the prickly heat of adrenalin ebbs away, giving up to the numbing tidal warmth that only survival and victory bequeath. We chain smoke and chatter excitedly. Even Berkeley is animated, allowing his Southern drawl to leach out into the fat chewing. We have proved ourselves warriors tonight and I know that Solomon will hear about it soon enough. He certainly won’t be quibbling about no grand a day now. Time to get back to work.
Berkeley looks for clues in the wheelhouse. Checking for the linear clues plotted on charts and any written notes in the ship’s log. Morello is tasked with moving a small fortune’s worth of artillery and mortar shells away from the fire still smoldering on deck. Raul De Moulin and Claude willingly assist, perhaps awed by the precision and devastating effect of our tactics. In the process, Morello mercifully hastens the end of those suckers still bleeding out. Ed then joins us downstairs in the bridal suite, where he stares nonplussed at the caged monstrosity; but seemingly he does not fear the creature behind the bars. Instead he jaws on about fish and evolution and lizards and dinosaurs.
MaGee: “Jeez, we got our very own Darwin on board!”
Ed puts his ear close to the cage.
Ed: “I swear this thing is murmuring or breathing. Or maybe it’s chanting or something.”
A cage has been built around it in the cabin. It has the teeth and claws of a deep-sea fish. It is observant and reacts to threat of a gun…Ed. We check boat for clues. Keys on shot man in the wheelhouse. Ed takes the log book. We opens the only locked cabin door left, then wait. MacNifey and me throw open the door, revealing a young man on the floor, tied to a chair and gagged. He’s been badly beaten, broken jaw, missing teeth head wounds, tortured. Coughs out his name: Jacob Pruett? MacNifey unties him. Jacob flinches.
He claims he’s the real captain. The pirates killed all his crew ‘wanted to know where the gold was’. There wasn’t any. His cargo was the Deep One. “Where did you get Shanghaied?” “Off coast of New England on 3 launches we were taking on water.” Very Fishy…?
Maine to Florida booze run. Taking Deep One to a carney in Atlantc City.
McNifey: “Who’s your fishy friend?”
Asks McNifey.
You mean someone ordered it? How the hell didya get it in a cage? Peter Sloane (carney guy) organised it. It was drugged in a sack, caged it then took off sack.
Average guy introduced by Wiseacre from Providence, Rhode Island – known bootlegger (BM successful Boston Lore).
Sloane found the Deep One at a Carney after it had been run out of town found in Newburyport, New England near Innsmouth.
Morello keeps talking about skin conditions and freeing it.
Ed goes to get Amelia out.
Search the captain’s cabin, and find a hollowed out book – it contains 3 sets of hand written notes.
- Keeping the Deep One bad luck off you – lots of gold fish linked together in a chain + notes. Strange words written.
- Protecting the boat, Elder Sign, from Deep Ones.
- Using the Gold Necklace:
- Keeping Bad Luck Off
This instructs a person who has already bonded with a Gold Necklace how to maintain its benefits. At least once in every 24 hour period a series of chants must be uttered for around five minutes to reinvigorate the properties of the necklace.
If this is not done then at the next rising of the moon the effects will cease. The wearer needs to hold the necklace with both hands while chanting. Once the chant is finished the Gold Necklace will feel slightly warm for a few seconds. Some degree of temporary lifeforce is expended during the process. (In game terms this takes 1d3 magic points to cast)
Protecting the Boat
This seems to be a set of instructions on how to inscribe a thing referred to as an Elder Sign on any flat surface. It seems to involve continuous chanting for around an hour at the end of which the person chanting will draw a vaguely star shaped inscription with an eye in its centre. Once drawn the chanter then invests some of his own life force to activate the symbol.
Once activated it lasts forever or until the surface on which it I is inscribed, a wall or floor or any flat surface, is destroyed.
While it will not harm certain less powerful creatures it will repel them.
Note that this not a shield of any kind. If worn around the neck for instance, only the portion of flesh directly behind the symbol is actually protected. The rest of the body can still be struck.
