NPCs & Major Characters Of Note:
Major Characters of Runedardath and the Surounding Areas.
Major Characters Of FAERÛN
Dumathoin (DOO-muh-THOE)
God – Dwarf – Male
Dumathoin (pronounced: DOO-muh-THOE), was the patron of Shield Dwarves, and the Dwarven Deity of Mining and Underground Exploration and was known as the “Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain”. He was also the protector of the Dwarven Dead. His Holy Symbol was a cut, faceted Gem inside a mountain. In the Quiet Years (so called because the pounding of Dwarven picks in the mines and hammers on the forgestone had yet to break the still silence of the earth)
Dumathoin (doo-muh-thoe-in) prepared the Mountains for the coming of the Shield Dwarves. Named as their patron by Moradin himself, the Mute Deity set Veins of Precious Metals where they might one day be intercepted and invented countless colors for countless Gems to beautify his chosen earthly realm. When first his charges came they carved into his creation, marring its inherent beauty and sending Dumathoin into a fretful state of wrath. In time, however, he saw how the Dwarves forged his Metal into artful Weapons and Crafts, and how they cut and set his Gems into works of great refinement. These crafts pacified Dumathoin and filled him with pride. Now, the Keeper of Secrets under the Mountain ensures the safety of Miners, bends Precious Mineral Veins toward Shield Dwarf Habitations, and Safeguards the Sanctity of his beautiful Realm.
King Korin Ironaxe’s action was precipitated by a vision revealed to him by Dumathoin. That vision depicted the Crown of Daurvos dissolving amidst a Fountain of Bilious Acid that then spread into the surrounding lands. Korin Ironaxe mustered up a small band of Stout Folk (including both Shield Dwarves and an Gnomes) from Waterdeep and the Forlorn Hills to retake the halls of Runedardath, but has not been heard from.
Major Characters Of RUNEDARDATH
King Korin Ironaxe
Fighter – Dwarf – Male
Korin Ironaxe is one of the major characters and is the elder of the younger brothers of the king of Runedardath Under Mount Illefarn Derval Ironeater. Circa 1257 DR the king decided that their numbers were no longer sufficient to survive in those tunnels and ordered his clan to the surface where they integrated themselves into the populations of Daggerford, Secomber and Waterdeep.
One year ago, three years after the Death of Thoss Fyurnen, Korin Ironaxe, younger brother of Derval and Dervin, and his Kin planned a return to Mount Illefarn to reclaim the hold of their Ancestors. Although he had long been haunted by the decision of his Clan to abandon their Ancestral Clanhold, Korin Ironaxe’s action was precipitated by a vision revealed to him by Dumathoin, Dwarven Deity of Mining, Underground Exploration, and Shield Dwarves, Keeper of Secrets Under the Mountain. That vision depicted the Crown of Daurvos dissolving amidst a fountain of Bilious Acid that then spread into the surrounding lands. Korin Ironaxe mustered up a small band of Stout Folk (including both Shield Dwarves and an Azerblood) from Waterdeep and the Forlorn Hills to retake the Halls of Runedardath, but has not been heard from.
Queen Iggvia Snowstone
Fighter – Dwarf – Female
Iggvia Snowstone comes from the North and is a Gold Dwarf.
Gold Dwarves, also known as Hill Dwarves, were the aloof, confident and sometimes proud subrace of Dwarves that predominantly came from the Great Rift. They were known to be particularly Stalwart Warriors and Shrewd Traders. Gold Dwarves were often trained specifically to battle the horrendous aberrations that were known to come from the Underdark.
In contrast with their Shield Dwarf brethren, the Gold Dwarves largely kept their Kingdom, the Deep Realm, intact and held strong against the assaults of other races. Gold Dwarves could also be found in the Smoking Mountains as well as the Giant’s Run Mountains West of the Vilhon Reach.
Gorn The Rune Caster
Cleric (Moradin) – Dwarf – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Cleric (Moradin) – Dwarf – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Ibin “The Scorcher“ Azerkyn
Cleric (Dugmaren Brightmantle) – Dwarf – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Kealea “The Lucky“ of Torstultok
Fighter/Cleric (Haela Brightaxe) – Dwarf – Female
Kealea “The Lucky” of Torstultok is a NEW member of the Ironaxe Clan that has taken control of Runedardath under Mount Illefarn. Kealea “The Lucky” of Torstultok is of the Gold Dwarves and arrive at Runedardath at the request of King Korin Ironaxe and was accompanied by 20 Battle-hardened Dwarven defenders.
