Having dealt with Vitaly Grishkin, Theological and Spiritual Advisor to the Petrograd Soviet and Adherent of Rasputin, and Woodbury DeNeilsen, Private Secretary of John Pierpont Morgan Jnr. Based at the Metropolitan club, we now have a short time to recover and contemplate all that we had accomplished.
We had recently been contacted by our old fried Jackson Elias and we are following all possible leads to find his current location.
Telegram sent to Irma by Jackson Elias
Jackson Elias was a good friend, although they’d not seen each other recently, shared a similar outlook and were of a similar generation. Whenever they met up it was a continuation of the last meeting and always enjoyed each other’s company.
Jackson had written several books on death cults investigating the Thugees of India, head-hunters in the Amazon basin, Central American and Mayan death cults, English Witch cults and had also published a series of interviews with cult leaders called The Black Power in 1921.
Irma was also very friendly with Jackson’s publisher, Jonah Kensington of Prospero Press New York City. Indeed if Irma hadn’t been shackled to Hearst, he could well have published some of his travelogues with Prospero instead.
H.P Lovecraft:
I had never heard the name NYARLATHOTEP before, but seemed to understand the allusion. Nyarlathotep was a kind of itinerant showman or lecturer who held forth in public halls and aroused widespread fear and discussion with his exhibitions. These exhibitions consisted of two parts — first, a horrible — possibly prophetic — cinema reel; and later some extraordinary experiments with scientific and electrical apparatus. As I received the letter, I seemed to recall that Nyarlathotep was already in Providence…. I seemed to remember that persons had whispered to me in awe of his horrors, and warned me not to go near him. But Loveman’s dream letter decided me…. As I left the house I saw throngs of men plodding through the night, all whispering affrightedly and bound in one direction. I fell in with them, afraid yet eager to see and hear the great, the obscure, the unutterable Nyarlathotep.
Hi, this is Joe.
Great work.