“Its decoration was rather in the shape of a star in the centre of which appeared to be a caricature of a single giant eye, but it was not an eye, rather a broken lozenge in shape with certain lines suggestive of flames or perhaps a solitary pillar of flame.” (August Derleth)
(In game terms it takes 2 permanent points of power to cast. A considerable sacrifice)
These notes describe how to use charms to remove bad from things such as a Gypsy Curse or a broken mirror before a voyage. It seems to involve the rhythmic chanting of some strange words. The language seems completely different to the words chanted to create an Elder Sign. Firstly one must have a Gold Necklace with a design of interlinked fish. One needs to “BOND” with the Necklace to make it their own. This involves hours of chanting while holding the necklace. At the end of this time the wearer will be lightheaded and the Necklace will feel slightly warm. This shows the chant has worked completing the bond. The lightheadedness is the result of the wearer now having a permanently reduced life force. The notes do not state how this protection works but it must be renewed via a different chant on a daily basis.
Magee: “Call me soft but….”
McNifey tosses me key to Deep One cage….It says “Thank you!!” Lose 1 San!
Amelia declares her 100k was cash, Canadian Gold Maple Leaf coins. Seems scared of Berkeley (who also has all charts etc.) The Deep One swims off, but before he does he seems to salute me. Seen by one of McCoy’s crew.
Everyone goes ashore as getting too dangerous on board various craft.
Berkeley expounds theory of inverse evolution…latent fish genes…blah…mutation…blah…..Mr Hyde …Blah. If the good Lord willed it…blah…blah…Holy Mary….blah.
Boat used by the mercenaries is called “The Auralias”. Military and Pruett plus McCoy and injured bosun go to one hut. We go with the prisoners.
We start to interrogate two prisoners Mort and Mick (wet).
Mort: “You don’t know what you’r e getting into.”
Mort: “The doom is coming!! Only the guy with the gold is protected they get you when you sleep, swim or sail. I want it for me! I don’t know what Sloane wants it for. We tracked Sloane via his agent. He told us what boat the gold was on. I was a wise guy, busted heads hurt people. Now I’m spending my time in libraries, churches…who knew I’d be a choir boy, I can even speak Latin. Broke one too many heads…must have been a gypsy… This women gypsy cursed me, near Newburyport. We’re middlemen robbing bootleggers of hooch. I keep getting strange dreams including deep ones…then I saw it on the boat. Innsmouth is a bad place…Father Jericho said so when I confided in him about the terrible dreams and the Deep Ones. Bad things happen there. Priest told me about the gold chain, he’d studied it. Just needed one last score…”
Magee can’t keep it in and bursts into laughter.
Mort: “We didn’t care about Jacob…cold…business is business…plenty get iced in this business. I just wanna stay awake. Dreams – tied to stone a reef somewhere…the priest said it was Black Devil Rock. Been excommunicated for killing a priest so last resort was speaking to Farther Jericho.”
Mick: “You risk our lives to come out here for a shitty gold chain…you dirty mook.”
I want to kill the bastard too….bad dreams?…time to go to sleep. It’s what God would want.
Lighthouses are both working.
Ed notices Amelia and she is neutral mode. He cross examines her…
Ed: “Time for bullshit to stop…you know what that thing is…don’t you?”
Finally she spits it out…
Amelia: “They call themselves Deep Ones’….The are very old/ancient. Mostly in South Seas. Butsome traders in Innsmouth traded. One of them brought back a wife, Deep One, and that’s when things started changing and the people began changing bout 100 years ago. They talk to me in dreams and I want the sea all around me…One in particular. it makes me serene and at peace. I wanted to come to Sable regardless.”
Peter Sloane gave necklace to Pruett to protect his boat and the Deep One. It’s why Jacob didn’t break under pressure. He understood importance of the golden chain.
Final destination Sloane wanted?
Neither Ed nor Morello know Deep One has jumped ship. Or about the necklace. Storm’s got worse.
Boat course out of Portland onwards to Atlantic City to drop off Sloane’s special package but nothing about Florida with hooch.
McNifey: “So why ship Canadian Club all the way to florida when they’ve got Cuban rum to hand?’ Don’t add up.”
Who was contact in Atlantic City?
MaGee: “why were you ready to attack on sable?”
Mort: “My men were spooked…our launches had been burrowed through from below. I was cursed…they were going to get me. I needed to get Sloane’s necklace.”
MaGee poopoo’s this crazy talk. But there aren’t any reefs near where the launches were. Duh duh dunnn.
Mort’s Log Book goes to MacNifey – Tallies with info given and says will meet carney agent. Dollar bill cut diagonally is verifier. “The Gentleman Loser” bar at 8pm everyday. Reserved Booth in window at back. Whoever this mystery is they know what creature is.