Born in the Year of Storms (1310 DR), Kealea “The Lucky” of Torstultok is a devout follower of Haela Brightaxe. She has a sprite-like face and laughing green eyes, but keeps her beard shaved and wears her auburn hair in a tangle of braids. Kealea lives her life with wild abandon, charging into battle with her flaming Hammer held aloft.
When not fighting, she relishes rich foods, dark ale, and flirting outrageously with every male (particularly King Korin Ironaxe, who finds her intimidating, to say the least) who crosses her path. When she learned of King Korin Ironaxe’s foolhardy plan to reclaim Runedardath with even fewer Dwarves than held it at the time it was abandoned, Kealea “The Lucky” of Torstultok rushed to Daggerford when called on by the King. Now that the Stout Folk’s numbers have begun to wane, Kealea “The Lucky” of Torstultok is the primary voice for not giving up the fight.
Illusionist – Gnome – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Illusionist – Gnome – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
The Black Dragon Of Runedardath
? – Black Dragon – ?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Major Characters Of KELTHAS THE DREAD
Kelthas The Dread
Necromancer – Human – Male
Kelthas the Dread is one of the major characters and is a major character and a self-styled Wearer of the Purple of the Black Brew cell, is a gaunt, green eyed, dusky-hued human of Tethyrian descent who smells of an open grave. He wears his dark black hair in a thick, braided coil from the nape of his neck on down his back, leaving the rest of his shaved head adorned with mystic tattoos. He carries a Zalantar (Dark wood) quarterstaff and a Dagger made from the tooth of a Black Dragon.
Kelthas the Dread is a cunning survivor, seeing the exploitation of the Undead as a path to utter power. He does truly accept as true the teachings of Sammaster, but interprets them in the most self-serving way possible.
Kelthas the Dread maintains his rule over those who follow him through a combination of inflexible dogmatism and snake-like charm. Kelthas the Dread will gladly make a deal with anyone who wants to make one with him, but his word is good only as long as it suits him.
Wizard – Human – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Wizard – Human – Female
Karri is a member of Kelthas the Dread’s band of villans. First encountered in Runedardath, Karri has now been killed by Mirafir twice.
Karri has now been reincarnated as a Half-Elf and appears to be commanding the Evil forces that are maintaining an close eye on the Trade Way.
The Adventurers last battle, with the Goblin Riders, Orcs a Cleric and Wizard, resulted in Karri escaping South-East towards Dragonspear Castle.
Mirafir has now killed Karri twice now and this is a reincarnation as a Half-Elf, possibly as punishment.
Karri “2.0″
Wizard – Half-Elven – Female
Karri has now become one of the major characters and maybe a thorn in Mirafir’s plans judging by the way she has been brought back so many times now. A member of Kelthas the Dread’s band of villans. First encountered in Runedardath, Karri has now been killed by Mirafir twice.
Karri has now been reincarnated as a Half-Elf and appears to be commanding the Evil forces that are maintaining an close eye on the Trade Way.
The Adventurers last battle, with the Goblin Riders, Orcs a Cleric and Wizard, resulted in Karri escaping South-East towards Dragonspear Castle.
Mirafir has now killed Karri twice now and this is a reincarnation as a Half-Elf, possibly as punishment.
Wizard – Human – Male
Duggwell is not one of the major characters and thought to be dead, but then so was Karri, twice before; and was the lover and companion to Karri. Duggwell Was killed by Mirafir.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Jorykul, Bone Dancer of Myrkul
Cleric (Shargaas) – Half-Orc – Male
A powerful Cleric and soon to be one of the major characters in our small play. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Cleric (Shargaas) – Half-Orc – Female
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Cleric (Ilneval) – Half-Orc – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Wartsnak Direlord (Demon)
Demon – Male
Orc leader Wartsnak Direlord one of the major characters brought manly Orcs and even more Goblins from the High Moor along with several Hill Trolls and a band of Ogres.
Wartsnak led his followers into Runedardath, under Nount Illefarn, after hearing the story handed down from
his ancestors about an entrance in the side of the mountain. Wartsnak Direlord and his many followers entered a few months before King Korin Ironaxe’s group of Dwarves and Gnomes. They had just settled down and were beginning to seriously explore when the Dwarves arrived.
