The Adventurers, and Sir Hector Ly, are in Strahd’s study. The Adventurerss are behind fireplace as Thora gets blasted through and Ismark is taken by 2 Barovian Witches.
Open door into Bell Tower and fight Skeletons and then Giant Siders. Galan (Slow Poison 3 Hours?) and Thora (Keoghtom’s Ointment cured) get bitten.
Find secret door to the Treasury and look out of the windows to get bearings.
Inside the cupola building is an Adamantine Fortress.
Galan takes Potion of Polymorph, checks the Magical Fortress found inside the small domed tower for Undead and Sir Ly Detects for Evil.
Galan finds Long Sword, Dragon Mace, Dragon Shield, Wolf Mace, Bag of Holding, 4 Potions of Extra-Healing and Sigune’s missing +3 Long Sword. The floors are coved by coins, on the first floor he finds Jewellery and on the ground floor are many Gems.
Meanwhile, Thora takes ‘Potion of Flying’ and carries Mirafir down the lift shaft to try and ‘Locate Object‘ on the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind. While Sir Hector Ly and the other stay behind.
Opening the trap door in the lift first (Sub-Level -1) and working their way up floors.
Mirafir senses nothing and he and Thora need to open the trap door to the 4th floor where the Witches were encountered by Father Tobias.
They see or hear nothing and continue up the new spiral stairs. 5th floor has a locked door that smells of cat piss.
Thora and Mirafir continue up. They reach the 6th floor and emerge onto a flat tower with a bridge connecting it to another tower that the PC’s have not been up or down. They see fire pits and an altar on the tower and can see that the bridge leads to another tower with stairs running up and down it wall.
They head back to Sir Hector Ly and the others.
Mirafir senses nothing and he and Thora need to open the trap door to the 4th floor where the Witches were encountered by Father Tobias. They see or hear nothing and continue up the new spiral stairs. 5th floor has a locked door that smells of cat piss. Thora and Mirafir continue up. They reach the 6th floor and emerge onto a flat tower with a bridge connecting it to another tower that the Adventurers have not been up or down. They see fire pits and an altar on the tower and can see that the bridge leads to another tower with stairs running up and down it wall. They head back.
Magic Items are divided up.
Dragon Shield and Mace (Father Tobias)
Wolf Mace (Thora)
Long Sword ‘Alexandra’ (Irena)
Bag of Holding (Galan)
4 Potions of Extra-Healing, one goes to Sir Hector Ly.
Thor fly’s up the lift shaft with Sir Hector Ly? Sigune uses her ‘Cloak of Arachnid’ and Father Tobias ‘Levitates’ up. Thora puts Sir Hector Ly down onto the worn carpet and it attacks, engulfing the 2 PC’s. Sigune and Father Tobias begin to hit the carpet damaging it and in turn damaging the Adventurers within. Galan turns into a fly and enters the room behind the door.
Galan can see a Vampire Spawn laying on a couch and looking out of an open window. After a while it looks around and locks onto the buzzing fly above the door. Galan fly’s back out after he sees that there is another door in this room which opens but nothing comes through, cackling can be heard.
Sigune is ‘Charmed’ by one Witch while the other casts ‘Magic Missile’ at Sir Hector Ly, both Witches were ‘Invisible’.
Next round Galan attacks the Witch that cast ‘Charm’ while Sir Ly attacks the one that cast ‘Magic Missile’ at him.
Galan hits his Witch once but she is still up, the other cast ‘Mirror Image’ and another 5 Witches appear, Sir Hector Ly try to hit and misses and Thora ‘Fly’s’ into the room above the Melee. Galan kills his Witch, Sigune holds back as she was told not to attack by the Witch, Sir Hector Ly hits a copy, and Thora hits a copy as does Father Tobias. 3 copies and the original Witch left, she goes first and she hits Sir Hector Ly again with ‘Magic Missiles’ and he is killed.
The copies and last Witch are all dispatched. 2 Rings are found on them.
Father Tobias casts ‘Resurrection’ from the Magic Scroll and brings Sir Hector Ly back with no adverse effects and at full strength.
The room is a sitting room, plush yet faded and worn. The room next to it is a bedroom with a small adjoining cupboard. Galan checks for tracks and find some coming in and out of the cupboard, yet they don’t appear to continue through the wall via a secret door. Sigune points out the secret door may be in the ceiling.
Sigune ‘Spider-Climb’, Father Tobias ‘Levitate’ and Thora ‘Flies’, carrying Frimly discuss sneaking up through the secret trap door while Sir Hector Ly, Galan and Mirafir head back out and up the stairs to the next floor dividing the party in two.