Notes on boat protection. Describes ritual involving long period of meditation and making a star mark with burning torch flame on the hull…and power of elder sign will protect you. This will not harm enemies but will repel them. Also, sacrifice part of your life force!
Can we cut one from a wreck!?
Necklace – protects from curse of deep ones but must be worn all of time. Incantation, repeating in strange language and drains temporary life force.
MaGee offers a silent prayer that he’s not going to get cursed, just yet.
Listen rolls – They hear rhythmic chanting. Amelia is terrified. Mort is screaming he wants to be let out. He’s tied up. Morello helps him up and Ed and I cosh him. I barely scuff him but Ed clobbers him and knocks him sparko!
Drag him out to the jetty McNifey covers us. Leave him there. I kick him for good measure. Scum bag.
McNifey spots something in the waves that swamps over jetty. Was there a webbed hand that reached up and dragged him in? Surely he’d have got washed up?
Swear I hear “Thanks again!”
Is wind calming down? Feeling of relief.
Starts uttering Hail Marys for cold blooded killing. I’m forgiven…I always am.
The chanting also stops.
23:40 hours – On The Shore Of Sable Island
Pruett’s story full of holes like a Gouda cheese. Can’t read him but know it’s bullshit.
Berkeley gives him 3rd degree.
Morello threatens with putting him in cage with Deep One. He shits himself.
Pruetts had the “Sea Curse” put on him by Sloane. Had to do his bidding. Told to take a big boat to Atlantic City. What was he collecting?
Had to wear chain and do ritual.
Describe Sloane ….acts like a kingpin, nice suit, champagne and tough guys. He cast spell and says your mine now or the swimmers will get you… Somehow Sloane has learned about sea curse and Deep Ones. Pruetts tells us there’s an elder sign on bottom of boat.
McNifey calls a meeting. Can’t we get Pruett to do another elder sign on BeauRegarde? But we also attempt to cut out “Elder Sign” from “The Falmouth”, by listing it and cutting out from inside. Also discuss Hyman Abrams and Joseph Linsey. Solomon bound to find out. We need a plan. Does Joseph Linsey come clean to Solomon or do we offer them a way out for part of their stash. Certain that King will kill Joseph Linsey. We get some sleep but keep Pruett with us as he’s valuable.

Wednesday 1st April 1925 – Sable Island:
20:00pm – On The Shore Of Sable Island
Still on Sable Island, we join Vincenzo The Cherry Morello and Berkely, up top on the Falmouth’s deck; the prickly heat of adrenalin ebbs away, giving up to the numbing tidal warmth that only survival and victory bequeath.
We chain smoke and chatter excitedly. Even Berkely is animated, allowing his Southern drawl to leach out into the fat chewing.
We have proved ourselves warriors tonight and I know that Solomon will hear about it soon enough. He certainly won’t be quibbling about no grand a day now.
We get back to work.
Berkely looks for clues in the wheelhouse. Checking for the linear clues plotted on charts and any written notes in the ship’s log.
Morello is tasked with moving a small fortunes worth of artillery and mortar shells away from the fire still smouldering on deck. Raul DeMoulin and Claude willingly assist, perhaps awed by the precision and devastating effect of our tactics. In the process Morello mercifully hastens the end of those suckers still bleeding out.
Ed then joins us downstairs in the bridal suite, where he stares nonplussed at the caged monstrosity; but seemingly he does not fear the creature behind the bars. Instead he jaws on about fish and evolution and lizards and dinosaurs.
Ed: “Jeez, we got our very own Darwin on board!”
Ed puts his ear close to the cage.
Ed: “I swear this thing is murmuring or breathing. Or maybe it’s chanting or something.”
Cage has been built around it in the cabin.
Teeth and claws of a deep sea fish.
It is observant and reacts to threat of a gun…Ed.
Check boat for clues. Keys on shot man in wheel house.
Ed takes log book.
Opens a locked cabin door, then wait. McNifey and me throw open door, young man on floor, tied to chair and gagged. Been badly beaten, broken jaw missing teeth head wounds tortured. Coughs out Jacob Stewart(Pruett)? McNifey unties him. Jacob flinches,

Reveals he’s the real captain. The pirates killed all his crew ‘wanted to know where the gold was’. There wasn’t any. His cargo was the deep one. Where did you get Shanghaid? Off coast of New England on 3 launches were taking on water. Very Fishy?
Maine to Florida booze run. Taking Deep One to a carney in Atlantc City.
Who’s your fishy friend? McNifey.