Wartsnak had no interest in sharing Runedardath, and its treasures, with anyone. His followers attacked anything not Orcish that enters. That was until Wartsnak Direlord met with Kelthas Direlord and there began an uneasy partnership between the two Evil forces. Why his forces now paint red horns on his Clan Banners can only surgest the worst.
Cleric (Gruumsh) – Orc – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Cleric (Yurtrus) – Orc – Male
Not one of the major characters but may have thier part to play for good or ill. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Cleric (Maglubiyet) – Goblin – Male
Not one of the major characters but may have thier part to play for good or ill. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Cleric (Khurgorbaeyag) – Goblin – Female
Not one of the major characters but may have thier part to play for good or ill. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Major Characters Of ADREEP FOREST
Sir Elorfindar Floshin of the House of Long Silences
Fighter/Wizard – Elven (Gold Elf) – Male
Sir Elorfindar Floshin Gold Elf Male. In keeping with their usual preference for open spaces, there are very few Elves living in Daggerford. However, some do work as foresters and hunters in the surrounding territory. Mostly, they are Moon Elves.
However, Sir Elorfindar Floshin is a Gold Elf, with a friendly interest in Humans who decided to stay when most of the Fallen Kingdom moved out a thousand years ago and so becomes one of the major characters. His father had been one of the elves instrumental in inviting humans in to aid the Fallen Kingdom and Elorfindar feels a family responsibility to watch over the humans. Sir Elorfindar’s estate is between Waterdeep and Daggerford and he has served the humans of the Waterdeep area in his fashion for centuries. His Gold Elven wife stayed with him in his self-imposed exile and died two hundred years ago after presenting him with four children over six centuries. He has since taken three Human wives from the nobility of Waterdeep and had several more children.
Since he took up residence among humans, Sir Elorfindar has employed several Moon Elves in his retinue who have both bred among themselves and with Humans. Many of both Elorfindar’s and his followers Children have stayed with the Noble Elf, but others have made their own way in the area as Adventurers, Soldiers, and even Farmers and Craftsmen.
Sir Elorfindar has also always been a good friend of his close neighbour, the Duke of Daggerford. He no longer teaches Magic, but his three Magic- using Children do, as do their descendants and his other followers.
Shalamrae Floshin
Wizard – Elven (Gold Elf) – Female
Shalamrae Floshin was Elorfindar Floshin first wife and “One true love” Shalamrae, a Gold Glf Wizardress, remained within him in his self-imposed exile, but died tragically in a Lighting storm in the Year of the Mesmer Pool (1186 DR).
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Thier four children are:
Darfin “Longwalker” Floshin
Wizard/Fighter – Elven (Gold Elf) – Male (Elorfindar’s Heir)
Darfin “Longwalker” Floshin has never married nor does he have any children.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Filvendor “Lightfoot” Floshin
Wizard/Fighter/Thief – Elven (Gold Elf) – Male
Filvendor “Lightfoot” Floshin has married twice and had two known sons (only one through marriage): Kelson “Darktreader” Floshin and Filarion “Filvendorson” Floshin.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Shalendra “Dare-All” Floshin
Cavalier – Elven (Gold Elf) – Female
Shalendra “Dare-All” Floshin married a Gold Elf named Maeriloumel Torandrar and had one Son.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Elorshin “Highthought” Floshin
Wizard/Cleric () – Elven (Gold Elf) – Male
Elorshin “Highthought” Floshin has never married, but he has had many Human and Half-Elven lovers. He is unaware of any Children.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Major Characters Of SECOMBER
Baron Agwain Delantar
Cavalier – Human – Male
Baron Agwain Delantar, not one of the major characters, Male Illuskan Human Aged 32, is the lord of Delantar, a Barony on the Northern bank of the River Delimbiyr, between Secomber and the Forlorn Hills, that includes the village of Julkoun, Athgard Keep, and a few farming hamlets.
Baron Agwain is the epitome of the dashing Cavalier, with handsome good looks, a thick head brown hair, an Aquiline visage, and piercing blue eyes. The oldest of four brothers, Agwain was raised to inherit the office of Baron by his father, who died several years ago battling Trolls along the Northern edge High Moor, along with one of his younger brothers.