Father Tobias ‘Levitates’ up and he opens the trap door while checking for enemies in the room above. The room is a full of Potions and Spell Components. Frimly listens at the North-Eastern door and can hear Cackling behind it and the sound of something boiling and bubbling. He lets the other Adventurers know as he go over to check the North-Western door and can smell cat piss and hear light purring.
Sir Hector Ly, Galan Thora and Mirafir reach a 10’x 10’ landing in front of a door, behind which can be smelt cat piss. The door is locked and they start bashing the door.
At this sound Frimly takes out Thora’s ‘Oil of Fiery Burning’ and prepares to the throw it into the room with the Cackling, which had now gone silent. The door is open and Frimly throws it into the room setting fire to all the organic material in the room and also 3 dead Invisible Witches. 3 Rings are found on the Witches. Meanwhile, Sir Hector Ly, Galan Thora and Mirafir open the other door and 2 cats run out, one up and one down the stairs.
Galan and Frimly intend to silently move up to the next floor, using their Cloaks of Elvenkind, to the flat tower roof with the altar and fire pits.
When they get to the top they can see Ismark disembowelled on the altar with Irena also lying on the altar.
They move out, see that there is a bridge connecting to the widest tower in the castle which enters the tower halfway up.
They go and check Ismark and Irena and realise that she is wearing the Holy Symbol of Ravenkind.
As The other come up they are again attacked by 2 Invisible Witches, one cast ‘Magic Missile’ and the other ‘Stinking Cloud’. The Adventurers rush to attack the Witches who are both standing in front of the bridge. ‘Magic Missiles’ are cast by one, as is ‘Mirror Image’ by the other.
They are both killed and Frimly has used all but of of his ‘Magic Missile’s’ from his Wand.
All the Adventurers cross the bridge and enter the tower. They stand on a landing with stairs running along the edge of the walls. The PC’s take up their marching order and dead down towards the Catacombs.
As soon as Sigune touches the first step up, the Adventurers can see Halberds flying towards them. At the same time and above the Adventurers, a large Crystalline Dragons Heart begins to beat and glow red.
Galan fires at the Heart, Mirafir will cast ‘Magic Missile’ while the other deal with the Halberds. Galan Hit the Heart and Count Strahd can be heard to scream out and then call out, the Halberds all head toward Galan and so the other Adventurers either Parry or attack then. After a few rounds 3 Vampire Spawn appear and attack. They are all killed and spiked.
Frimly files up the tower to a room at the top containing a bed, chains, a ladder up to the roof and a chest. The chest is locked, trapped by a blade trap and contains a Crown. Frimly fly’s down to the PC’s and they all head down to Sub-Level -1 and Rahadin’s area.
Frimly ‘Fly’s’ around exploring as the party moves down. The 2nd floor level has an exit (WEST) to the main buildings battlements and a locked door (EAST) opening up to more battlements connecting the main building to the Garden area.
The 1st floor has an exit (WEST) to the inner wall defences and tower. Nothing of note found. Ground floor has an exit (WEST) again that leads to the inner wall defences and tower. Nothing of note found. There are also stairs in the middle of the floor heading down towards Rahadin’s area.

The Adventurers head down, check the cot rooms for secret doors but find none. The Adventurers enter the Butler’s Quarters, which is filled with destroyed Swords, as they intend to deal with the Skeletons while here.
Galan checks for Undead with the Sunsword and it glows both close to Rahadin’s room and by the Hall of Bones. The Adventurers decide to first enter Rahadin’s room but as they approach the Sunsword no longer glows and whatever was there had left.
The Adventurers decide to dispatch the entire Skeleton’s. Sigune opens the door and places one foot into the room. She feels the EVIL in this room; the un-consecrated ground will affect all and may remove the Paladin’s protection. Nothing happens and the Skeletons do not react. Thora tries and the nothing happens either. The Adventurers decide to leave this room for now.
The Adventurers head back to Rahadin’s room and Galan cannot detect Undead with the ‘Sunsword’. Inside they check for a Secret Door, find one and can now see that no one has been here since the Adventurers last left.
The Adventurerss open the Secret Door in Rahadin’s room and can now see that the 4 Giant Spiders, which had Sleep cast upon them by Mirafir, are no longer there. The 2 ‘Poisoned Darts’ belonging to Rahadin are found on the floor.
The Adventurers head down and engage the Giant Spider they know lurk above. The 4 Giant Spiders are killed but not before one bites Sir Hector Ly.
This is the 3rd Adventurer to be bitten.
Thora had the Poison Neutralised by Father Tobias using LAST dose of ‘Keoghtom’s Ointment’.
Galan had Slow Poison cast upon him by Father Tobias, 1 hour per level = 6 hours before the Poison activates again.
Sir Ly has 1 to 30 minutes before the Poison’s effect become apparent. The Adventurers take a breath at the bottom of the stairs and behind the Secret Door leading into the Brazier room.