You mean someone ordered it? How the hell dya get it in a cage. Peter Sloane (carney guy) organised it. It was drugged in a sack, caged it then took off sack.
Average guy introduced by Wiseacre from Providence, Rhode Island – known bootlegger (BM successful Boston Lore).
Sloane found the Deep One at a Carney after it had been run out of town found in Newburyport, New England near Innsmouth.

Morello keeps talking about skin conditions and freeing it.
Ed goes to get Amelia out.
Search Capts cabin, Hollowed out book – 3 sets hand written notes.
- Keeping the Deep One bad luck off you – lots of gold fish linked together in a chain + notes. Strange words written.
- Protecting the boat, Elder Sign, from Deep Ones.
- Using the Gold Necklace.
Keeping Bad Luck Off
This instructs a person who has already bonded with a Gold Necklace how to maintain its benefits. At least once in every 24 hour period a series of chants must be uttered for around five minutes to reinvigorate the properties of the necklace.
If this is not done then at the next rising of the moon the effects will cease. The wearer needs to hold the necklace with both hands while chanting. Once the chant is finished the Gold Necklace will feel slightly warm for a few seconds. Some degree of temporary lifeforce is expended during the process. (In game terms this takes 1d3 magic points to cast)
Protecting the Boat
This seems to be a set of instructions on how to inscribe a thing referred to as an Elder Sign on any flat surface. It seems to involve continuous chanting for around an hour at the end of which the person chanting will draw a vaguely star shaped inscription with an eye in its centre. Once drawn the chanter then invests some of his own life force to activate the symbol.
Once activated it lasts forever or until the surface on which it I is inscribed, a wall or floor or any flat surface, is destroyed.
While it will not harm certain less powerful creatures it will repel them.
Note that this not a shield of any kind. If worn around the neck for instance, only the portion of flesh directly behind the symbol is actually protected. The rest of the body can still be struck.
“Its decoration was rather in the shape of a star in the centre of which appeared to be a caricature of a single giant eye, but it was not an eye, rather a broken lozenge in shape with certain lines suggestive of flames or perhaps a solitary pillar of flame.” (August Derleth)
(In game terms it takes 2 permanent points of power to cast. A considerable sacrifice)
Using The Gold Necklace
These notes describe how to use charms to remove bad from things such as a Gypsy Curse or a broken mirror before a voyage.
It seems to involve the rhythmic chanting of some strange words. The language seems completely different to the words chanted to create an Elder Sign.
Firstly one must have a Gold Necklace with a design of interlinked fish.
One needs to “BOND” with the Necklace to make it their own.
This involves hours of chanting while holding the necklace.
At the end of this time the wearer will be lightheaded and the Necklace will feel slightly warm.
This shows the chant has worked completing the bond.
The lightheadedness is the result of the wearer now having a permanently reduced life force.
The notes do not state how this protection works but it must be renewed via a different chant on a daily basis.
Call me soft but….
McNifey tosses me key to Deep One cage….It says Thank You!! Lose 1 San!
Amelia declares her 100k was cash, Canadian Gold Maple Leaf coins. Seems scared of Berkely (who also has all charts etc.)
Deep One swims off, but before he does he seems to salute me. Seen by one of McCoys crew.
Everyone goes ashore as getting too dangerous on board various craft.
Berkely expounds theory of inverse evolution…latent fish genes…blah…mutation…blah…..Mr Hyde …Blah.
If the good Lord willed it…blah…blah…Holy Mary….blah.
Boat used by the Mercenarys is called Auralias.
Military and Pruett plus McCoy and injured bosun go to one hut. We with prisoners.
We start to interrogate two prisoners Mort and Mick (wet).
Mort: “You don’t know what you’r e getting into.”
Mort: “The doom is coming!! Only the gut with the gold is protected they get you when you sleep, swim or sail. I want it for me don’t what Sloane wants it for.”
We tracked Sloane via his agent. He told us what boat the gold was on.
I was a wise guy, busted heads hurt people. Now I’sm spending my time inlibraries, churches…who knw I’d be a choir, I can even speak Latin. Broke one too many heads…must have been a gypsy ..this women gypsy cursed me, near Newburyport. We’re middlemen robbing bootleggers of hooch. Strangedreams including deep ones…then I saw it on the boat.
Innsmouth is a bad place…Father Jericho said so when I confided in him about the terrible dreams and the Deep Ones. Bad things happen there. Priest told me about the gold chain, he’d studied it. Just needed one last score…hahahahaha…we piss ourselves.