Agwain fought with honor during the Dragonspear War on behalf of the Lords’ Alliance, and he is now hard at work establishing his authority throughout the Barony of Delantar. Agwain’s counselors have been pushing him to marry and have children of his own, so he was delighted when Lady Bronwyn replied to his initial letter after the kidnapping. Their secret courtship proceeded quickly, and Agwain is delighted both by her company and by the prospect of such a prestigious match.
Amelior Amanitas (The Sage of SECOMBER)
Wizard – Human – Male
Amelior Amanitas (pronounced: ah-ME-lee-or ah-mah-NEE-tass) was a Male Human Wizard and the Sage of Secomber.
An eccentric busy-body and an altogether nosy individual, Amelior’s curiosity often rubbed folk the wrong way. Although bumbling and forgetful, he was also good-natured and straightforward with those he had dealings with.
Amelior Amanitas is a 6-ft (1.8-m) tall, Stocky man with a Grey Beard. Although he wore Spectacles, he also wore a variety of Eye Patches over the other, each Patch adorned in fanciful colours or decorations. His garb was generally that of a common craftsman.
Eryn Lashir
Ranger – Elven (Wood Elf) – Male
Eryn Lashir may prove to be one of the major characters in his way and as a (Wood Elf) is of Misty Forest Elf descent. Many years ago he led a trading expedition past Daggerford. While he was there, he met Kira Roven, a beautiful Elven woman living with an Elf family in Daggerford.
They fell in love, but Kira Roven’s people would not let her go to the Misty Forest with her lover, and the Elves wouldn’t let Kira Roven live among them in the Misty Forest. When Mirafir Roven was born, Eryn Lashir sent for his son, Mirafir Roven, because he wanted his son raised among his people.
Kira Roven refused and raised Mirafir Roven alone ever since. Eryn Lashir and Kira Roven, not surprisingly, came to dislike Elves from Misty Forest.
Dwergrim Greenleaf
Druid – Human – Male
Dwergrim Greenleaf is a Human Druid who lived in and around Secomber, but was fist encountered when the party is approached by an old man dressed in tattered but comfortable clothes. He pleasantly identified as Dwergrim Greenleaf and was quite oviously mad.
The Misty Forest and Secomber were the areas protected by Dwergrim Greenleaf before the coming of the Black Dragon to Runedardath Under Mount Illefarn, this may be a clue as to why Dwergrim Greenleaf went mad.
In the depths of the Misty Forest lies a Druid Grove and Pool sacred to Eldath the Green Goddess. Legend holds that worshipers of the Goddess of Singing Waters may visit Eldath’s True Grove before their deaths by entering the pool’s clear, crystalline waters. Like other locations sacred to Eldath around
Faerûn, the waters are said to contain a portal to the True Grove.
Dygath Hornspar
Rogue – Human – Male
Dygath Hornspar played his part but is not one of the major characters in this tale. His plain face is eminently forgettable, and he is of middling height. His build is lean and muscular. He wears his grey-streaked black hair pulled back in a loose braid and wears a thin goatee. Dygath is at home in the wilderness, favouring sweat-stained Studded Leather Armour and his handcrafted Long Bow.
Dygath Hornspar was Baron Cromm’s Huntmaster, responsible for dealing with dangerous predators in the vicinity of Redhand Keep. Dygath Hornspar is a natural Hunter who acquired a taste for hunting sentient creatures during the Dragonspear War. He returned a decorated war veteran whose courage and martial skill were unquestioned.
Dygath Hornspar is now in the service of Baron Agwain Delantar and live in the Village of Secomber.
Major Characters Of LAUGHING HOLLOW
King Melandrach
Fighter/Druid – Elven (Wild Elf) – Male
Melandrach is one of the major characters and is the king of the Misty Forest long before 1344 DR.
Around 1347 DR, Melandrach fought with an Adventuring party against Goblin bands near Daggerford and later helped the Adventurers to enter Runedardath under Mount Illefarn.
For a long time, he opposed the Retreat, thinking it was a rash decision. His cautious nature proved a problem in his rapport with his more impetuous sons Neronvain and Alagarthas, which ended with his son Neronvain being exiled. It was his prudence, however, that convinced the Elves of his kingdom and of the High Forest kingdom to send him as their main delegate to the High Council of Waterdeep in year 1489 DR.
