Mirafir’s Tarokka Deck:
Here you will find Mirafir’s Tarokka Deck – The full 54 cards have been used by the Wizard of Daggerford for divine the fate of the party.
The Vistani have long been masters of fortune-telling. In the hands of a Vistani seer, a deck of tarokka cards can tell tales of the future and provide answers to many a dark and mysterious question.
Although the workmanship and artistic quality of the cards can vary from deck to deck, the ability of the cards to call forth information about the future is far more valuable than the monetary worth of a deck.
Anyone can craft a deck of Tarokka cards, but only someone of Vistani blood can imbue the cards with the gift of prophecy. Once they are crafted and empowered, they must be stored in accordance with ancient tradition, or they lose their efficacy. When not in use, Tarokka cards must be wrapped in silk and stored in a wooden box.
Mirafir’s Cards are used as a form of divination, which literally means working with the divine, or your higher self, which is the ultimate purpose of the cards, just like other Magical Arts.
Mirafir’s Cards gives the reader some understanding of the supposed influences of the Gods. Knowing the birth date and time of any person, the reader can study Mirafir’s Cards and then prepare a forecast of the future for that person. The reader’s insight into the future is limited to the next 30 days, and thier knowledge is vague at best.
If a successful card reading, using the cards is made, the reader can foresee some general event, a great battle, a friend lost, a new friendship made, etc. Note that the prediction does not guarantee the result–it only indicates the
potential result.

If Mirafir’s Cards be ture or not is in the hands of the Gods and the cards may either aid thr Wizard of Daggerford to divine the fate of the party or doom them all to a fate far worse than Death.