Didn’t care about Jacob…cold…business is business…plenty get iced in this business.

I just wanna stay awake. Dreams – tied to stone a reef somewhere…the priest said it was Black Devil Rock. Been excommunicated for killing a priest so last resot speaking to Farther Jericho.
Mick: “You risk our lives to come out here for a shitty gold chain…you dirty mook.”
I want to kill the bastard too….bad dreams?…time to go to sleep. It’s what God would want.
Lighthouses are both working.
Ed notices Amelia and she is neutral mode. He cross examines her…
Ed: “Time for bullshit to stop…you know what that thing is…don’t you?”
Amelia: “They call themselves Deep Ones’….The are very old/ancient. Mostly in South Seas. Butsome traders in Innsmouth traded. One of them brought back a wife, Deep One, and that’s when things started changing and the people began changing bout 100 years ago.”
Amelia: “They talk to me in dreams and I want the sea all around me…One in particular. it makes me serene and at peace. I wanted to come to Sable regardless.”
Peter Sloane gave necklace to Pruett to protect his boat and the Deep One. It’s why Jacob didn’t break under pressure. Understood importance of the golden chain.

Final destination Sloane wanted?
Neither Ed nor Morello know Deep One has jumped ship. Or about necklace. Storm’s got worse.
Boat course out of Portland onwards to Atlantic City to drop off Sloane’s special package but nothing about Florida with hooch.
McNifey: “So why ship Canadian Club all the way to florida when they’ve got Cuban rum to hand?’ Don’t add up.”
Who was contact in Atlantic City?
MaGee: “why were you ready to attack on sable?”
Mort: “My men were spooked…our launches had been burrowed through from below. I was cursed…they were going to get me. I needed to get Sloane’s necklace.”
MaGee poopoo’s this crazy talk. But there aren’t any reefs near where the launches were. Duh duh dunnn.
Mort’s Log Book Mc Nifey – Tallies with info given and says will meet carney agent. Dollar bill cut diagonally is verifier. “Gentleman Loser” bar at 8pm everyday. Reserved Booth in window at back. Whoever this mystery is they know what creature is.
Notes on boat protection. Describes ritual involving long period of meditation and making a star mark with burning torch flame on the hull…and power of elder sign will protect you. This will not harm enemies but will repel them. Also, sacrifice part of your life force!
Can we cut one from a wreck!?
Necklace – protects from curse of deep ones but must be worn all of time. Incantation, repeating in strange language and drains temporary life force.
MaGee offers a silent prayer that he’s not going to get cursed, just yet.
Listen rolls – They hear rhythmic chanting. Amelia is terrified.
Mort is screaming he wants to be let out. He’s tied up. Morello helps him up and Ed and I cosh him.
I barely scuff him but Ed clobbers him and knocks him sparko!
Drag him out to the jetty McNifey covers us. Leave him there. I kick him for good measure. Scum bag.
McNifey spots something in the waves that swamps over jetty. Was there a webbed hand that reached up and dragged him in? Surely he’d have got washed up?
Swear I hear “Thanks again!”
Is wind calming down? Feeling of relief.
Starts uttering Hail Marys for cold blooded killing. I’m forgiven…I always am.
The chanting also stops.

23:40pm – On The Shore Of Sable Island
Pruetts story full of holes like a Gouda cheese. Can’t read him but know it’s bullshit.
Berkely gives him 3rd degree.
Morello threatens with putting him in cage with Deep One. He shits himself.
Pruetts had the “Sea Curse” put on him by Sloane. Had to do his bidding. Told to take a big boat to Atlantic City. What was he collecting?
Had to wear chain and do ritual.
Describe Sloane ….acts like a kingpin, nice suit, champagne and tough guys.
He cast spell and says your mine now or the swimmers will get you…
Somehow Sloane has learned about sea curse and Deep Ones.
Pruetts tells us there’s an elder sign on bottom of boat.
McNifey calls a meeting. Can’t we get Pruett to do another elder sign on BeauRegarde.
But we also attempt to cut out “Elder Sign” from “The Falmouth”, by listing it and cutting out from inside.
Also discuss Hyman Abrams and Joseph Linsey. Solomon bound to find out. We need a plan.
Does Joseph Linsey come clean to Solomon or do we offer them a way out for part of their stash.
Certain that King will kill Joseph Linsey.
We get some sleep but keep Pruett with us as he’s valuable.