Deldrach Longarrow
Ranger/Bard – Elven (Wild Elf) – Female
Deldrach Longarrow is a long-time resident of the Laughing Hollow, an honorary member of the Araevae’Delimbiyra, and considered one of the Free Folk by the Satyrs to which She claims distant kinship.
She is also a descendent of Melandrach, albeit separated by many
generations. Deldrach resembles a Half-Wild Elf in appearance, with pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes, and favors the Pan Pipes of a Satyr.
Í gegnum margra ára rannsóknir hefur Deldrach sett saman nánast alla texta og tónlist hins forna söngljóðs Illefarni,
„Raddir hinna týndu“, sem gerir hana að eina lifandi verunni sem er fær um að fara hina fornu söngleið Illefarni.
Major Characters Of GILLIAN’S HILL
Torleth Mindulspee
Wizard (Talos) – Human – Male
Torleth Mindulspeer was one of the major characters yet acted alone is a tall, cadaverously thin man of dry wit and a gloomy manner. He favours long, dark grey robes his torso and limbs.
Torleth Mindulspeer manages Torleth’s Treasures, a crammed shop of oddities in Gillian’s Hill found south of Daggerford. He buys junk from visitors and sells it to others.
His shop isa large, ramshackle old barn that has been extended in random directions by diverse hands over many years. Its floor and roof changed level often and alarmingly, and a forest of rough tree trunks studded with pegs held merchandise here, there, and everywhere held up the roof.
Major Characters of CROMM’S HOLD
Baron Victor Cromm
Fighter – Human – Male
Baron Victor Cromm ruled over Cromm’s Hold which was located about 15 miles (24.1 kilometers) from Daggerford. The Stone Keep was rather short and squat. It was encircled by a stone wall. Baroness Wynne Cromm served as the lady of the hold.
Around the 10th Day of the Rottening, 1361 DR, Cromm’s Hold was assaulted by the Blue Feather band of Lizardfolk. During the raid they killed the Son of Baron Cromm. The Baron marched into the Lizard Marsh seeking revenge, but was ultimately slain by a Ceratosaurus.
With the death of the Braon and her only Son, Baroness Wynne Cromm could no longer lay clain to Cromm’s Hold and thus no longer served as the lady of the hold and she move to Secomber with the last of her household and servents.
Major Characters of THE LIZARD MARSH
Wizard – Lizardman – Male
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
2 Black Dragon Wyrmlings
? – Black Wyrmling – ?
These tiny creatures are not of the major characters that the Adventurers need to worry about, or are they? Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Major Characters of THE LIZARD MARSH
Murhautha Venerable Black Dragon
Murhautha – Black Dragon – Female
One of the major characters that are hidden and only play in the bigger game of life. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Major Characters of THE WAY INN
Dauravyn Redbeard
Fighter – Human – Male
Dauravyn Redbeard is the owner and innkeeper who lives on the Sword Coast in the mid–14th century DR. Dauravyn was an Adventurer until his retirement. He spent his later years managing The Way Inn, which was located near Dragonspear Castle.
In the Year of the Wyvern, 1363 DR, his Inn was menaced by the Hordes of Dragonspear, so he joined the Daggerford army. Unfortunately, during the fighting, the Ancient Black Dragon Maelestor Rex leveled the Inn. It was later rebuilt thanks to the sponsorship of several Merchant families based in Waterdeep.
The Adventurers have met Dauravyn Redbeard once when they were on Caravan Duty and he introduce them to Meldar Farwander, his Daughter Delora Sharpeye and the 3 herders Ian, Finn and Dooley.
Major Characters of BOWSHOT
Leandra Hillborn
Rogue – Human – Female
Leandra Hillborn is the Bowshot Inn owner and innkeeper who lives on the Sword Coast in the mid–14th century DR.
Leandra Hillbornis was a scout for the Daggerford army and fought in the Year of the Wyvern, 1363 DR, against the Hordes of Dragonspear.
Leandra Hillborn was a decorated soldier whilst serving in the Daggerford army and served in the same detachment as, now Commander, Sherlen Spearslayer and both are known to frequent the River Shining Tavern once a year.
The Adventures do not know anything about Leandra Hillborn as the two times they passed by Bowshot they never stopped inside the village or vistited The Bowshot Inn.
Major Characters of LIAM’S HOLD
Randal Fasthands
Ranger – Human – Male
Randal Fasthands is the current landlord of the “Holdfast Inn”. He is Formal, always wears clean clothes but appears to have a poor constitution and bares a sickly, pale complexion. He is a quite man and prone to predictions of doom when asked. However, he is great with children and is much loved by those in Liam’s Hold.
Randal Fasthands was know for his Dexterity being lithe, agile, graceful and foolhardy bravery when fighting for the Daggerford Army during the Dragonspear Castle Wars. Once the war was over he decided to take up the Landlordship of the Holdfast Inn.
Loves to say he spends time in Liam’s Hold to show others that “Towns and cities are the best places for those who can’t survive on their own.”
Built into the ground floor of the tower, this stone inn is drafty and cold, but the attentive staff take great effort to make it comfortable and inviting. This inn consists of Liam’s tower, full of ornately carved stone stairs and arched windows. The tower has three two-story-high wings stretching out from it. Two stand along the parapet walls of the Hold, and the third (the kitchen and pantries) joins the stables, enfolding the inn’s entry courtyard. All of the inn is built of stone.
The halls are carpeted against the chill with furs atop rushes, and the bedchambers sport floor furs, window hangings to keep out cold breezes, and curtained and canopied beds. Service at the Holdfast is attentive, with warming pans placed in the beds on cold nights, a nightkiss drink at bedside without charge, plentiful wash water and towels, warming robes for guests, and generous, filling food. A stay at the Holdfast is an experience not to be missed. Many merchants specially arrange their travels so they can stop here and relax.
Major Characters of JULKOUN
Lee Yevershoulder
Bard – Halfling – Male
The Jester’s Pride was run by Lee Yevershoulder, who is helped by 6 delightfully Impish and Breathtakingly Beautiful Half-Elves all named Elsharee. Lee Yevershoulder is also helped by 4 Kobolds who she adopted named Leo, Ralph, Mikey and Donnie.
Dwarves, Gnomes, and Halflings all feel at home here along with Adventurers or Mercenary who would like hot water on their journey to Secomber from Daggerford or vice versa.
The Jester’s Pride is named for the Jester of Julkoun and is akin to a Halfling Hole or a Druid’s Roothouse in appearance. It is Dug out of a Hill-Side and planted over with a rock garden and rough stone walls. The roots of trees overhead curve across the ceilings, and many little round windows let in the light to the South.
Barmaid – Half-Elven (Moon Elf) – Female
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.
Major Characters of WATERDEEP
Thear Chessar
Thief-Acrobat – Dwarf – Female
Thear Chessar (THEER CHESS-ar) is a Dwarf of quixotic (extremely idealistic; unrealistic and impractical) nature who loves the fun and danger of stealing by night, from the rooftops. She is short and bearded (female dwarves are almost all bearded, though many shave).
Thear Chessar finds her appearance a useful disguise; with an Axe and Mail Shirt, no one suspects that she is a Thief, and few will reach a Rooftop to snitch Shirt or Axe while she’s in the building beneath, acquiring wealth (Gold is her favourite loot). Thear is good, resists greedy impulses to over-indulge at her Thievery, and likes to pick on visitors to the City (such as Adventurers). If caught, she might offer to train a Thief of lesser skills for free to make amends, but will otherwise have nothing to do with them, except to rob them whenever they bring home lots of Gold.
She has an uncanny ability to sense (90% of the time) when mechanical traps are present, even when actually finding or removing them is beyond her Skills, and will leave guarded treasure alone, to seek easier loot elsewhere. Thear will prove an elusive foe if chased, doubling back over sewers and rooftops until she can don Mail Shirt and Axe and become a “Typical Male” Dwarf drinking in a busy tavern.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean sollicitudin, massa a suscipit lacinia, lacus mi venenatis ipsum, sit amet finibus arcu ante in tortor.
Pellentesque quis fermentum leo. Nulla sit amet nisl id ligula suscipit dignissim et ac tortor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin ligula tellus, pretium et urna ut, sodales iaculis purus. Nulla at est quis augue imperdiet consequat.
Aliquam eget mauris ut lacus malesuada dignissim a et nisl. Morbi pellentesque pretium ullamcorper. Donec tincidunt nec ligula quis tempus. Curabitur suscipit nibh et eros consequat, quis enim commodo.